
Tiger Needs Wins for EA Deal to Make Sense

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Old 12-07-2010, 09:39 AM   #25
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Re: Tiger Needs Wins for EA Deal to Make Sense

Another interesting fun fact about Tigers marketing power.

I'm reading a book right not about Alex Ovechkin and I'm at a part where he signed with agent powerhouse IMG.
They use something called a DBI or Davie Brown Index.

Essentially, the DBI is a collection of polls, or survey's, from 1.5M people on how they view or feel about celebrities.
This index value is then calculated to give marketers an idea of how recognizable or powerful someone's marketing value is.
It's very rare for an athlete to be in the top 10 as those spots are usually taken up by singers or actors. Oprah, for example is at, or near the top.

In the book it's revealed through IMG that Tiger Woods was #9 on this list prior to last years incident. His 'brand' was worth millions because not only was his face and name recognizable to the entire planet, but people had a very favorable view of Tiger. They liked him.

Since the incident? He's now 2250. To put that in perspective, he's on the same level as Pamela Anderson and Pauly Shore for marketability. That's how far his stock has fallen.
IMG did some sample testing and found that people felt Tiger lied to them. He built this wholesome image of being a good person, a great family man as well as a great golfer. But all of that came tumbling down to the point that Encino's man's best friend was as marketable as the world's former #1 golfer.

EA and Nike are sticking with him only because they're scared to leave him only to see Tiger return to being a dominant force. But if Tiger doesn't win a Major next season, he's finished.
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Old 12-07-2010, 12:10 PM   #26
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Re: Tiger Needs Wins for EA Deal to Make Sense

Originally Posted by rangerrick012
The problem with that is that EA may (mistakenly IMO) interpret the lower sales as having everything to do w/ Tiger's on and off course woes, and nothing to do w/ the perceived quality of the product. While Tiger's woes may have something to do w/ lower sales, I do think the perceived quality of the game has something to do with it as well. Tiger needs a real 'career' mode. That much is obvious.
There is no question that his off the course antics played a part...but like you..it also has something to do with such a stale product. To the average consumer, it is the same game every year but they added the Ryder Cup this past one.
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Old 12-07-2010, 12:12 PM   #27
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Re: Tiger Needs Wins for EA Deal to Make Sense

Originally Posted by DivotMaker
The sales numbers do not seem to support this from what I have seen....irregardless, the Tiger series has not had the option to use a Pro in Career mode for a number of years and there is little to no outcry for this other than this thread and isolated comments from you and a handful of other users. If there is little feedback from the community or focus groups to include such functionality, EA is not going to spend much time worrying about it.
FN3 sold 4 times as much as TW10 and FN4 sold about 2x (the drop can largely be attributed to the button debacle).

It may not be mentioned in focus groups...but if a company relies heavily on focus groups and not common sense evaluation of their product, then that is bad business. I know many people who no longer buy Tiger because it is stale and has a very poor career mode. And these people don't post on message boards.

It isn't a tough concept. You are asking consumers to buy Tiger Woods golf but they can't even use him in a career mode. It is baffling.
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Old 12-07-2010, 01:55 PM   #28
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Re: Tiger Needs Wins for EA Deal to Make Sense

Originally Posted by thelwig14
There is no question that his off the course antics played a part...but like you..it also has something to do with such a stale product. To the average consumer, it is the same game every year but they added the Ryder Cup this past one.
They added quite a bit more than that to TW11, but since you can't be bothered to play the game, I won't bore you with the details....
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Old 12-07-2010, 02:00 PM   #29
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Re: Tiger Needs Wins for EA Deal to Make Sense

Originally Posted by thelwig14
FN3 sold 4 times as much as TW10 and FN4 sold about 2x (the drop can largely be attributed to the button debacle).
I prefer to see links to actual sales numbers instead of taking your word for it. Have to say I find that hard to believe since TW10 was mentioned last year as the #15 best selling videogame of that time period and no I do not have a link to the article but it was on Gamespot, IGN or one of the other online publications and their numbers came from NPD.

Originally Posted by thelwig14
It may not be mentioned in focus groups...but if a company relies heavily on focus groups and not common sense evaluation of their product, then that is bad business. I know many people who no longer buy Tiger because it is stale and has a very poor career mode. And these people don't post on message boards.
Again, I find one or two posts YEARLY from people like you criticizing EA for not adding TOUR Pros for career mode. Out of literally THOUSANDS of posts. Lets not try to say that there is a large contingent of users sitting on the sideline because of this one omission....

Originally Posted by thelwig14
It isn't a tough concept. You are asking consumers to buy Tiger Woods golf but they can't even use him in a career mode. It is baffling.
Doesn't "baffle" me at all, but I will agree that it makes sense to give the user the CHOICE when playing Career Mode....
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Old 12-07-2010, 02:12 PM   #30
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Re: Tiger Needs Wins for EA Deal to Make Sense

Originally Posted by thelwig14
Not true...Fight Night allows you to start a career with Lennox or Tyson or whatnot.

It is absolutely unacceptable that I can't start a Tour with Tiger or Phil or Sergio or whoever is available...even if it is just 5 golfers.
I think it is silly that EA does not allow for this. But calling it unacceptable is kind of silly. TW 11 added so much to the game, and it really became great this year. While I would have utilized a pro career, I still spent loads of time with this game soaking up everything that was added.

Playing on Tour Pro with True Aim is better tan any golf game that has come before it. you missed out on a great game.
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Old 01-04-2011, 01:46 PM   #31
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Re: Tiger Needs Wins for EA Deal to Make Sense

Electronic Arts has no plans to immediately abandon its Tiger Woods golf video game for the spokesperson, but before the world's top golfers need to get some wins in his belt, video game publishers, senior executives said on Monday. Electronic Arts has no plans to immediately abandon its Tiger Woods golf video game for the spokesperson, but before the world's top golfers need to get some wins in his belt, video game publishers, senior executives said on Monday.
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