It is hard to believe that console gaming has been around for 35 years (38 if you count the amazing Magnavox Odyssey). What is even more amazing is that it was a "sports" game,
Pong, that led the gaming charge into living rooms worldwide. As gaming consoles have advanced through the years so have the controllers. In what could be considered a sign of the times, console control schemes seem to have advanced in complexity each successive generation.
So how exactly has this complexity affected sports games? Many will debate that the simpler schemes of yesteryear provided better gameplay experiences, while many other dedicated "sim" fans are calling for even more buttons. Regardless of your stance on this hot-button issue, there is no denying that several console controllers have stood out among the rest in regards to sports gaming. Over the past couple months, I decided to dust off my old console collection in an attempt to rank the top 10 console controllers in terms of sports gaming fluidity.
So what were the results of my study? Read on to find out.
Read More - Top 10 Sports Gaming Controllers of All Time