
Tiger Needs Wins for EA Deal to Make Sense

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Old 11-30-2010, 11:36 AM   #9
Beastly Wayz's Arena
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Originally Posted by Beast0627
Good coment by ThatRadioGuy....Iagree with you 110% on everythign that you sd. Well maybe not the 320 Asain Golfers part, but damn close......
Also I misspelled - comment - so there
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Old 11-30-2010, 12:09 PM   #10
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:-) No problem, Beast. I used to be Editor-in-Chief of a print golf magazine. I go through posts online and marvel at the quality of writing that gets published on these websites. You have to remember, though, on these websites, these are just kids that get paid a free game to write an article that takes 30 hours of research. It's fun research, though!

If you see improper grammar or spelling .. or even a bizarre philosophy .. cut these people a break. They can't make a living at this stuff. They destroyed that chance with the "click through" philosophy. I was General Manager of a Sports NETWORK in the late nineties and early 2000's. My network went from .. 300,000 page views a day to ... of people who viewed the page, how many clicked on the ad? OK, of people who clicked on the ad, how many BOUGHT something? OK, of people who BOUGHT something, how much did they buy?

I went from 300,000 page views to $0.32

And therein lies why the dot.com boom went bust.

How many people looked at that ad in a print magazine? Well, hard to tell. We have a circulation of 3.2 million. OK, sell off of that ad rate. How about radio? How many people hit a button to go to another station when a commercial came on? Well, hard to tell. But, we have an AQH of 9.4 Excellent, sell off that ad rate. And so on ..

For example, of that billboard, how many people climbed up a ladder and pushed on that billboard and were magically transported to the showroom where a 2010 Mustang was sitting? Well, that's not the way it works.

Advertising is nebulous. It's like a cloud. You see a horse, I see a dog.

And that, kiddos, is why the dot.com boom went *kablooey* and what you read on the web is nowhere near journalism.

There's just no money in it.


Of any count.

Of any kind.

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Old 11-30-2010, 12:21 PM   #11
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Lately I tend to disagree with a lot of Chris's Blogs. I do not understand the way he looks at anything EA does. Tiger winning is great for any company that is sponsoring Tiger, however he is still the main and most famous golfer in the world NO MATTER HOW HE IS PERFORMING. Again, he is the most FAMOUS golfer in the world. Why would EA put anyone else's name on their golf game.

EA would be stupid to drop his name from the game, the same way it would be stupid for EA to drop the Madden name from their NFL game. PRODUCT RECOGNITION!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 11-30-2010, 12:47 PM   #12
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Well, ms24forever, you gotta be realistic when you see opinions or philosophy direction of a website. And let me say that I speak from grand experience. I was there. I know how it works. And I am no longer working with EA or a competitor of EA anymore. I don't care what they think.

If games make more money than all Hollywood movies COMBINED .. and the people who give their opinion or sway a website direction on said games .. are unpaid .. what do you think is going to happen? This is capitalism, man .. there is big money on the table here.

This is the danger you get in to when you have unpaid "journalists".

It's simple, you do the math. It's just capitalism and marketing.

On the other hand, I'd be a stupid businessman to not spend $2000 when it would make a difference of $650,000 in profit.

Take a look at everything you see on these sites, consider motivation and perspective. Remember, all politics are local. And don't judge .. until you've actually been put in that position. You might do the same.

Wildly successful games are profitable for both game sites and game makers.

All politics are local.

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Old 11-30-2010, 07:02 PM   #13
JerseySuave4's Arena
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there is no other golfer that is recognized as much to a casual fan than Tiger Woods. Not even Phil. Tiger alone sells games just because of who he is. Taking him off the cover would take such a well known face off the cover and would lead to people just looking past your game. Sounds stupid to say that people buy the game because of the guy on the cover but how successful would EA's golf series be without Tiger as the frontman? We prob would have seen them get rid of the franchise the way they did Nascar.

We saw the backlash when EA changed NBA Live to NBA Elite (even before any bit of info other than the title came out). Like someone else said, you dont take Madden out of the NFL title, you dont take Tiger off the golf title. They are the recognizable names that people have become familiar with and Tiger is the most recognizable, famous, and best golfer on the planet.
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Old 12-02-2010, 03:33 PM   #14
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Re: Tiger Needs Wins for EA Deal to Make Sense

Originally Posted by ms24forever
Lately I tend to disagree with a lot of Chris's Blogs. I do not understand the way he looks at anything EA does. Tiger winning is great for any company that is sponsoring Tiger, however he is still the main and most famous golfer in the world NO MATTER HOW HE IS PERFORMING. Again, he is the most FAMOUS golfer in the world. Why would EA put anyone else's name on their golf game.

EA would be stupid to drop his name from the game, the same way it would be stupid for EA to drop the Madden name from their NFL game. PRODUCT RECOGNITION!!!!!!!!!!!!
To play devils advocate, the difference is that Madden's name hasn't been sullied. Tiger's image is in ruins, yet I'm sure he's still demanding top dollar to be on the cover of EA's golf game.
That's where the conundrum lies. If Tiger isn't winning, and his name is dirt, then why pay top-dollar for that spokesman.

I heard an interesting stat that said the year before the whoring came out, Tiger's sponsors spent $70M on advertising splashing his brand all over the world. Since last Thanksgiving? $700K.
That's an enormous drop. Tiger's earning power is greatly reduced. If he's not winning, then all he's known for is 'that guy who used to be good, but now he's a pig who nails pigs".

People will still buy EA's golf game with or without Tiger on the cover. In fact, I'm starting to wonder how many fringe golf fans stayed away from this game because of Tiger?
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Old 12-03-2010, 12:21 AM   #15
thelwig14's Arena
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Re: Tiger Needs Wins for EA Deal to Make Sense

Originally Posted by osubeavs721
@jcon4- Phil couldnt win without tiger there or tiger playing the worst of his career... WHy would EA feature that tubby loser for the title of the game?

@thelwig- if they continue to just have 20 pros or so i will continue to stop buying the game.

they need a pga tour sim. get all 125 returning card players in the game with 20+ courses with course packs available for cheap DLC to just boot the courses off the HDD. Just give me something with no power boost and post shot spin alter. Thats fine if you choose a power swing for you swing but make it way harder to be accurate and make people choose what kind of spin they want BEFORE the shot. Make this game realistic and hard
You didnt understand what my point. Have the entire Tour...but allow the user to pick among 20 pros or so to start a season. Give the user an option to not have to create a dumb create a golfer. No other EA game forces you to play with a fake player.
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Old 12-03-2010, 08:45 AM   #16
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Re: Tiger Needs Wins for EA Deal to Make Sense

Originally Posted by osubeavs721
@thelwig- if they continue to just have 20 pros or so i will continue to stop buying the game.

they need a pga tour sim. get all 125 returning card players in the game with 20+ courses with course packs available for cheap DLC to just boot the courses off the HDD. Just give me something with no power boost and post shot spin alter. Thats fine if you choose a power swing for you swing but make it way harder to be accurate and make people choose what kind of spin they want BEFORE the shot. Make this game realistic and hard
The reason there are only so many license Pros rendered in the game is due to licensing. There is no PGA TOUR Players Association as there is in the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, etc. It is much easier to put every player from those associations in the game because the license for the Players Association in each game is easier to get. Getting every PGA TOUR Pro or the top 125 would be extremely problematic and far more costly than traditional players licenses for EA as they would have to negotiate the rights to each player individually to include their likeness in the game. The PGA TOUR license allows EA to use their "names" in the game, but not their likenesses.

As far as not having post shot spin and boost in the game and a challenging format, that is already in the game in the form of TOUR Pro mode. Playing TW11 in TOUR Pro is challenging with thew DS3 or MS wireless controllers, but the real challenge is playing with the PS3 Move....
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