
Fight Night Round 5 Wishlist: The Changes That Need To Be Made (TrueGameHeadz)

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Old 11-10-2010, 09:24 PM   #49
OVR: 1
Join Date: Jul 2004
Re: Fight Night Round 5 Wishlist: The Changes That Need To Be Made (TrueGameHeadz)

Dude, it's like you tapped into my brain right when I finished my last post. Yeah, I realize I'm a newbie poster, but it's good to know an outsider who hasn't seen any of the years of ongoing posts, thinks somewhat along the same lines right? EA is hopefully seriously looking at this recent stuff on here.. I'm a no-namer yahoo who just started posting. I hope they look at this stuff collectively and really see the potential.
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Old 11-11-2010, 03:59 PM   #50
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Re: Fight Night Round 5 Wishlist: The Changes That Need To Be Made (TrueGameHeadz)

My rant for the day... I popped in FN4 last night, and took a look at some things. Today I would like to express a look at gameplay basics. There is a desire to see more humanistic reactions based on punches, power of punches and punch angles. It seems you have these super highly detailed models, but have a really bare bones physics system. It's this feel of Barbie dolls or Lego models with limited rotation of one block (head) and another block (body). To me, it suggests the need of say at least 25-30 animations per character for each punch vs. what feels to me like only 2-3 right now, and numerous head connection points.

If you look at the jab punch itself, it can have so many reactions based on just the angle it connected with. I don't exactly about boxing, but in martial arts you have this relaxed feeling of letting your punch go and act like a whip, not holding onto stored energy. So it should have the effect of a violent quick head pop the way a whip cracks. It also should be physics based on whether your opponent is moving towards, away from you. Are you moving towards him or defensively away? Are his feet planted, or is he changing weight distribution? Is he ducking, swaying or bobbing and weaving? It's gonna create an entirely different reaction, just for one punch.

Some of this doesn't see too advanced for today's technology. An idea here is maybe 15-20 reaction points of the head based on the punch. Some variation ideas here just on the jab: punch connects the jaw, so his head sinks down towards the neck. If it hits square center, head moves back and moves the entire body backwards (based on one fighter's weight and the other's punching power). The fighter may slightly lose footing and balance. If he is swaying the same direction of the punch, it shifts his body angle more in that direction. If he leans into the punch, we see a different angle reaction . Maybe I'm leaning towards a more true human physics motion system, (ex. Backbreaker). Seems like it could be done through just more complex connection points and increased animations though.

We also see a lot of same squared up body positioning, and not enough humanistic body shifting. I would like to see the boxers feel more humanly alive, constantly having some sort of slight changing body movement that doesn't seem so canned. My final thought is for all the glamour behind the advancement in high definition visuals, the animations and human physics hasn't quite caught up. I'm out!
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Old 11-11-2010, 04:30 PM   #51
OVR: 1
Join Date: Jul 2004
Re: Fight Night Round 5 Wishlist: The Changes That Need To Be Made (TrueGameHeadz)

Alright, I got a thought on pawwing and punch velocity here. Maybe a little variance here on speed styles v. power, but you slowly move the right stick in the direction of the jab and hold it there. Maybe more of a signature style for Ali, Jones, etc. It holds his arm out there, as you continue to hold it. When you let go, his arms recoil. Punch variety can be based more on the velocity of your movement of the stick here. A quick snapping jab is just a quick thrust. A power jab is quick thrust and hold for a second. Could help you create those quick one-two combos with a sense of purpose. Do you want a quick snap one-two with little meat so you can keep distance, or one-two with the two having a little more twang? You could chain this into combos, controlling the timing and little more oomph behind each punch. Ex: one-one... one-ONE.. one-two... one-TWO... one-two-three... one-TWO-three... one-two-THREE The extra twang could bring out more head pop and sweat animation. A thought...
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