This perplexes the heck out of me. The fans make 2K basketball the best selling NBA game, we allow them to sign Jordan to reap even more profits. And in return we get an even more stripped down demo than last year.
I mean there has to be some sense of giving back to the people who made you what you are. If anyone at 2K could explain to me what the strategy is behind throwing us a bone with a spec of meat on it is I'm all ears. There's no reason fans didnt deserve at least a 6 minute quarter or two 4 minute quarters. And taking away the core elements of offense and playcalling? Just not called for at this stage of sports gaming.
It doesnt matter, because everyone downloading the demo is most likely going to buy the game. So there was never a reason to begin with to strip it down so much.
And as for the gameplay. The automatic sticking to your guy on defense or offense after you close in, and if a ball handler runs into you to shoot you get stuck in a blocking motion even though you didnt hit block, is frustrating.