
NCAA's Broken Dynasty Mode -- Another reason we need a revolution

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Old 07-27-2010, 03:13 PM   #17
Tonka's Arena
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Re: NCAA's Broken Dynasty Mode -- Another reason we need a revolution

It really is a damn shame that Dynasty is in the state it is, cause gameplay wise I haven't had this much fun playing NCAA for years. I know that the NCAA devs probably are on a well deserved vacation after releasing the game, but if any of them lurk on these forums it would be really nice to see them explain the situation. A patch is very much needed for the progression issue in dynasty though...and it's needed fast.
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Old 07-27-2010, 03:16 PM   #18
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Re: NCAA's Broken Dynasty Mode -- Another reason we need a revolution

Originally Posted by dan_457
Excuse us for wanting the game to be better and for it to move forward. We could just sit back complacently, and take what ever crap EA wants to spoon feed us year after year, like you'd want us to do apparently. This game wasn't free, and we can bitch, just like you're bitching about us bitching.
Way to not quote my whole post. My point is not that we shouldn't demand excellence. Heck, last year I sold NCAA 10 faster than you can write your response to me because frankly, it was the worst NCAA ever.

My point is that this is an issue that hasn't even been proved to cause gameplay issues! Rather it is purely ratings driven and has everyone in a tizzy over a bunch of letter grades and numbers. How else could we have teams with C+ grades winning conference championships?

This forum is frankly unreadable because of all the people who are just jumping on the bandwagon of complaining about progression.

If we do get a patch for progression everyone will realize that the only thing different about the game will be the numbers and letters next to players and teams.
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Old 07-27-2010, 03:22 PM   #19
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Re: NCAA's Broken Dynasty Mode -- Another reason we need a revolution

Originally Posted by EvanRG
Way to not quote my whole post. My point is not that we shouldn't demand excellence. Heck, last year I sold NCAA 10 faster than you can write your response to me because frankly, it was the worst NCAA ever.

My point is that this is an issue that hasn't even been proved to cause gameplay issues! Rather it is purely ratings driven and has everyone in a tizzy over a bunch of letter grades and numbers. How else could we have teams with C+ grades winning conference championships?

This forum is frankly unreadable because of all the people who are just jumping on the bandwagon of complaining about progression.

If we do get a patch for progression everyone will realize that the only thing different about the game will be the numbers and letters next to players and teams.
I'm still convinced you haven't played a single game past year 4 in dynasty. All i here is you saying there is no proof.... Play the game for your proof, we are not hiding anything from nor are we lying about this to you sir. You give me proof that this isn't a problem how about that.
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Old 07-27-2010, 03:23 PM   #20
BIG17EASY's Arena
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Re: NCAA's Broken Dynasty Mode -- Another reason we need a revolution

Originally Posted by EvanRG
Way to not quote my whole post. My point is not that we shouldn't demand excellence. Heck, last year I sold NCAA 10 faster than you can write your response to me because frankly, it was the worst NCAA ever.

My point is that this is an issue that hasn't even been proved to cause gameplay issues! Rather it is purely ratings driven and has everyone in a tizzy over a bunch of letter grades and numbers. How else could we have teams with C+ grades winning conference championships?

This forum is frankly unreadable because of all the people who are just jumping on the bandwagon of complaining about progression.

If we do get a patch for progression everyone will realize that the only thing different about the game will be the numbers and letters next to players and teams.
It is causing gameplay problems, though. When CPU-controlled teams don't bother kicking 25-yard field goals because kickers are just awful or when they do, they miss them horribly, it's a problem. People have reported CPU teams in never punting because punters are so bad. That's a gameplay problem. Users are converting cornerbacks to kickers because they have higher kick ratings than the kickers they recruited. That's a problem.

The reason teams with C+ ratings are winning conference championships is because the lower-tier teams in BCS conferences are filled with rosters of players rated in the 60s or lower. Five or more seasons into dynasties and teams are ending up with rosters with seven or eight QBs, or no quality running backs. It's a problem when Penn State doesn't have a running back rated overall above the 40s, as one user reported when this first came up. That may be a rarity, but just the fact that it's possible is a big problem.
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Old 07-27-2010, 03:25 PM   #21
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Re: NCAA's Broken Dynasty Mode -- Another reason we need a revolution

I feel like there used to be a time on these forums when people would complain about an issue (even a major issue) and there could be some discussion, but eventually there was always an acknowledgment that "EA has to consider its entire fan base, and not just the OS-type sim-diehards, so what can you really expect?" Even now that we have developers or their sentries interacting with our community, which is fantastic,

IT'S STILL A VIDEO GAME. EA's bottom line can only be so concerned about tweaking recruits and progression until it's perfect. And that definitely bothers me as much as the next guy, trust me I hate the MonopolEA, and I really hope that they will release a patch to improve this issue.

But a "revolution?" I mean c'mon now. Exactly how is that going to happen, and more importantly, how is Operation Sports going to make it happen. If there is something I can do for this cause then I will stand alongside the rest of y'all. But otherwise the only type of revolution I can think of is for people in this community to not buy this game immediately when it comes out. And I think that the threads convincing people that this game is not worth the price tag pale in comparision to the hype that these forums drum up for these games year in and year out.

The best thing I could suggest for an alternative is to go try Bowl Bound College Football for PC, a text sim that has a really good system for recruits and progression. But then again, believe it or not, that GAME has its own issues as well (aside from being a text sim that will turn most people off anyways).

I just want the kids out there reading this to know that this ALWAYS happens, and if you want to just enjoy a game that you think is pretty great, then don't pay much attention to these threads and just get back to recruiting. And this is coming from someone who HAS been turned off of my favorite game by these forums on multiple occasions.
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Old 07-27-2010, 03:25 PM   #22
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Re: NCAA's Broken Dynasty Mode -- Another reason we need a revolution

Originally Posted by EvanRG
Way to not quote my whole post. My point is not that we shouldn't demand excellence. Heck, last year I sold NCAA 10 faster than you can write your response to me because frankly, it was the worst NCAA ever.

My point is that this is an issue that hasn't even been proved to cause gameplay issues! Rather it is purely ratings driven and has everyone in a tizzy over a bunch of letter grades and numbers. How else could we have teams with C+ grades winning conference championships?

This forum is frankly unreadable because of all the people who are just jumping on the bandwagon of complaining about progression.

If we do get a patch for progression everyone will realize that the only thing different about the game will be the numbers and letters next to players and teams.
I responded to your post before you're edit it so it didn't get in, anyway i just want throw out that i'm no bandwagon jumper here, I was one of first people(if not the first) to be concerned with the low progression and recruits, if you look at the original Progression thread by whiteout, of course i was the odd man out then. And it's not as simple as numbers or letters, the fact is that most teams become worse than FCS teams, and i'm also saying that AWR matters. I'm in 2019 right now, i can tell the difference.

I do agree that this has exploded, but it needs to be known, honestly i'm tired of going back and forth about progression/recruits but i want to see this fixed.
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Old 07-27-2010, 03:31 PM   #23
sois's Arena
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Re: NCAA's Broken Dynasty Mode -- Another reason we need a revolution

Wow, well this makes me feel good about not getting the game!

Start using benchmarks, yall. I won't buy this game until the dynasty mode is better than College Hoops 2K8. That is what I based my decision on. I guess I won't have to worry about that for a while.

Let's get this revolution going, I don't want to wait until I'm in retirement home for Tiburon to develop a decent dynasty football game!
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Old 07-27-2010, 03:34 PM   #24
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Re: NCAA's Broken Dynasty Mode -- Another reason we need a revolution

Originally Posted by dan_457
I responded to your post before you're edit it so it didn't get in, anyway i just want throw out that i'm no bandwagon jumper here, I was one of first people(if not the first) to be concerned with the low progression and recruits, if you look at the original Progression thread by whiteout, of course i was the odd man out then. And it's not as simple as numbers or letters, the fact is that most teams become worse than FCS teams, and i'm also saying that AWR matters. I'm in 2019 right now, i can tell the difference.

I do agree that this has exploded, but it needs to be known, honestly i'm tired of going back and forth about progression/recruits but i want to see this fixed.
I like how you're reasonable with the situation. I agree with you on the matter.

I can also agree with Evan that I'm tired of seeing thread after thread related to progression.

I hope they have some sort of tweak out here soon
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