
Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

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Old 06-15-2010, 09:26 PM   #1305
CurryStorm's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

I've only played 2 games on the demo thus far, but the game is just plain fun.
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Old 06-15-2010, 09:36 PM   #1306
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by bcruise
Er...isn't the BB demo 60 frames per second on the 360? Because it doesn't look like it is on the PS3...

It just seems slower than the videos of the 360 that I've seen.
I think it's 60 FPS, but the slowdown doesn't help it much.

But yeah, I saw 360 videos and wondered why mine ran so much more slowly. PS3 owners got shafted, despite what the person said in the interview.
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Old 06-15-2010, 10:29 PM   #1307
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by CurryStorm
The demo is out on PSN. I'm downloading it right now.
I TOTALLY forgot to check the PSN for new releases when I got home a couple hours ago but I'm on it now and downloading Backbreaker. IT'S FINALLY ON THE PS3. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Lol. Bout damn time, for real.
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Old 06-16-2010, 01:49 AM   #1308
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

I guess my review on this forum is the first one for the ps3 demo. So here's a review from a sim gamer.

1. For the first time in any sports video game I've played I feel as though I am on the field. This is due to the up close camera angle. You really have to know and execute your assignment on defense otherwise you could hurt your team and give up a big play. On offense you can choose to be any player on the field even an offensive lineman. Playing as quarterback is the most challenging position on offense but not for the reasons most would think of.

2. The camera angle is disorienting when I am attempting to scramble as a quarterback. It's fine when you try to run up the middle on a QB draw but if you try to sprint to the sidelines the camera seems drunk and twists and turns as if it's confused. I can't look in the direction I want to.

3. The game is unplayable when passing due to the pass rush being too great. Real life football players have more than 2 seconds to pass the ball. It feels like a nano blitz on every play, that's how little time I consistently had in the pocket. This has to be patched otherwise the game is absolutely unplayable. Real life quarterbacks have anywhere from 4-6 seconds to pass the ball not 2-3 seconds. I used Indy and their offensive line was horrible. We shouldn't consistently have 2-3 seconds to throw the ball nor should we have 7-10 seconds like we do in other games.

4. The standard controls are unresponsive. There is noticeable lag when switching receivers and when passing the ball using the right stick. The game is unplayable with the standard controls. The alternate controls are fine.

5. Both the demo and retail version of the game have limited playbooks. No 4 or 5 wide formations.

6. Although there are a lack of formations and plays there are NO money plays. All plays have counter plays on defense. This is a first for football games.

7. Lack of commentary is fine. Commentary becomes repetitive after awhile anyways.

8. Quarterbacks and running backs seem to trip too often in the pocket if their feet hits the foot of an offensive lineman. This is another problem that needs to be patched.

9. The camera angle is also disorienting when switching players on defense.

10. Not being able to alter the ratings of players defeats the whole purpose of having customization in the game. People should be allowed to do this with restrictions. For example we should have a limited number of points to assign to the ratings of players to prevent people from creating a 100 rated player at every position.

11. Players feet actually look and feel as though their footing is planting into the grass. The ice skating or gliding effect is not as obvious. Players do look like they are skating on ice when sprinting down the field and weaving left and right on kickoffs.

12. People cannot abuse scrambling with the quarterback due to the good a.i. of the defensive lineman as well as linebackers in short zone coverages. I am impressed, this is the way it should be.

Final thoughts.
The demo and retail versions of backbreaker are unplayable until a patch is released for the offensive line. They simply do not block on pass plays. I would not recommend anyone spend $44.99 on this game until a patch is released. There are also issues with the a.i. quarterback being terrible at making reads and passes that need to be patched. Backbreaker seems to have the opposite problems that other games have had. Instead of too much time in the pocket and a cpu controlled quarterback that is impossible to stop, Backbreaker is the opposite, too little time in the pocket and a cpu controlled quarterback that is not very intelligent.

If a patch is released I would consider buying this game but without a patch this game is flat out unplayable. I'm left wondering what were backbreaker's programmers and testers thinking when they shipped the retail version of the game with 2 major problems, the offensive line's poor pass blocking and the a.i. poor quarterback play.

Last edited by sky454; 06-16-2010 at 02:12 AM.
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Old 06-16-2010, 02:12 AM   #1309
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by sky454
I guess my review on this forum is the first one for the ps3 demo. So here's a review from a sim gamer.

Final thoughts.
The demo and retail versions of backbreaker are unplayable until a patch is released for the offensive line. They simply do not block on pass plays. I would not recommend anyone spend $44.99 on this game until a patch is released. There are also issues with the a.i. quarterback being terrible at making reads and passes that need to be patched. Backbreaker seems to have the opposite problems that other games have had. Instead of too much time in the pocket and a cpu controlled quarterback that is impossible to stop, Backbreaker is the opposite, too little time in the pocket and a cpu controlled quarterback that is not very intelligent.
I have ps3 retail version, pass blocking is just fine. I consistently can sit in the pocket and have time to throw... time and time again. Just my $.02
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Old 06-16-2010, 08:56 AM   #1310
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

OMG!!! I just DLded the demo for ps3, this game is just awful IMO. I was so pumped to try it out but I just can't believe 505 would release the game in the state it's in. I assuming the final version is far better than the demo (I'm also asuming the 360 demo is far far better than the ps3 demo) because otherwise, well I don't know what to say, Im just shocked... I don't know where to begin.

I guess I'll start with the positives. Some of the hits and tackles are awesome, no denying that.

It actually feels like you're on the field with the camera angle but that also has it's negative points: The camera doesn't rotate when you scramble with the QB or run east-west with a HB so you just get dizzy and lost.

The playbooks are about as deep as a pop warner teams Pbook.

The run blocking is pretty poor.

I would go as far to say as the CPU offense is a disgrace.

The game is pretty much unplayable (my ps3 demo- maybe explains the delay).

I won't be buying the full version (not until it's reduced by 75% in price which shouldn't be too long) based off of the ps3 demo. Just awful.

The problem is Madden is looking like a NO buy aswell this year leaving me with no football game?!?!
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Old 06-16-2010, 09:48 AM   #1311
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

^^^^^^^ what are you talking about You need to use the focus Button . running is very easy in this game . passing is harder .
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Old 06-16-2010, 02:17 PM   #1312
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Just got the PS3 demo and I am impressed. I actually did pretty well passing the ball and I love the running game. Defense also is a blast to play, as the camera angle really adds a new layer of depth.

I'm still on the fence about picking this up at full price, so perhaps I'll wait to see if it goes on sale. I know I will buy it at some point though.
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