
NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

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Old 06-15-2010, 11:37 AM   #1361
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Squib kicks seem dangerously effective. I bet they'll be spammed by cheesers ...
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Old 06-15-2010, 11:38 AM   #1362
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Strummer101er
It's a bug, I think. The play of the game is always the last play of the game.
They actually show solid plays for me. I'm on PS3 so there could be a difference. I've only played a couple games, and they were all game sealing/winning touchdowns, interceptions, fumbles etc.
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Old 06-15-2010, 11:39 AM   #1363
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Equinox831
They actually show solid plays for me. I'm on PS3 so there could be a difference. I've only played a couple games, and they were all game sealing/winning touchdowns, interceptions, fumbles etc.
Me too. I think it's because they can't assume every 360 owner has a hard drive but they can for the PS3. I'm sure it will be fine on the 360 for the retail copy.
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Old 06-15-2010, 11:43 AM   #1364
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

For you guys who say the demo is taking forever to download, I'll bet you're on the PS3 aren't you? Everything takes forever to download on the PS3..
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Old 06-15-2010, 11:45 AM   #1365
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

I played 6 games yesterday and here are my impressions. Overall I will say I think NCAA 11 is going to be an amazing game. We are definitely heading in the right direction gameplay-wise I believe. I'd like to see more attention to detail is all. And there are glitches/bugs that need fixed as well. But overall I think this years game will be the best football game yet since 2004 last-gen.

Menus are much better looking, more high-tech and much more slick..
Graphics are worlds better, WORLDS better than NCAA 10
The new, slower speed seems great, about perfect IMO, please don't slow it down any more EA!
I love the new ESPN presentation
Crowd noise is much better, feels more "layered"...still think the chants need more work though..
Thank goodness that we finally have team intros, pre-game warmups, coin toss back!
EA added more animations (subtle but you notice)
Game seems more organic and less scripted, more like "anything can happen"
CPU AI overall seems much more competitive, especially in their rushing attack..
I really do feel like the CPU teams are displaying much more personality in how they play.
Glad to see more equipment in (i'm not an equipment guy but even *I* noticed all the new additions)
Locomotion makes a huge difference in the feel of the game feeling much more like PS2 again (this is so great!)
Related to locomotion - ratings seem much more noticeable now, especially acceleration..(can't WAIT to play with Hawai'i with all their fast, agile, little WRs..)
I'm thankful we finally have in game replays of big plays!
Throwing on the run def. affects accuracy (I'd like to see this effect amplified even a bit more though)
Although the sound of the crowd noise is vastly better IMO I still think the reactions to what's happening on the field during actual plays could be tweaked much more (although at least now they are loud pre-snap in the appropriate situations)
I like the new, slightly higher, camera angle, great job on this EA!
I enjoy the new cut scenes, players riding the bike, kickers warming up, etc..hope they expand on this..and these don't get stale..
Running backs do a much better job of not getting hung up in the hole, either on their own men or on guys out of position (Mario running) - I'd almost go so far as to say NO Mario running but I need more playtime to ascertain that for sure..
You can now hit long bombs easier at times as sometimes DBs "bite" on play action, or simply get burnt by a faster WR (imagine that!). In one game on the first play from scrimmage I used a flea flicker get a 70 yard TD pass..awesome...
Pocket forms better, you can actually step up now without getting killed immediately
So far Robo QB seems gone or much improved (I've actually seen non-rushed bad throws)
Stadium PA announcer FINALLY seems right! Much improved..
The field gets torn up during rain games, looks great...which reminds me..
Cloud cover and storm clouds look vastly better..and on a related note..
Glad to see progressive lighting works nicely.
Having the field goal distance right in the actual playcall screen, on the actual play for field goal, is an awesome little detail! Love this one!!
CPU still seems to mess up on HB screens resulting in sacks.
Draw plays aren't a waste of time now, thanks to locomotion.
I can finally make plays with my defensive lineman since....
Suction blocking mostly gone, still there but much less so..
I'm glad we finally got rid of that awful on-side kick camera angle, thank goodness.
Love the new bubble screens and how they sometimes work great and sometimes are big losses
I like the addition of TEMPO in the gameplan section
I enjoy the cut scenes after the game of the players celebrating and/or moping (although I hope there are more than just the few I've scene).

Still no dreadlocks and/or long hair..why is this not fixed EA??
The new playcall interface is lagged and I hate the restriction of three plays is all you can view at once. I'm on a 70" tv, can we at least have 6 windows worth of plays?? Other than that I'm getting used to the new interface...
On a related note why doesn't the playcall default to what makes sense? If it's 4th and 17 from my own 30 why when I go to the special teams playbook does it show "Field goal" as the first choice? (this is going to be a real issue when I have a few adult beverages LOL)
Although I am thankful we finally have some tv style presentation why no half time show or post game show with commentary on the big plays?
Still see the bug on clipping on a kickoff where it says the return guy ran the ball for -61 yards (this needs fixed!!)
Where is the occasional chain gang for very close measurements?
New replay camera angles are much too zoomed in IMO...and although I'm glad we are getting replays of big plays, do we really need to see a replay of an XP so often?
The game needs more stats overlays with related commentary on how players are playing..
I wish they could do something on field goals with the camera, I can't tell if I've made it a lot of the times..
I had a blatant pass interference call on my WR in the first game and it went uncalled..
CPU QB still will do *anything* possible to avoid sacks, including throwing interception (someone please tell EA a sack is better than an interception, heck, i'd just be happy to see them throw the ball out of bounds if nothing else LOL)
Can we please bring back the camera shake??
The last play of the game is always the play of the game? (I imagine this is simply a bug..)
Why don't we have more special teams play selections? Just return kick? Why not at least return left, return middle, return right? How about some reverses like tOSU and other teams use every single week in NCAA football??
Sidelines and crowd still looks simply terrible...wonder if they will ever address this?
Although I can make more plays with my DL, I still don't see my teammates making many plays with the DL or pressuring the CPU QB much..even impact DL..
Where are the WR wheel routes? Still looking for those to come back from the PS2 days..
The game overall seems somewhat dark, maybe it's the cloud cover or what but shouldn't the stadium lights be a little brighter?
Where are the coaches at in the pre-game and on the sidelines??
I realize Corso is gone but could we at least get the announcers to comment on who they predict to win?
Why don't uniforms get dirty?
Will we ever get variable weather?
We need coaches getting doused with Gatorade...but first we need coaches in the game period!
Minor demo related complaints here but...Why 2 min quarters and why no snow game in the demo?
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Old 06-15-2010, 11:45 AM   #1366
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by convince
And I guess unlike alot of people, I do like the camera angle.
I like it as well. Took a little adjusting but I like it.
Originally Posted by Equinox831
They actually show solid plays for me. I'm on PS3 so there could be a difference. I've only played a couple games, and they were all game sealing/winning touchdowns, interceptions, fumbles etc.
I was getting good plays too.
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Old 06-15-2010, 11:46 AM   #1367
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

FEW additional impressionss after 2 games each with each team/game available....

- No CORSO is AWESOME....Never realized how annoying he ws til he was no longer there...LOVE that. I usually shut off commentary after a dozen or so games anyway.

- Locomotion is noticable and does change things. Good stuff.
- Player models look great IMHO.
- Lighting....Top NOtch. Nuff said.
- Run game just "FEELS" much better.
-Love the Pro-Combat jerseys...FSU's might just be one of the coolest unis EVER(and i HATE them).

Stuff that i wasnt so thrilled with...

- Playcall menu is just an odd design choice....Got the feel for it, but seems like its more cumbersome overall.
- On Heisman....WR/TE break WIDE OPEN quite a bit...Sliders could fix this problem in JULY... Hopefully.
- Player warping is still there....But i dont think we will ever NOT see that in this current generation, so its kinda expected.
- The new replay angles SUCK. Silly design choice. Should have went with realistic angles. A few of the angles have me looking at OL feet and obscure what actually happened.
-FGs still appear to be pre-school quality simple....2 58yd FGs by me in one game...58? Sliders can/will help.

But outside of that...1st day purchase for me 100%...Liked quite a bit and is a BIG step up from 10.

But who knows ultimately how it will all pan out on release. Is there MAJOR issues in game and in dynasty? Will sliders work? What silly little glitch/bug will pop up after a day or so and BREAK the game for some? These are VALID questions that do have me worried. However the core game seems VERY solid.

Good job EA IMHO....

* And not having Dreads is silly. I know why they arent in, but it is still silly. Minor minor gripe, but had to get it in.

Last edited by SA1NT401; 06-15-2010 at 11:51 AM.
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Old 06-15-2010, 11:49 AM   #1368
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

Has anyone else seen a ridiculous amount of dropped passes?
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