
Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

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Old 05-29-2010, 12:04 PM   #97
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

Pasta is usually pretty on point, at least for my tatse.....

The issues he brings up concerning playing against the CPU sure do echo those by most about the CPU AI, myself included.

BB was to be a 100% SINGLE PLAYER experience for me (might play onine sports games 5% here and there) but it appears that isnt going to happen.

I was hopeful that i could select hard difficulty and get by azz handed to me for a few dozen games....punish me...make me work for a win....Looks like thats not happening.

Well, cant always get waht u wish for (if ever).....Guess NCAA etc are still really the only things worth playing AGAIN this year.

But are we all really surprised that the AI is this terrible....Great physics, cool....but if the AI in term of gameplay is rubbish...Why even bother?

Very upset, my hopes were for it to be Great-ish....

SHame on me....
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Old 05-29-2010, 03:13 PM   #98
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

pasta must be a natural pro at this game cuz I just popped it in and am seattle team vs the new england and they are beating me 14-0 in the first, 2 long pass plays.
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Old 05-29-2010, 04:08 PM   #99
sportzhead's Arena
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

Why does Pasta get his own thread, but everybody else has to post in the impressions thread? Does OS think Pasta is more credible than the average OS poster. He's just a dude with a website. I don't get how OS can be so quick to close any thread they deem unnecessary, but give a single blogger a thread.

This post is not to discredit Pasta's impressions, he makes some valid points. But would OS give me my own thread if I get a game early and post impressions on a blog?
I'm just new boot goofin' - Lieutenant Dangle of Reno 911
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Old 05-29-2010, 04:46 PM   #100
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

Originally Posted by sportzhead
Why does Pasta get his own thread, but everybody else has to post in the impressions thread? Does OS think Pasta is more credible than the average OS poster. He's just a dude with a website. I don't get how OS can be so quick to close any thread they deem unnecessary, but give a single blogger a thread.

This post is not to discredit Pasta's impressions, he makes some valid points. But would OS give me my own thread if I get a game early and post impressions on a blog?
I've got to agree, you do have a point.
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Old 05-29-2010, 05:02 PM   #101
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

Originally Posted by bkrich83
SWALDO did you pick the game up yet? Are you posting in the impressions thread? I am interested to hear your take on the final release.

I am picking my copy up tomorrow.
Stuck in the house with 4 women right now (birthday party.) I'll be definately buying it this afternoon and will get some impressions going.

I'm going with the 360 version, I like the bigger controller and online will be better with Live.

Just found out the "old lady" wants to sip wine, eat grapes and watch "It's Complicated" with me on DVD tonight. Lord help me!

Also, I thought Pasta's early impressions were fair. If anything he could've talked up the technology more than he did but this is a wonky playing CPU. Seems to me the offensive output is unpredictable, I saw good offense come out of the CPU in the demo at times, but in others it was beyond horrible. In all cases there were too many sacks and INT's though.

Last edited by swaldo; 05-29-2010 at 05:17 PM.
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Old 05-29-2010, 05:20 PM   #102
Methlab's Arena
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

Originally Posted by sportzhead
Why does Pasta get his own thread, but everybody else has to post in the impressions thread? Does OS think Pasta is more credible than the average OS poster. He's just a dude with a website. I don't get how OS can be so quick to close any thread they deem unnecessary, but give a single blogger a thread.

This post is not to discredit Pasta's impressions, he makes some valid points. But would OS give me my own thread if I get a game early and post impressions on a blog?
That's all I was saying too.

Regardless, he had to admit that making a play in this game is extremely satisfying, I believe that online it will shine Just bought it and am popping it in soon.
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Old 05-29-2010, 05:24 PM   #103
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

I all but cried when I broke my only long run of my first game (38 yards) until that DT tackled me from behind
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Old 05-29-2010, 05:51 PM   #104
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

Originally Posted by sportzhead
Why does Pasta get his own thread, but everybody else has to post in the impressions thread? Does OS think Pasta is more credible than the average OS poster. He's just a dude with a website. I don't get how OS can be so quick to close any thread they deem unnecessary, but give a single blogger a thread.

This post is not to discredit Pasta's impressions, he makes some valid points. But would OS give me my own thread if I get a game early and post impressions on a blog?
If IGN or other sites would have gave an early impression, they would have been posted at OS as well.

You will see IGN's, GT, etcccc.. reviews all posted here with their own threads. It's not just Pasta.
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