
Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

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Old 05-29-2010, 09:45 AM   #89
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)


You want to compare??? Go here.

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Old 05-29-2010, 10:00 AM   #90
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

[quote=Soodmeg;2041114548]Also I would like to bring this up. This link is what I can only assume PP playing the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVYURQe_TJI

That missed TD at the end is pathetic. This game has some true deadly sins. Not scoring TDs, Repeated Punter Roughing, AI Interception fest, stupid AI play calling, more I am sure I am not aware of.

.....yet it is insane that I am still considering buying it, go figure.
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Old 05-29-2010, 10:08 AM   #91
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

this is why we should read more than one review...
By time you have read this, you have already read it.
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Old 05-29-2010, 10:31 AM   #92
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I don't care if people still think that t he gamplay makes the game worth it, and they believe that pasta's a tool and misleading them about how the game's problems. The BIG reason that I've had absolutely no interest in buying this game is the lack of a franchise mode. This game just reminds me of the first EA games on the 360. They had upgraded graphics from the Xbox, but they were horribly shallow experiences.
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Old 05-29-2010, 10:52 AM   #93
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

Originally Posted by fldash
The ability to patch games has been the worst thing to EVER happen to the video game industry.
No it's not, you either have a game that has all these issues and never gets fixed or you have the ability for the developer to fix problems that people have. With sports games especially, you're always going to have bugs that slip through and with patches the developers can focus on things that are critical to the game while still having time to fix issues that they know they won't have time to fix with the regular release cycle.
Originally Posted by Blzer
Let me assure you that I am a huge proponent of size, and it greatly matters. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

If I went any bigger, it would not have properly fit with my equipment, so I had to optimize. I'm okay with it, but I also know what I'm missing with those five inches. :)
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Old 05-29-2010, 10:53 AM   #94
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

Originally Posted by Buckeyes_Doc
Dude come on. He posted screenshots and everything. He isn't sitting there making this stuff up. If you should be mad at anyone it should be the Dev's.

What does EA have anything to do with his review on BB. Did he mention EA once in his review? Does EA have something to do with BB's faults? I don't get it.

I know you don't like the guy, but that doesn't change the fact that his review is alarming especially with his proof.

What is he suppose to say about the game? Sugar-coat it and mislead readers?

Anyways..I agree about the patch issue. It seems every sports game I buy needs not just one but numerous patches to fix issues. I had to wait over a month to start a franchise in MLB The Show, that is ridiculous.

Hopefully NCAA football will be able to "work" right outside of the box.
And it would be different if these issues weren't things that a lot of people have brought up after playing the demo.
Originally Posted by Blzer
Let me assure you that I am a huge proponent of size, and it greatly matters. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

If I went any bigger, it would not have properly fit with my equipment, so I had to optimize. I'm okay with it, but I also know what I'm missing with those five inches. :)
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Old 05-29-2010, 11:44 AM   #95
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

Originally Posted by sportyguyfl31
Form your own opinions...if YOU are personally liking the game, and are finding it enjoyable and challenging, that is all that matters.
Very good point there and I think people tend to forget that games should be about fun.
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Old 05-29-2010, 11:56 AM   #96
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Re: Early Backbreaker Impressions (Pastapadre)

Originally Posted by allBthere
who's doing that? My post was the first one slamming the POV of the author lol...and this goes back to me checking out his site every once in a while for years now.

We all know the negatives of the game. I do, I've mentioned them as well. I've played the demo too! I always get sucked into debates like this because it bothers me when people turn the criticism back onto the poster. I know the game has major flaws, I also played the demo the most I've even done except maybe UFC '09's demo. I'm buying the game and playing the demo not because I want the game to be good, but because I actually like it - comprende?

Believe me, if I didn't like it and though it was worthy of a thrashing like that article I wouldn't buy the game. I don't even blame people for disliking the demo and/or game. But with him, I have a sample and pile of evidence of his lack of objectivity and just irks the hell out of me.

As I said it's all in the tone and style - compare that with games that are in the same boat or worse (for people who don't enjoy BB) with those impressions and you see a clear discrepancy in fair journalism. As someone else mentioned, you could write the same thrashing for most sports titles out there.

BUT perhaps it's not journalism at all and more like a semi-popular blogger...I should probably just ignore it, but it's hard when it gets its own threads started here on this site.

One of my biggest points of posting in this thread was the basically scream out that if you're going to take any early impressions or otherwise thread seriously - this is THE last guy to listen to/read. I can prove the agenda by breaking down articles if it has to come to that (which it won't lol...mods would lay the smack down) If you're looking to get hyped about Madden and other EA sports titles, - THIS GUY IS YOUR MAN!!!

Anyway I'll end with this. What the 6-man team at natural motion in the beginning was able to do blows me away and gives me hope for the future of sports videogames. They delivered what in their words is a truly "live action sports game". The game is so fun and dynamic because it literally has it's own butterfly affect. The plays are determined by behaviours and positions and force etc... rather than "animations". They set out to revolutionize the genre, and I believe they have at least in some substantial way. It's not just 'cool looking tackles' ...the game's randomness will make it hard to go back to anything else. Kudos to them for doing the impossible, and making a decent football game that 's (to me) a lot of fun to play. What they've accomplished already imo is quite significant. My enjoyment of the game isn't blind at all, it's pretty damn fun...my advice to you would be to actually play the game and see if you like it before defending a niche internet blogger for slamming a game you've never even played.
did i say you personally? Just look at this post which proves my point. He's just brushing it off as someone on EA's payroll that just focused on the negatives and ignored the positives. Maybe the negatives are what stood out more than the positives. And a lot of the negatives ive been hearing (not just from him) are pretty important in terms of replay factor and fun factor so with everything i keep hearing, there is not a lot that makes me want to buy this game. Ive heard way more negatives than i have positives so far. Natural Motion is great but what good is is with crappy AI, crappy camera angle, no injuries, no fatigue, no ability to change ratings, i can go on. So i'm still waiting to try out a ps3 demo before wasting my money on a game that is just going to sit there and collect dust. So since the negatives have outweighed the positives in just about everything ive seen or read, i'm not blindly throwing my faith or spending money on a game i'm not sure about.

Originally Posted by Valdarez
Bleh, it's a typical Pasta Padre, on the EA paybooks, writeup and not worthy of a post on operationsports.com. Nothing but negatives and no positives. No surprise there. I can find more positives in the game just from playing the demo than Padre provided in his 'full game review'.

Last edited by JerseySuave4; 05-29-2010 at 12:02 PM.
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