
Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

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Old 05-24-2010, 08:56 AM   #961
elgreazy1's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Valdarez
Well guys I literally can't play this game due to the horrendous blur after every tackle. I played it yesterday only to walk away with a killer headache that took nearly a full day to get over. I've never played a game that constantly blurred like BackBreaker is doing. I have something called keratoconus, which is the deterioration of the cornea.
Oh man, that really sucks. I know you of all people wanted to get to tinkering with the nuts and bolts of this game. I hope they can manage something for you.
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Old 05-24-2010, 09:07 AM   #962
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

OK, I have a few questions for all of the camera defenders (especially for the ones who keep calling it "sim"), and I would really like someone to answer the questions in my post and not just spew out another canned "God Cam" answer.

1.) In real life, do the quarterbacks receivers glow red when he looks at them? Can he see his plays diagrammed on the field when he pushes the Right Bumper? Can the quarterback put touch on the ball AFTER it's been released?

2.) Do you consider NBA 2K10 a "sim" basketball game? If so, then does it NOT become a "sim" basketball game if I play on the side camera instead of the camera that goes up and down? Am I NOT a "sim" gamer for playing on the side camera instead of the one that goes up and down?

3.) What in the world is so horribly wrong about people requesting OPTIONS as far as the camera goes? I simply can't see how you can reasonably argue someone wanting the OPTION to change their camera. If these are the cameras we get by default, then so be it, but I should have the OPTION to change it if I want to. Plain. And. Simple.

I simply don't see how you can truthfully answer any one of my questions and still try to make your Backbreaker "sim cam"/whatever defenses valid. It is a video game, not everything is going to be exactly as in real life. If you want to be right down on the field just like you are actually playing, then go train and put on some pads and try out for your local team. Some things are always going to be a little unrealistic when you are playing a video game (for the sake of fun and playability), I don't understand why some continue to ignore that, actually I do, but I'll keep quiet because I don't wanna get banned.

Last edited by Illustrator76; 05-24-2010 at 10:05 AM.
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Old 05-24-2010, 09:14 AM   #963
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

I've only played a few games, I didn't even know the demo was out until last night when I just happened to go to the demo section and saw it, but it's pretty cool.

Camera doesn't bother me right now at all, but maybe it will after more playing.

The main thing I had fun with was smooth animations and no apparent gliding or freezing. One example was when I was close to the end zone, running up the sideline, and I saw a defender come out to my left side. I decided to make a dive for it because I wasn't going to quite make it running, and my guy flew towards the end zone with the ball out.

Now in Madden what usually happened was there would be a split second freeze before the jump, and the defender would do the same thing. The worst part is that usually the defender would shift the way he was running at that point to almost directly sideways and would jump behind me and out of bounds, while my guy flipped into the end zone. Happened all the time.

In this one, there was no freeze and the defender kept his angle and hit me right as the ball was crossing the plane. He wrapped me up and we went rolling out of bounds, but I had just gotten the ball in. It was absolutely awesome.

The main thing was that it was just really, really smooth. No gliding, no freezing, no sudden directional changes.
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Old 05-24-2010, 09:30 AM   #964
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Valdarez
Well guys I literally can't play this game due to the horrendous blur after every tackle. I played it yesterday only to walk away with a killer headache that took nearly a full day to get over. I've never played a game that constantly blurred like BackBreaker is doing. I have something called keratoconus, which is the deterioration of the cornea...
pfft, didnt stop you from getting 100k gamer points =P do you use gamefly for that?

As far as the game, its pretty cool. I wish the replays were a little faster though. Like start the play at the good part. I dont need to see 3 cuts on a dive up the middle. I just wanna see the tackle =P IM terrible at passing, I always mess up when trying to change targets. One huge limiting factor I see is the playbooks... Is there gonna be more than a handful of plays in the real game?
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Old 05-24-2010, 09:52 AM   #965
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only one comment.
i hope they overtake the NFL license!
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Old 05-24-2010, 10:11 AM   #966
RaiderKtulu's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Illustrator76
OK, I a few questions for all of the camera defenders (especially for the ones who keep calling it "sim"), and I would really like someone to answer the questions in my post and not just ramble another canned "God Cam" answer.

1.) In real life, do the the quarterbacks receivers glow red when he looks at them? Can he see his plays diagrammed on the field when he pushes the Right Bumper? Can he put after-touch on the ball AFTER it's released?

2.) Do you consider NBA 2K10 a "sim" basketball game? If so, then does it NOT become a "sim" basketball game if I play on the side camera instead of the camera that goes up and down? Am I NOT a "sim" gamer for playing on the side camera instead of the one that goes up and down?

3.) What in the world is so horribly wrong about people requesting OPTIONS as far as the camera goes? I simply can't see how you can reasonably argue someone wanting the OPTION to change their camera. If these are the cameras we get by default, then so be it, but I should have the OPTION to change it if I want to. Plain. And. Simple.

I simply don't see how you can truthfully answer any one of my questions and still try to make your Backbreaker "sim cam"/whatever defenses valid. It is a video game, not everything is going to be exactly as in real life. If you want to be right down on the field just like you are actually playing, then go train and put on some pads and try out for your local team. Some things are always going to be a little unrealistic when you are playing a video game, I don't understand why some continue to ignore that, actually I do, but I'll keep quiet because I don't wanna get banned.
The glowing can be turned off.

The real reason behind this whole issue is that people want Backbreaker to be "Madden with Physics". Backbreaker is trying to be it's own game. They specifically designed this game around using this camera angle. Those of us that like it feel that it's more realistic.
We could argue about that all day and never get anywhere.


Complaining about not having the option of another camera angle is like complaining that you can't play God of War from a first person view. It's like complaining that Oblivion uses a different combat system than Final Fantasy 7. They're both RPGs, shouldn't they play the same? Well... no.
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Old 05-24-2010, 10:48 AM   #967
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

guys take the camra crap some place else this is about the game impression not if its sim or not...camra wise. p.s the cpu is getting better.
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Old 05-24-2010, 10:50 AM   #968
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Re: Backbreaker Demo Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by RaiderKtulu
The glowing can be turned off.

The real reason behind this whole issue is that people want Backbreaker to be "Madden with Physics". Backbreaker is trying to be it's own game. They specifically designed this game around using this camera angle. Those of us that like it feel that it's more realistic.
We could argue about that all day and never get anywhere.


Complaining about not having the option of another camera angle is like complaining that you can't play God of War from a first person view. It's like complaining that Oblivion uses a different combat system than Final Fantasy 7. They're both RPGs, shouldn't they play the same? Well... no.
I appreciate your response, but you only chose to answer one part of one of my questions. If this game is so "sim", what about after-touch on the ball? That is totally unrealistic. You can argue that you don't have to use it, but: A.) That seems like a big component of the passing game and B.) I can say the same thing about including extra camera views that some people don't consider "sim".

Also, I never once made a comparison to EA's football game and Backbreaker.
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