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NCAA Football 11 Blog: Pregame Entrances

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Old 05-09-2010, 07:55 PM   #521
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Blog: Pregame Entrances

Originally Posted by Solidice
hey look! Player Entrances are back and better than it was in last-gen.
Wow this is my second time watching this. (first time on my iPhone) I must say it looks MUCH better when it's bigger and in better quality. That Penn State white out looks INCREDIBLE and I swear I could feel the intensity of the Ohio State players when their arms were locked.

This looks great.
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Old 05-10-2010, 01:41 AM   #522
NDFan1029's Arena
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LMFAO!!!! Don't even get me started on the "nets", dude. Okay, so the year before (09 version) and all versions prior to that we have some invisible wall the ball bounces off of after the extra point and FG attempts, so EA says "Hey, you know what? This doesn't make any sense! Let's fix it", so they make "AWESOME NEW FIELD GOAL NETS!!!!" one of the major highlights of the 10 version.

So what does EA try and pass off as a "field goal net"? Some ultra-fake 4-bit pixelation circa Madden '98 that supposed to be their so-called "net", but really is only some cheesy thing that goes IN FRONT OF the invisible wall, and doesn't actually catch the ball like a REAL net would. So on long field goal attempts, we STILL see the ball bouncing off an invisible wall and THROUGH the net!!!! LMFAO!!!!!
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Old 05-10-2010, 01:48 AM   #523
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Blog: Pregame Entrances

Originally Posted by NDFan1029
LMFAO!!!! Don't even get me started on the "nets", dude. Okay, so the year before (09 version) and all versions prior to that we have some invisible wall the ball bounces off of after the extra point and FG attempts, so EA says "Hey, you know what? This doesn't make any sense! Let's fix it", so they make "AWESOME NEW FIELD GOAL NETS!!!!" one of the major highlights of the 10 version.

So what does EA try and pass off as a "field goal net"? Some ultra-fake 4-bit pixelation circa Madden '98 that supposed to be their so-called "net", but really is only some cheesy thing that goes IN FRONT OF the invisible wall, and doesn't actually catch the ball like a REAL net would. So on long field goal attempts, we STILL see the ball bouncing off an invisible wall and THROUGH the net!!!! LMFAO!!!!!
like a lot of movies , i just suspend belief and enjoy this game for what it is. no more , no less .the little things do not detract for me and am pretty well entertained whenever i play this game ,especially against my brother who is an auburn fan and i am a...well ROLL TIDE!
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Old 05-10-2010, 11:52 AM   #524
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Wow! I have to say, even though entrances isn't even gameplay this has me really excited! I got goosebumps just watching this video hearing the team leader screaming, click-clack, the crowd bursting with screams as the teams come out the tunnels. This has me really optimistic going into the summer as I wait for this game to come out. Hopefully, they have UT coming out of the tunnel with the smoke, american flag, and Big Bertha!(:
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Old 05-10-2010, 12:22 PM   #525
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Blog: Pregame Entrances

Originally Posted by ManOnTheMoon
Wow! I have to say, even though entrances isn't even gameplay this has me really excited! I got goosebumps just watching this video hearing the team leader screaming, click-clack, the crowd bursting with screams as the teams come out the tunnels. This has me really optimistic going into the summer as I wait for this game to come out. Hopefully, they have UT coming out of the tunnel with the smoke, american flag, and Big Bertha!(:
Exactly. THAT is the kind of posts that should be on this thread. All of you bashing EA for bad entrances are judging a video that came out 2 months before the game is released. They dont put something in the game and leave it alone until release. They're going to review the entrances and make all the necessary tweaks. So chill.
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Old 05-10-2010, 07:56 PM   #526
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Here's a question, not a complaint for those who think questioning EA is complaining.... You know who you are!

Will we be able to download uniform updates ie. Madden 10's AFL package? Last year plenty of teams had new uni's or uni changes (Oregon, Arizona St, Clemson, GT, Pro Combat etc) This year teams like Michigan St (new uni's), Arkansas (who's changing to Nike and I assume that they won't be Adidas uni's with a Nike symbol), and possibly other changes.*

I just saw Michigan St's new uni's and I didn't see them in the Pregame entrance clip. I'm not "complaining", again to those who think questions are complaints, because I know some schools haven't released their uni's yet ie. Arkansas. So if you weren't able to get them in at the release will we at least be able to download them later?
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Old 05-10-2010, 09:57 PM   #527
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Blog: Pregame Entrances

The AFL package on Madden was allready on the disc. downloading it just unlocked it so unless EA is able to get the uniform designs in advance and put them on the disc before release day than you won't be able to download any uniform updates.
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Old 05-10-2010, 10:29 PM   #528
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Blog: Pregame Entrances

I tend to think that perhaps ea put all of the bigger things(espn, team entrances etc.) out early so that they could get feedback, impressions etc. so that they can have time to go back in and fine tune the things that they need to. The guys at utopia mentioned in the espn podcast they they where able to make suggestions on additions and changes to the espn integration. Hopefully that is the case!

Last edited by MaizeHaze; 05-10-2010 at 10:33 PM.
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