This part of the hands on scares me!Minimal improvements for suction blocking and A.I on O-line and D-line (the A.I will still warp when out of position).Did I read this correctly? With suction blocking still in the game it leads me to think that the gameplay is not improved at all.
If a player has to plant his feet now before moving then how is it that suction blocking is still present?During a "suction block" the player would warp/360 turn/fly/teleport to the position thus negating the foot plant. Lets just hope in madden 11 your O-line or D-line doesnt pull a madden 10 and magically let the defender by-pass them so they can tackle you.
Also,If you hold the ball to long of course the CPU will pressure thats been happening since madden 1.Thats the logic of the A.I since to follow the ball so, of course there would be pressure when holding the ball long.