
Madden NFL 10 Blog - Improvements to WR/DB Interaction

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Old 04-26-2010, 04:04 PM   #217
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog - Improvements to WR/DB Interaction

Originally Posted by JEM
Things like these are the reasons no one should trust anything EA says.
Well, sometimes things don't make it in the game. Making a game is really hard put one thing in and break 5 other things.
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Old 04-26-2010, 04:18 PM   #218
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog - Improvements to WR/DB Interaction

This blog is the main reason I've taken a believe it when I see stance on Madden 10. I personally never saw any of those things when I played either as well as a lot of things from the other blogs.

I know sometimes things don't make it in, but no one bothered to inform us of that, even after the game dropped. To date, it's never even been addressed if these things are in Madden 11 or just never going to be in the game.
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Old 04-26-2010, 04:47 PM   #219
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog - Improvements to WR/DB Interaction

The first part that they talked about assigning a CB to a WR was in the game. I used it every game.

Also, I've had PI called in my franchise, but not very often. It's sporadic at best, but I wouldn't label it never either.

Also, Ian already addressed earlier this year why things didn't make it from a blog early on to the game hitting the store shelves.

Some features fell off the production wheel.

I agree with KJ that should have been explained better after the game dropped vs earlier this year.
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Old 04-26-2010, 05:11 PM   #220
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog - Improvements to WR/DB Interaction

Originally Posted by grunt
Well, sometimes things don't make it in the game. Making a game is really hard put one thing in and break 5 other things.
I really think it is high time we stop coddling these guys. Not saying our criticism has to be harsh, it should be constructive, but if they are bringing info to the community it had darn well better already be in the game and known by them to not break other things!!!

They need to bring in some guys like myself, Adembroski, LBrulz, and maybe a few others to test the game at different points of development. I will do it for free and I promise you I won't miss issues like out of whack contracts/ FA pool drying up/ dumb trade logic glitches/ the complete lack of a pass rush/ lack of size at DE in draft classes.

Look, I get it, they have a thousand things they have to get right, but I am sick of excuses - if it is not for sure in the game, then don't show it to me!
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Old 04-26-2010, 07:06 PM   #221
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog - Improvements to WR/DB Interaction

I think the worst part of it is that the Madden Dev team just never really addressed the stuff in the blogs that didn't make it in the game. I think people just felt cheated and duped. I remember they addressed stadium sounds once, and Ian said something like, Weird it was in my build of the game, I'll check it out. And we NEVER heard anything about it after that point. There are sooo many examples of this. I remember I went through a list of what was said to be in the game AFTER it was released, I think half the things on the list either just wasn't in the game and the other half didn't work right.
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Old 04-26-2010, 07:13 PM   #222
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog - Improvements to WR/DB Interaction

Here is my old post about the game features after the game was released, my comments are in bold.

This is from the gameplay guide on EA's official website here. http://maddennfl.easports.com/news.a...Id=gamersguide

Lets talk about the features they have been boasting about and how they don't work right or are broken. They have the right idea, but it's just poorly executed.

1. Pro-Tak Animation System (procedural animation steering, branching, & real-time manipulation):
o o Players can run up and knock over a gang tackle in progress. Users are able to knock the pile over using Hit Stick.
I have yet to be able to do this since I got the game two weeks ago and after about 50 games and numerous attempts trying...anyone else?
o If the ball carrier's forward progress is stopped but he hasn't been taken down to the ground yet, the officials will blow the play dead just like they do in real life games.
I've seen this once, and what is when the ball carrier is wrapped up they just cut straight to the playcall screen. It's so abrupt and you're just left feeling like it's a bug not really what they describe.

Animation Makeover - Removal and replacement of nearly 1000 animations. So long super-leaping swats and repetitive facemask tackles.
I still see the super-leaping swats from LB and DBs.

11. All new blocking system & animations -
The blocking AI is at it's most apparent and worst ever in the series. Anyone disagree?
o More realistic pocket formation
o Special moves / block shedding all controlled by intuitive R-Stick control

14. Throw out of sacks - Layered blending system allows the QB to get rid of the ball even while being hit (often causing a wounded duck throw)
While this was a MUCH needed feature...it leads to the CPU hardly ever taking a sack then throwing easy pick six's. Once again right idea, but poorly executed.

15. Accelerated Clock - Use the Accelerated Clock option to speed up your games. The Play Clock will wind down 15, 20 or 25 seconds after you call your play.
Leads to CPU quick snap. Right idea poorly executed.

18. Receiver Sideline Recognition - Receivers will automatically slow down as they near the sideline to try and stay in bounds for the reception if the ball is thrown their way.
I have yet to see a WR try to keep his feet in bounds...this is a huge deal for me since I played WR in college. Bottom line, the WR DO NOT TRY AND STAY IN BOUNDS.

19. New Catch Animations - Full Extension Catches and Over the shoulder basket catches have been added.
These over head the catches are a thing of beauty when done right and they are badly needed, however A LOT of the times they happen in the most awkward and least logical situtation. Once again, right idea poor execution.

23. QB Sneak - A new QB sneak animation has been added to better emulate what happens in real life on a QB sneak play.
This animation only "activates" on 5 man fronts, 4 man fronts the QB can still get 5 yards a pop.

30. New Mid Air Collisions - All new (more realistic) mid air collisions have been added for defenders to pull the ball out as a receiver leaps to catch it.
This is not realistic at all because it's poorly executed. The DB will more often than not defy physics and the laws of gravity and will turn 180 degrees in the air to execute the animation. Once again, right idea...poorly executed.

31. Ball Carrier & Non-Ball Carrier momentum -
o New cut moves have added to give Ball Carrier and Non-Ball Carrier movement a much more realistic look and feel.
o New Jukes and Spins - New Juke and Spin animations have been added. Users can also do different Jukes and Spins depending on whether they are sprinting or not.
I feel like overall, this makes the running animations not fluid and unresponsive.

33. Adaptive AI - The CPU will now adapt to your playing style and make changes accordingly. If you are pounding them with an inside run, look for the defensive line to pinch inside and the linebackers to crash more. If you are hurting them with the pass or a certain route, the defense will adjust it's coverages to take that away.
The AI doesn't adapt to covering the flats.

37. New penalties -
o Support for illegal forward passes and late hits out of bounds
I have had TONS of late out of bounds hits and have yet to see any penalties and I have the sliders up to 100. Right idea..poorly executed.

9. Commentary -
o Total lines of new dialogue recorded: Tom Hammond = 1,800; Cris Collinsworth = 2,200
The commentary is absolutely attrocious. Tom Hammond kills the whole thing. Anyone disagree?

4. Procedural Awareness - Players' heads follow the ball air, blocking targets, threats coming into their zone, and the ball carrier as he moves across the field.
I still see DB, LB, OL, DL with eyes in the back of their heads.

14. Statistical Perfection - Simulated statistics are more realistic than ever this year as they've undergone a complete overhaul.
I have never seen more problems and unrealistic statistics in all of Madden. User OL stats are messed up, I consistently have the least amount of sacks per season, while consistently having the most INT. CPU QB's consistently throw 5,000+ yards and 40+ TD's while only rushing for less than 10 TD a season. Even rushing teams like the Giants and Vikings.

Overall, the Madden team has the right idea but it's just poorly executed. Sometimes their ideas leads to other new problems like the QB throwing out of sacks, new blocking animations, etc.. That leads me to believe that they are building a mansion on top of quick sand. Meaning they are doing well meaningful and wonderful ideas, but they are not being well executed because of the foundation of the game.
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Old 04-26-2010, 10:55 PM   #223
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog - Improvements to WR/DB Interaction

Originally Posted by jp7588

Bumping old threads can be dangerous.

, damn. I just realised this was a old thread....DUH

Man, there was/is a lot that needs to be done with what was blogged last year and I hope we aint about to have a repeat of broken promises. .
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Old 04-27-2010, 03:08 AM   #224
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog - Improvements to WR/DB Interaction

So if this new tech stuff was suppose to be implemented last year in Madden 10, we should definitely see it this year in Madden 11 Right??! Hmmm..
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