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Originally Posted by TimLawNYC |
In everything I've read about this year's game so far, the overriding sentiment seems to be that it's still not a great game, but is a vast improvement over last year's steaming pile of feces. I'm glad that 2K improved the game from last year, but is a huge improvement over a disaster, which still amounts to an overall so-so game (which seems better to us than it really is because it's being compared to 2K9), really worth paying $60 for? I feel like every year we're saying, "Well, it's just okay this year, but I bet next year is gonna be AWESOME!" I just wonder how many years in a row we have to be disappointed in the overall product before we stop paying full retail for 2K's half-baked efforts.
And, lest anybody accuses me of being a "The Show" fanboy, I don't own a PS3 and have never played Sony's baseball game. I only have a 360, and 2K is my only hope for good baseball.
Its up to every person on what they feel is ok to pay or if the game is even good enough to be bought.
I don't disagree with you on how bad 2k9 was. I have never played the show and will not be buying a new system for one game. So to me I take what I can get. I didn't plan on playing a baseball game this year after 09 but it did greatly improve. That along with the struggling to find a job I have a lot of free time that needs to be filled.