
Backbreaker Preview (GamerPros)

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Old 03-02-2010, 12:09 PM   #9
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Re: GamerPros Article

Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
"The player rating system seems to be different from other games. Said Donald, “Our attribute system is not as in your face. We’re not presenting a massive grid of players. There are gold, silver, and bronze players. The attribute system works hand in hand with euphoria, takes it away from becoming a dice rolling system.”

It sounds like this game has ratings like APF2k8 but it says the system is different from other games. Interesting that they don't feel its a dice roll system, now I'm wondering how this works and how/if players will progress.
That was my exact same thoughts. When I read , gold, sliver and bronze, I'm like, what, APF had that too.
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Old 03-02-2010, 12:48 PM   #10
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Re: GamerPros Article

As far as right stick passing, can you throw the ball to any location on the field, or does it lock on to a receiver, also can you lead and overthrow receivers.
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Old 03-02-2010, 01:02 PM   #11
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Re: GamerPros Article

Originally Posted by stiffarmleft
As far as right stick passing, can you throw the ball to any location on the field, or does it lock on to a receiver, also can you lead and overthrow receivers.
great question.

I really can't wait to buy this and play the **** out of it.
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Old 03-02-2010, 01:12 PM   #12
adamgod8's Arena
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Re: GamerPros Article

You switch between receivers by scanning the field with the right stick...if you want to "lock-on" to a player the L2 button is a focus mode that tracks your targeted receiver and makes your pass more accurate but takes away from your peripheal visio, leaving you more likely to be blindsided. As for leading the reciever, I have no idea.
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Old 03-02-2010, 01:22 PM   #13
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Re: GamerPros Article

Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
It sounds like this game has ratings like APF2k8 but it says the system is different from other games. Interesting that they don't feel its a dice roll system, now I'm wondering how this works and how/if players will progress.
It probably will be absolute with adjustments based on angle and whatnot.

For example, if the Player A has 50 STR and Player B has 30 STR

And the "rules":

If hit from the side, the first player will "lose" 50% of his strength in staying upright or whatever.

If a ball carrier is hit by a tackler with at least 50% of his strength rating he will be slowed down and have to regain his top speed.

Player A will always win against player B in a straight up hit, but player A will be slowed down some (50 * 50% = 25, and player B's strength is higher than that, so he doesn't bring Player A down, but does slow him down some. Maybe some higher strength LBs can come finish him off.

However, Player B will always win against player A if hitting from the side (50 * 50% = 25, which is less than Player B's 30 STR). So if B is able to hit and wrap from the side he can force A down, but A will continue moving forward before going down due to physics and not being strong enough to stop A's momentum completely.

Things like that can make it not be a die roll system, but still use their physics/Euphoria to determine when/where/how/what state the ballcarrier (in this example) was hit from and the result.

For example, if A is slowed from B's straight on hit - perhaps a "rule" could be that if a ballcarrier is stumbling, he loses 50% of his strength until he regains his balance. So now another player of B's strength could hit player A straight on while he's stumbling and knock/bring him to the ground.

Everything is absolute, but still will "feel" random because of physics and the angles, etc.

Last edited by KBLover; 03-02-2010 at 01:26 PM.
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Old 03-02-2010, 01:50 PM   #14
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Re: GamerPros Article

Originally Posted by adamgod8
You switch between receivers by scanning the field with the right stick...if you want to "lock-on" to a player the L2 button is a focus mode that tracks your targeted receiver and makes your pass more accurate but takes away from your peripheal visio, leaving you more likely to be blindsided. As for leading the reciever, I have no idea.
Thanks, I hope inaccurate passing is represented well and the ability to lead receivers is implemented. Being able to throw to an area of the field instead of a particular receiver would be a nice feature, but i'm not quite sure how you could do this. For the most part this game looks to have addressed a lot of what I want to see in a football game, plus some things I never thought of, these English blokes seem to have a good handle on American football. I hope it sells well so that it has a chance to improve with future releases, but I have a feeling this will not be an annual release.
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Old 03-02-2010, 02:38 PM   #15
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Re: GamerPros Article

Originally Posted by stiffarmleft
Thanks, I hope inaccurate passing is represented well and the ability to lead receivers is implemented. Being able to throw to an area of the field instead of a particular receiver would be a nice feature, but i'm not quite sure how you could do this. For the most part this game looks to have addressed a lot of what I want to see in a football game, plus some things I never thought of, these English blokes seem to have a good handle on American football. I hope it sells well so that it has a chance to improve with future releases, but I have a feeling this will not be an annual release.
well, I think the engine can handle it... I don't know if the controls are there....from the past videos you can see the receivers REALLY try to catch the passes....as far as stretching out their hands realistically...lets say you threw to a particular spot on the field...if the receiver was in that area, it seems like he would try to make a play for you..... where as in other games, its like either he can make the catch or not....meaning he'll teleport to that area....or the ball will just sail by him, with him not even attempting to make a catch.
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Old 03-03-2010, 06:00 PM   #16
strawberryshortcake's Arena
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Re: GamerPops Article

Originally Posted by thedude213
Insightful. Informative. Short, simple, sweet and to the point.

I see features as the cherry on top. Solid gameplay will essentially make solid features that much sweeter. However, I was hoping for a little bit (a lot) more insight. I was hopnig for more insight with regards to actual on-the-field-player-player-interactions, including off-ball player-player interactions, and off-ball defensive and offensive artificial intelligence, and situational/procedural awareness.

Hopefully we'll get articles delving into these aspects as they show up in the upcoming days/week(s) from early previews, especially those at these preview events. Sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, I believe we’ll be getting the same type of reviews that will continue to only touch on the surface of backbreaker’s euphoria technology and game features (e.g. franchise, etc.), rather than on the field football fundamentals.

Seeing as how 3rd person camera will actually magnify a player's demeanor, behavior, movements, situational awareness and on the field football intelligence, it would have actually have been crucial for team NaturalMotion to have gone deeper into these aspects with those fortunate enough to be present at these preview events. Features are nice, but let's talk gameplay (other than tackles) and what a “backbreaker football player” is capable of doing on the field, and how closely it resembles what a real live, real football player can do. Right now, euphoria (& naturalmotion tech) = physics. But the question remains what part of NaturalMotion’s tech = football intelligence/ football physics?

As of right now, we are seeing more and more partial snippets of gameplay, all I really know definitively is tackle intelligence. It has been stated that defenders are programmed (and modified to numb ultra aggression) to take down the offensive ball handler at all cost. Tackling is a small part of football, but what about the segment prior and between snap-and-tackle. What about player-player interaction without the ball? (OL vs DL; WR vs. DB, etc.). Tackles is the end product, but what about all the flavors that coat Backbreaker immediately before and after the football snap? How will they stand up to the test?

I would like future developer's diary to present videos to (finally) illustrate CPU vs. CPU artificial intelligence, situational and procedural awareness. With each passing interview and developer's diary that continue to solely focus on what we already know, I grow more concerned. Gameplay CPU vs. CPU match-ups (offensive and defensive cameras) without “player vs. CPU” or “player vs. player” involvements.

I am always excited to see new Backbreaker footage, but it's getting little bit frustrating not seeing more focus on off-ball player awareness, player-player interactions, and artificial intelligence. If they are not natural (in 'motion') it could very well be a problem even if we can completely customize the NFL from scratch. I believe more off-ball player interactions and situational awareness segments (and not simply brief moments) would give this game strong football credibility, if and if it replicates football.

I believe NaturalMotion should have forked over true gameplay footage much, much earlier rather than keeping it secretive until 2 months before release. Any issues or problems that critics see with this game could have been better fleshed out and polished if the developers worked closer with the community, especially critics.
If I was a new and upcoming developer, I would want all the negatives that critics can dish out. I would want to prove them wrong. Plus, if you want to understand how something works, ask the experts. Ask those who have first hand experience. I am hoping NaturalMotion enlisted the help of real football players at each and every single position. Based on gameplay footage and web reactions, right now, NaturalMotion is falling short.

I will remain optimistic at this point but it’s rather difficult based on recent gameplay footages and knowing the time is ticking, fast. Two months is a very short time frame. Regardless, I will be supporting this game when it comes out hoping that it will give other developers (i.e. especially 2ksports) an understanding that a solid game of football is what truly works. Because guess what? Sales figure do dictate what developers do.

If sales figure for Backbreaker are solid, 2ksports must take notice that official NFL branding is not an absolute requirement to sell “video game football.”

On the flip side, the problem with Backbreaker not succeeding is that it gives 2ksports (or another developer) another reason not to create a generic and fully customizable football game. THIS is why backbreaker one needs to do well. Football fundamentals need to be fixed, quick. I pray for Backbreaker success.

Last edited by strawberryshortcake; 03-03-2010 at 09:44 PM.
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