
Breaking Down Backbreaker

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Old 01-20-2010, 05:22 AM   #97
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Re: Breaking Down Backbreaker

Originally Posted by creed200569
Anyone who buys Madden period is foolish. Madden is garbage and is not even close to being realistic. All Pro 2k8 owns Madden.

You dont need NFL teams for it to feel like football genius. All Pro 2k8 was more realistic than any other football game
Um im just saying ppl will leave it on the shelves because of that. What happened to APF 2k9 and 2k10?
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Old 01-20-2010, 08:25 PM   #98
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the ways it looks...this game will be great...no magnet effect like madden has...they should have what NCAA 10 has..teambuilder..so we can download teams and play with them..cuz i kno there will be somebody dat will create every nfl team..and we can easily used them and play with them....
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Old 01-21-2010, 11:06 AM   #99
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Everyone is hoping that Back Breaker is this astounding football game when in actuality it will be a generic "Blitz style" game with SUPERIOR physics engine. Back Breaker 2 may improve on gameplay, and football fundamentals, but out of the gate Back Breaker will disappoint a lot of people. I have been following the Euphoria engine for a LONG time, and it is the most real life enigine I ahve ever seen implemented, that being said there are issues with the game that will keep it from being a monster hit.

The forced camera view, while different, will cause more harm than good. Imagine being on defense, and not being able to see where the ball is going, sure we'll probably be able to switch to the person closest to the ball carrier, but what if that player is on his back from already being knocked over by the ball carrier? Playing QB, and not being able to see your receivers has been a problem for Madden for years, in back breaker it's an inherent problem complicated by the forced over the should camera.

The developers want to give you the feel that your the player on the field, but without being able to move the camera you can't look around LIKE you can in the NFL or even walking down the street to make sure you don't get hit by a car while crossing the street. In FPSs, you look around with one stick while moving with the other to guide your character, this can't be implemented in Back Breaker because of the button we have all become accustomed to...the sprint button, with both thumbs on the sticks, you can't use a sprint button, so logical deduction is that you'll literally have blinders on, and everything on your left and right is your blind side.

Actual gameplay will be an issue as well. While most of us are looking for a game to replace Madden, the majority don't want Bltz, and having no football (american or soccer) experience in the genre, Natural motion has the biggest hurdle of them all to get over. There has been no mention of playbooks or AI in terms of play recognition, or AI awareness. The most advanced physics engine in the world will not help this game if the players themselves don't act and react like actual football players.

While the game has been in development for 3 years, I don't think that is nearly enough time for Back Breaker to be the ground breaking IP everyone is hoping for. If you like Blitz, but wanted it be more realistic, then you have your wish, but if your a Madden fan, and want Madden with better physics, Back Breaker will surely disappoint you, no it's not out, and I haven't played it, but I have been playing games for 26 years, and have learned to use logic in making my purchases by researching the games I have interest in, and this game caught my eye a long time ago but with the more details that are released, the more I'm turned off by it.

I'm going to have to wait till either EA gets it right, or 2k Sports is able to make another NFL game.
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Old 01-21-2010, 11:23 AM   #100
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Re: Breaking Down Backbreaker

I see what you see, Trefactor. I'd be completely surprised if this game plays good sim football.

IF this game has solid gameplay that's balanced and limits cheese... I can envision playing it.
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Old 01-21-2010, 11:39 AM   #101
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Re: Breaking Down Backbreaker

so, whats the editor like in this game? can all teams be edited? im sorry if someone mentioned that already..


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Old 01-21-2010, 03:22 PM   #102
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Re: Breaking Down Backbreaker

Originally Posted by TreFacTor
Everyone is hoping that Back Breaker is this astounding football game when in actuality it will be a generic "Blitz style" game with SUPERIOR physics engine. Back Breaker 2 may improve on gameplay, and football fundamentals, but out of the gate Back Breaker will disappoint a lot of people. I have been following the Euphoria engine for a LONG time, and it is the most real life enigine I ahve ever seen implemented, that being said there are issues with the game that will keep it from being a monster hit.

The forced camera view, while different, will cause more harm than good. Imagine being on defense, and not being able to see where the ball is going, sure we'll probably be able to switch to the person closest to the ball carrier, but what if that player is on his back from already being knocked over by the ball carrier? Playing QB, and not being able to see your receivers has been a problem for Madden for years, in back breaker it's an inherent problem complicated by the forced over the should camera.

The developers want to give you the feel that your the player on the field, but without being able to move the camera you can't look around LIKE you can in the NFL or even walking down the street to make sure you don't get hit by a car while crossing the street. In FPSs, you look around with one stick while moving with the other to guide your character, this can't be implemented in Back Breaker because of the button we have all become accustomed to...the sprint button, with both thumbs on the sticks, you can't use a sprint button, so logical deduction is that you'll literally have blinders on, and everything on your left and right is your blind side.

Actual gameplay will be an issue as well. While most of us are looking for a game to replace Madden, the majority don't want Bltz, and having no football (american or soccer) experience in the genre, Natural motion has the biggest hurdle of them all to get over. There has been no mention of playbooks or AI in terms of play recognition, or AI awareness. The most advanced physics engine in the world will not help this game if the players themselves don't act and react like actual football players.

While the game has been in development for 3 years, I don't think that is nearly enough time for Back Breaker to be the ground breaking IP everyone is hoping for. If you like Blitz, but wanted it be more realistic, then you have your wish, but if your a Madden fan, and want Madden with better physics, Back Breaker will surely disappoint you, no it's not out, and I haven't played it, but I have been playing games for 26 years, and have learned to use logic in making my purchases by researching the games I have interest in, and this game caught my eye a long time ago but with the more details that are released, the more I'm turned off by it.

I'm going to have to wait till either EA gets it right, or 2k Sports is able to make another NFL game.
Interesting analysis and conclusion considering you haven't played the game yet. Of course your superior logic and researching ability have been noted.
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Old 01-22-2010, 02:17 AM   #103
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Re: Breaking Down Backbreaker

^ and his post also touches on something at the core of the game. He said if you're looking for madden with better physics you will be disappointed. IMO that's great. I can't play madden games and I certainly don't want madden with better physics.

I also really hope they don't bend and give classic camera angles. If you can't buy into their vision, than take a pass, don't try to compare it to something it isn't, or try to turn it into something it isn't. It's supposed to be a more visceral style done with somewhat gears of war style presentation. If the idea of playing a new take on videogame football is intriguing to you - this could be a good new game. If all you want is the same stuff you've been playing for decades with a new physics engine, than move along.

I also don't get the complaints about the camera ... In superstar mode in madden I never had a problem being QB and this is very similar to that...you might not be able to see all your recievers all the time, but that's kind of the point. It's gears-style, not 'hand of god' style.

I really hope the design team takes the suggestions they get with a grain of salt, otherwise it will warp in to some stupid imitation of madden. It's time for something different. Something like this could potentially force the team sports genre to evolve.
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Old 01-22-2010, 03:16 AM   #104
OVR: 1
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Backbreak doesn't work with animations and every tackle is different...what would they build on???...they must have a outstanding franchise mode....customization must be top-noch....I bet there franchise mode will blow the top off of madden...but one thing I'm scared of is how fast with the gameplay be...will it be like madden. 10 or madden 09 speed of game wise...
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