
Electronic Arts to Make Announcement on Tiger Woods

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Old 01-05-2010, 01:21 PM   #9
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Re: Electronic Arts to Make Announcement on Tiger Woods

Originally Posted by Cod
Another link stating EA is sticking by Tiger: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/...est=latestnews

I applaud this move by EA. I'm sick of the media ripping this guy apart for a mistake he made. Its time to move on.
Correction. 14 mistakes.

I couldn't care less what the media says. They're all idiots only chasing the big story to get their names in print.
Every single media outlet trashed Michael Jackson as a sick pedophile. The second he dies, these same outlets heap praise on him calling him one of the most talented men to walk the earth.

Tiger will use his considerable resources to clean up his image. In the next 12 months I expect him to go on Oprah or Larry King and then maybe do some charity work for some woman's groups.
By this time next year, everyone will be back on Tigers sack talking about how awesome he is.

To me, I couldn't care less. In my view he's always come across as a pompous, egotistical, humorless dork who's only good on par 5's.
So I'll gladly revel in his demise. He built an empire on a false image he created. Now that image is stained with whore's and lies. It makes for great reading on a boring day at work.
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Old 01-05-2010, 01:35 PM   #10
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Re: Electronic Arts to Make Announcement on Tiger Woods

Originally Posted by Stain

Well, as a pro golf writer, let me give you the media perspective. There's two sides to the coin. Top: Video games like GTA and such .. well, the facts are the facts. The objective of most of the popular video games is to blow somebody's friggin' head off with a wicked weapon. The more graphic, the better. So, the dude screwed some skanks. Ehh .. We're talking video games here, not Rolex. If there IS one area that keeps Tiger, this might be the last bastion. NOW .. the other side of that coin is .. pro golf has an image of a very family oriented sport. While other pro sports are talking about guns and arrests and deaths and steroids, cute little 5 year-old girls are running on to the 18th green and being scooped up by dad, and then dad kisses his drop dead gorgeous wife .. and all this because he just won a tournament.

It looks really good for sponsors. They eat it up.

And the demographic audience is simply phenomenal in their disposable income level and sponsors eat that alive, as well. Sponsors love when people who make $100,000+ watch consistently and they do not care about the NUMBER of people that watch, just that they can get to THOSE people. Watch a golf tournament sometime and just watch the commercials. Yeah. These are the people with Mad Bank in the United States.

Turns out they are all scumbags and crooks after last fall's evidence was spilled during The Financial Meltdown. But .. they are very, very well paid scumbags and crooks and they do dig golf. Big Time.

Here's one of the things that deeply disturbs me about Tiger Woods:

I wrote an article that, basically, said "Where's all the black golfers?" It was so significant that Tiger won The Masters at Augusta National Golf Club, a bastion of deep South prejudice. It was so important that Tiger cracked this sport that was Cracker White wide open.


Now, where's all the people he blazed a trail for at? This is most definitely not Jackie Robinson, evidently. There's no "wave" of 22 year-old black golfers that were inspired by watching a black man at Augusta set the tournament record. I can't think of ANY significant young black golfer, college, Nationwide Tour, anywhere.

Can think of a GOB of Asians.

No blacks.

So ... the article was based on that point and "Why isn't anybody saying this incredibly logical point in the media? Why isn't this talked about, this entire failure of an opportunity of a culture to expand?"

I submit the article and the Editor says, "Oh, we can't print this. It's race. We have a black president now and we can't get in to this. This is too racial, too racial."


The facts and stats speak for themselves. It's not my OPINION. The doors that Tiger supposedly busted down with sheer talent are just sitting there. Nobody is walking through them .. therefore .. making his achievements NOT RACIAL and just really impressive. If Tiger ends up being the only black golfer ever to win The Masters, THAT point, of that missed opportunity by a culture, that will taint his legacy in The Big Picture far more than getting totally ridiculous amounts of trim.

So, Jackie Robinson he is not. That whole thing is now gone from The Tiger Story. Insignificant. Not his fault. Just the facts.

Lastly, why doesn't anybody say "The only guy who has ever really been in a mess such as this in PGA Tour HISTORY is black." Does it matter? No. Is it a fact? Yeah, it is factual. And it's pretty shocking considering how many white dudes are on the Tour.

The odds on this are galatically astronomical.

The one black guy from America out there didn't just screw around on his wife, he went pusyybanzai banana nutz with it.

Nobody says anything. It's incredibly obvious and in any other sport or any other situation, like .. say .. POLITICS .. , this would be The Lead of the Story and then the facts would follow.

Here, nobody even mentions it.


Just a different perspective to consider on The Tiger Woods situation.


I wanted to respond to the where the black golfers comment, I read part of your statement and I may be wrong if I am just say so, but the reason for there not being a boom in golf of black players is that it is a stigma in the inner city of playing golf, people think its boring, they rather play bball or football, I myself being a black man have been playing golf for over 22 years, Played high school golf and made my college golf team. But its was nurtured in my environment, im from the suburbs and my white friends played, thats just what we did. In the city Bball and football are what you do, there needs to be a better presence in the city and high schools for golf, if not it will be very slow. Theres more to add but I hate typing.

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Old 01-05-2010, 02:15 PM   #11
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Re: Electronic Arts to Make Announcement on Tiger Woods

Originally Posted by Stain

Well, as a pro golf writer, let me give you the media perspective. There's two sides to the coin. Top: Video games like GTA and such .. well, the facts are the facts. The objective of most of the popular video games is to blow somebody's friggin' head off with a wicked weapon. The more graphic, the better. So, the dude screwed some skanks. Ehh .. We're talking video games here, not Rolex. If there IS one area that keeps Tiger, this might be the last bastion. NOW .. the other side of that coin is .. pro golf has an image of a very family oriented sport. While other pro sports are talking about guns and arrests and deaths and steroids, cute little 5 year-old girls are running on to the 18th green and being scooped up by dad, and then dad kisses his drop dead gorgeous wife .. and all this because he just won a tournament.

It looks really good for sponsors. They eat it up.

And the demographic audience is simply phenomenal in their disposable income level and sponsors eat that alive, as well. Sponsors love when people who make $100,000+ watch consistently and they do not care about the NUMBER of people that watch, just that they can get to THOSE people. Watch a golf tournament sometime and just watch the commercials. Yeah. These are the people with Mad Bank in the United States.

Turns out they are all scumbags and crooks after last fall's evidence was spilled during The Financial Meltdown. But .. they are very, very well paid scumbags and crooks and they do dig golf. Big Time.

Here's one of the things that deeply disturbs me about Tiger Woods:

I wrote an article that, basically, said "Where's all the black golfers?" It was so significant that Tiger won The Masters at Augusta National Golf Club, a bastion of deep South prejudice. It was so important that Tiger cracked this sport that was Cracker White wide open.


Now, where's all the people he blazed a trail for at? This is most definitely not Jackie Robinson, evidently. There's no "wave" of 22 year-old black golfers that were inspired by watching a black man at Augusta set the tournament record. I can't think of ANY significant young black golfer, college, Nationwide Tour, anywhere.

Can think of a GOB of Asians.

No blacks.

So ... the article was based on that point and "Why isn't anybody saying this incredibly logical point in the media? Why isn't this talked about, this entire failure of an opportunity of a culture to expand?"

I submit the article and the Editor says, "Oh, we can't print this. It's race. We have a black president now and we can't get in to this. This is too racial, too racial."


The facts and stats speak for themselves. It's not my OPINION. The doors that Tiger supposedly busted down with sheer talent are just sitting there. Nobody is walking through them .. therefore .. making his achievements NOT RACIAL and just really impressive. If Tiger ends up being the only black golfer ever to win The Masters, THAT point, of that missed opportunity by a culture, that will taint his legacy in The Big Picture far more than getting totally ridiculous amounts of trim.

So, Jackie Robinson he is not. That whole thing is now gone from The Tiger Story. Insignificant. Not his fault. Just the facts.

Lastly, why doesn't anybody say "The only guy who has ever really been in a mess such as this in PGA Tour HISTORY is black." Does it matter? No. Is it a fact? Yeah, it is factual. And it's pretty shocking considering how many white dudes are on the Tour.

The odds on this are galatically astronomical.

The one black guy from America out there didn't just screw around on his wife, he went pusyybanzai banana nutz with it.

Nobody says anything. It's incredibly obvious and in any other sport or any other situation, like .. say .. POLITICS .. , this would be The Lead of the Story and then the facts would follow.

Here, nobody even mentions it.


Just a different perspective to consider on The Tiger Woods situation.


Buddy you got some racial issues you need to work out and for the record Tiger is technically half black, his mother is Asian if that makes you feel better.

Also for the record, do you think Tiger is the only guy who's screwed around on the Tour? Wake up and smell the coffee. He got caught because he was blatant about it and when you drive into a tree and hydrant bleeding like a stuck pig in the middle of the night it's gonna be news for any athlete nevermind someone as famous as Tiger.

I've heard various rumours about another famous golfer (I'll give you a hint, initials P.M.) who has an affection for the ladies. I've heard that hush money was involved and it included an abortion a few years back. Also telling that he has made no comment regarding Tiger's current plight. It's totally naive thinking that Tiger is the only one doing it, it's because he did it to excess due to probably his enormous ego, and is under a very big microscope.
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Old 01-05-2010, 02:48 PM   #12
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Re: Electronic Arts to Make Announcement on Tiger Woods

Originally Posted by Money99
To me, I couldn't care less. In my view he's always come across as a pompous, egotistical, humorless dork who's only good on par 5's.
I met Tiger 2 years ago and you could not be more misinformed. Granted all you have to go by is what you see, but don't judge the book because all you can see or experience is the cover....

Originally Posted by Money99
So I'll gladly revel in his demise.
Good for you. I don't revel in anyone's demise, especially when that demise is the result of poor choices which could have easily been avoided. I despise Tiger for what he has done to Elin and his family, but I still admire his skills as a PG TOUR Golfer and one day he will emerge from this a better person (hopefully).
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Old 01-05-2010, 03:46 PM   #13
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Re: Electronic Arts to Make Announcement on Tiger Woods

Originally Posted by DivotMaker
I met Tiger 2 years ago and you could not be more misinformed. Granted all you have to go by is what you see, but don't judge the book because all you can see or experience is the cover....
I've heard from several sources and people that have met him also and came away thinking the opposite of you.
How many times do you have to read about how he fails to tip after meals that he demanded be comped?
That says a lot about a person. Anyone can put on a 'face' for a fan when approached.

Originally Posted by DivotMaker
Good for you. I don't revel in anyone's demise, especially when that demise is the result of poor choices which could have easily been avoided. I despise Tiger for what he has done to Elin and his family, but I still admire his skills as a PG TOUR Golfer and one day he will emerge from this a better person (hopefully).
But that's why I do revel in his demise.
I have ZERO sympathy for people like Tiger who sully their marriage and family by trapsing with whores and prostitutes.

Of course I feel bad for his wife and kids. They'll forever have a scarlet letter attached to their names for what their moron dad did.

You reap what you sow. And Tiger sowed a lot. He deserves everything he's getting and I LOVE IT. Anyone else who engages in this kind of behavior deserves the same treatment and I love hearing about it when they do to - whether they're famous or not.

If you're a man-whore then don't get married and certainly don't bring kids into the equation. I have a feeling Tiger was indulging in plenty of this behavior well before he walked down the aisle.
If you know you can't control your seed-bag then why drag a wife and 2 kids down with you.
Tiger's a POS and he deserves everything he's getting. I hope Elin leaves him and takes him for every penny he's got - for her and her kids.

Last edited by Money99; 01-05-2010 at 03:49 PM.
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Old 01-05-2010, 04:26 PM   #14
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Re: Electronic Arts to Make Announcement on Tiger Woods

Originally Posted by Seymour Scagnetti
Buddy you got some racial issues you need to work out and for the record Tiger is technically half black, his mother is Asian if that makes you feel better.
Tiger is only a quarter black. His dad was only half black. Seriously.
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Old 01-05-2010, 05:01 PM   #15
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Re: Electronic Arts to Make Announcement on Tiger Woods

Originally Posted by Money99
/ SNIP /
Um, okay...whatever....
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Old 01-05-2010, 07:18 PM   #16
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Re: Electronic Arts to Make Announcement on Tiger Woods

"Lastly, why doesn't anybody say "The only guy who has ever really been in a mess such as this in PGA Tour HISTORY is black." Does it matter? No. Is it a fact? Yeah, it is factual. And it's pretty shocking considering how many white dudes are on the Tour."

Wow to the person that wasted his time saying an empty statement as this. Obviously, you don't know the story of SAMSON. Thru the beginning of time MEN have been vulnerable to issues such as this. His skin color has nothing to do with it. Or maybe his skin color did???

Is Woods the only MAN on the Tour with this issue? Go talk to John Daly about Tour life, that's all I have to say. He'll get you straight about the Tour and about any other limelight profession with MEN and lots of $$$. There will be women.

Wonder why the boys on the Tour are so quiet? It's about casting stones. It's about a black MAN and women of another race. And it's about Tour players thinking "we better make all the money we can now" in the tour events, because SAMSON will be back and he'll remember what I said or done.
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