
Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

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Old 10-19-2009, 01:09 PM   #177
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Re: Preliminary details

Originally Posted by Dmacho
This is the only thing I disagree with. EA made no efforts to really fix the game. Ian and company fixed things like presentation, they added medium, long, short accuracy and throwing on the run ratings for QBs, they got rid of the roll and chuck; however, the ratings mean nothing. Rating, attributes or whatever you want to name them are really what drives any sports simulation. The whole premise of a sports sim have a digital character in the game with the visual likeness and the ability of the player that is meant to be portrayed. A sports sim is supposed to incorporate the fact that certian players are superior or inferior to others; that players have certian strengths and weakness , certian players are stronger, faster or more agile than others ; the only way to convey that is through ratings.

It's been proven that the ratings are meaningless in Madden 10, so what really did the development team do ? If the engine doesn't work in a car, it's useless. Who cares if you put add rims, a new paint job, satellite radio or whatever else. The Car needs to run properly first. Without ratings, the game means nothing.
Excellent post IMO. Rarings have to carry weight not "just be there."
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Another year, and here we go again.
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Old 10-19-2009, 01:27 PM   #178
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

Originally Posted by DaRealist01
these are the posts i have issues with. really, is shadows really more serious than gameplay issues? hopefully ea gets the major stuff fixed first before trying to pretty up the game with minor details like that
This. This is my pet peeve on this forum, well one of them. You can put anybody short of cheerleaders on the oline and protect the QB, yet people are worried about the half time show, super bowl presentation and what not.

The ratings don't effect the game. The devs should concentrate on that and since EA's so concerned with marketing new features, they could call it " Procedural Ability " ; when you put a superior player up against an inferior one, the superior player will win the match up the majority of the time ; the superior player will win whether they're blocking or shedding a block , tackling or breaking a tackle , running or covering a route and pass blocking or pass rushing ; not just out running someone or being out run.
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Old 10-19-2009, 01:45 PM   #179
carnalnirvana's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

Originally Posted by Dmacho
This. This is my pet peeve on this forum, well one of them. You can put anybody short of cheerleaders on the oline and protect the QB, yet people are worried about the half time show, super bowl presentation and what not.

The ratings don't effect the game. The devs should concentrate on that and since EA's so concerned with marketing new features, they could call it " Procedural Ability " ; when you put a superior player up against an inferior one, the superior player will win the match up the majority of the time ; the superior player will win whether they're blocking or shedding a block , tackling or breaking a tackle , running or covering a route and pass blocking or pass rushing ; not just out running someone or being out run.

if we could put them on the field, the cheerleaders probably would block
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Old 10-19-2009, 01:57 PM   #180
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Re: Preliminary details

Originally Posted by KBLover
Which applies to all games ever that ever got a patch. Not just Madden or sports games.

That's the ideal. Perfect out of the box, never ever needing any fixing. Perfectly balanced, perfect graphics, perfect AI who wouldn't want that right out of the box? All "patches" then would just add more content.

Reality is, patches get put out to fix issues. I know I haven't played that game that's been perfect out of the box.

Could they get out faster? Maybe, though I would rather wait and get the patch done right that fixes the issues, then one that's fast and doesn't do a lot (or creates more issues as some has mentioned the 1st patch doing)
but KB the patch does take forever and it still is not done right....

the sliders being mised up wont be patched, the qb's running a slot offense wont be patched,

suction blocking, morphing etc all these wont be patched even if we waited until january for this patch......

they will get another 3 months after the release of the product and our FREE BETA TEST and still come up short

as a matter of fact WE PAY EA TO BETA TEST THIER GAME imagine that

we are beta testing this game for the millions who could careless for message boards, and what ever update no matter how mininal the improvments everyone benefits.

i saw my cousins franchise where he has all 90+ players at every position even backups, he is having a blast playing, he didnt pay for his copy.....
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Old 10-19-2009, 02:29 PM   #181
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

That list leaves alot to be desired. I have a strong feeling if it was/could/will be fixed it should be on that list. Leaving off key gameplay issues people have shown is inexcusable. I was under the impression patch 1 was ready to go at launch but got held up. Atleast thats why I gave it a pass on fixing some issues.

If certain aspects of gameplay cant be fixed, come out and tell us now. Same goes for CPU AI.

This whole blog and community interaction seems to be geared to nothing more that stringing us along.

I have no issue with anything that was getting fixed, anything being changed for the betterment of the overall game is a good thing. However when game play is this broken, I dont worry about highlights replays, cutscence and post game shows.

I could almost live with the ratings meaning nothing if the AI was adaptive. Unless its a QB or HB most of the players in the game play as a position rather than a unique player. The static, dull gameplay could be almost tolerable if the AI could make games challenging the right way.
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Old 10-19-2009, 02:44 PM   #182
bgeno's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

Originally Posted by Dmacho
This. This is my pet peeve on this forum, well one of them. You can put anybody short of cheerleaders on the oline and protect the QB, yet people are worried about the half time show, super bowl presentation and what not.
I haven't been on the Madden forums since this summer (I knew I couldn't afford the game and didn't want to get myself excited about it), but this is something that has bothered me as well... and, frankly, it's another reason I quit checking out the Madden forum. To me, some people's priorities are a little off.

And I caught some **** for it when I mentioned in the summer that I'd rather they fix gameplay than work on presentation stuff that gets old after the third time you see it anyhow.
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Old 10-19-2009, 03:38 PM   #183
sportskid84's Arena
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I hope they fixed the super bowl patch issue with created team
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Old 10-19-2009, 03:52 PM   #184
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

the fact that guys like ahmad bradshaw and marquis colston show up playing defensive back on their teams and that the 3-4 d doesnt work at all renders the game a complete waste...seriously how about patching something like the depth chart logic ...it's flawed seriously flawed
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