Question: Have you played your copy on an SD television? What's the difference like between playing on an SD and HD tv? One of my biggest problems with 2K9 was that I primarily played on an SD tv, and the graphics look atrocious in SD compared to other games that I had compared to both SD and HD. It's like it was designed specifically for HD, and is heavily compromised, with fuzzy textures for example, if it is downscaled to SD. When I was able to use HD at a friends place, the difference was enormous. I haven't experienced such blatantly average graphics from a top notch HD game on SD before. (Eg, I've played Killzone 2 on HD and SD and the graphics downscaled nicely to SD.) Hoping that they've done some work to cater for what is apparently still the majority of gamers at this point in time, that is, those who are still using SD tv's. It'd be great if you could test this out please Pared. Thanks!