
No Demo for NHL 2K10

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Old 09-02-2009, 08:20 PM   #65
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Re: No Demo for NHL 2K10

I think even if 2k10 is the better game Ea's will score higher in the reviews and will sell more units. The PR for 2k10 is just so scarce its hard to find anything new about teh all of the big promises apart from 2k team members saying they are all there.

What I would be looking for in the 2k10 demo beyond the intros would be the promises on graphical improvements but more importantly how the game plays! If the stick handling and skating are smoother, the smartness of the ai etc, etc.
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Old 09-02-2009, 08:34 PM   #66
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Re: No Demo for NHL 2K10

Originally Posted by Fierce Robot
I think even if 2k10 is the better game Ea's will score higher in the reviews and will sell more units. The PR for 2k10 is just so scarce its hard to find anything new about teh all of the big promises apart from 2k team members saying they are all there.

What I would be looking for in the 2k10 demo beyond the intros would be the promises on graphical improvements but more importantly how the game plays! If the stick handling and skating are smoother, the smartness of the ai etc, etc.
I'm not sure NHL 10 would score higher if it's not truly the better game; the past iterations of 2k's NHL series got very high ratings (and higher than EA's) when they deserved them.

Gameplay is definitely the key which is why there's all this complaining regarding the no demo. You can make pretty much any current gen game look good via screen shots..
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Old 09-02-2009, 08:45 PM   #67
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Re: No Demo for NHL 2K10

Originally Posted by Flyermania
Not that this really surprises me, but you're really going to judge a game on a 5-minute period demo where you can't adjust any of the sliders? Wow.

Unfortunately for 2k, not releasing a demo can also serve a purpose and send a message to gamers who were on the fence about buying the game in the first place. Just look at some of the responses in this thread.
First of all I think it takes guts to not put out a demo at all. Instead of being negative about it, I believe it's them showing what confidence they do have in their product. It sounds like their plan is to sell the game by word of mouth from the fans and the gaming site reviews, plus the 10 dollar discount doesn't hurt. I think that's a good way to do things myself.If I have said it once I have said it a thousand times, EA is the king of marketing, demos, blogs, etc., but they also IMHO put out the most mediocre sports games. Just think about the absolute hype that madden had pre release (just like every year) and go read the complaint thread or whatever it's called.

By the way, what's the problem with judging NHL 10 by their demo. Isn't that what people here are talking about, having the 2k demo so that they can make a choice. Why would YOU call it a bad marketing decision (AND YOU DID) for 2k not to release a demo (because having a demo can sell the game) but question my decision not to purchase NHL 10 because I played that demo? Make up your mind.

By the way I'm not concerned about the game-play in NHL 10, that seems fine, but the generic arena's and sub-par presentation really took away the interest I had in purchasing that game. Generic equals boring to me. I need true presentation with all the bells and whistles.
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You are the 2k Police. :)

Last edited by Eddie1967; 09-02-2009 at 09:58 PM.
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Old 09-02-2009, 09:35 PM   #68
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Re: No Demo for NHL 2K10

Originally Posted by wEEman33

You'd think 2K would've learned this lesson with their one-and-done All Pro Football franchise, but apparently not.

I don't think that's a comparable example. 2K was probably counting on the love people, and especially Americans, have for football in general. This was a way around the exclusive license crap. But they did advertise and did release a demo for APF. I think they were gearing up for customization, but it just never flew to begin with.
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Old 09-02-2009, 09:44 PM   #69
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Re: No Demo

Originally Posted by Scottdau
1) Come to our office in Novato, CA (just north of San Francisco) We are so ecstatic about this game that we will accept a visit any day of the week.
2) Check out the game at The Best Buy in New York City on 622 Broadway, New York, NY 10012
3) Check the game out at the NHL Store in New York City on 1185 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036. You will get a special opportunity

This is real close to me. I might do this. Oh yeah I will do this. It sounds like a lot of work to make this happen. I don't know if I am going to go through all that. But I am sure we will get some good feedback.
yeah, tons of work. 3 places in all of North America can showcase this game.

Hats off 2k! ugh
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Old 09-02-2009, 09:58 PM   #70
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Re: No Demo for NHL 2K10

Originally Posted by Eddie1967
Hey I feel what your saying but who's to say they won't steal EA fans even without a demo. Some people purchase games based on the gaming site reviews and everything we had read so far has been nothing but positive. I have a feeling the final version will have positive reviews too. If that's the case then I don't see why that alone won't increase sales. Heck Madden (and I have to go there) gets glowing reviews year after year and I believe that has a definite impact on whether people purchase that game or not.

People are so quick to take negative 2k reviews as gospel, well let's see how they react to positive reviews. I'm not saying the demo is worthless, but it's not happening this year so the fence sitters have to rent the game and/or read the reviews to see if it's worth buying.
1. who's to say?
How about the majority of people who don't even know 2k has a game, let alone purchase anything besides the conglomerate EA has become

2. people are so quick to take negative 2k reviews as gospel
-how about this is just yet another bullet in the arsenal for the ney-sayers. Great job by 2k.
3. the fence sitters
- The fence sitters are not the majority of gamers. The majority of gamers do NOT do rent before buy. If you're trying to say the 2k sales pitch was to not put out a demo to force people to rent before buying or go on positive feedback, then god help 2k once again.

for the love of god, 2k every year takes one more step in the grave with both this series and their mlb game.
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Old 09-02-2009, 10:10 PM   #71
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Re: No Demo for NHL 2K10

Originally Posted by Keirik
1. who's to say?
How about the majority of people who don't even know 2k has a game, let alone purchase anything besides the conglomerate EA has become

2. people are so quick to take negative 2k reviews as gospel
-how about this is just yet another bullet in the arsenal for the ney-sayers. Great job by 2k.
3. the fence sitters
- The fence sitters are not the majority of gamers. The majority of gamers do NOT do rent before buy. If you're trying to say the 2k sales pitch was to not put out a demo to force people to rent before buying or go on positive feedback, then god help 2k once again.

for the love of god, 2k every year takes one more step in the grave with both this series and their mlb game.

I don't believe that's true, I believe plenty of gamers know that 2k has a hockey game, but EA has a following like no other (repeat statement yes but true).

I don't think that 2k is looking for rentals to sell their game but if the game is well received by the gaming sites then that will go a long way in selling the game IMHO. There is a game play video up right now, and no it's not like having the game in your hands but it does show a lot of what the game has to offer, not to mention the person playing seems to know what he is doing. Check it out and see if it does anything for you. The fence sitters have to stop making excuses. There is no demo coming out period, end of story, so rent the game and read the gaming sites make a decision from there.

I know money is tight for a lot of folks and 8 bucks to rent is nothing to sneeze at for some but if you are looking for a game to buy, and are considering spending 60 dollars then why not rent and possibly save your self some money in the long run. That's what I would do. Fortunately for me, my mind is made up.
Originally Posted by jim416
You are the 2k Police. :)
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Old 09-02-2009, 10:39 PM   #72
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Re: No Demo for NHL 2K10

Originally Posted by Eddie1967
First of all I think it takes guts to not put out a demo at all. Instead of being negative about it, I believe it's them showing what confidence they do have in their product.
Most people would feel the opposite...that they don't have the confidence to put their product on display on a risk-free free demo basis.

Originally Posted by Eddie1967
If I have said it once I have said it a thousand times, EA is the king of marketing, demos, blogs, etc., but they also IMHO put out the most mediocre sports games.
But what are you basing your opinion on? You've said yourself you haven't purchased EA's hockey game in years. You and I both know a demo is not a fair way to judge a title...same goes for 2k's games. A demo just isn't deep enough and doesn't give enough options.

Originally Posted by Eddie1967
Why would YOU call it a bad marketing decision (AND YOU DID) for 2k not to release a demo (because having a demo can sell the game) but question my decision not to purchase NHL 10 because I played that demo? Make up your mind, you seem confused.
I'm not confused at all. You're missing the entire point on casual gamers...people that are on-the-fence about buying the game were looking at the demo to help them make their decision. You haven't purchased an EA hockey game in years, so the odds of their demo swaying you to purchase the game was slim.

I still stand by my statement that no demo is a horrible marketing decision. More times than not, a demo can have a positive impact on the decision making process. You and I will both buy 2k10 regardless, but at this point 2k needs to win over as many consumers as they can to keep the series afloat. Just take look at the feedback in this thread...most people are unable to rent the game, and won't plunk down $50 on the game sight unseen.

Word of mouth alone will not do the trick...2k's series had better reviews 4-5 years ago, but they still were dominated in sales. I guess you, Scott, and I will need to buy multiple copies.
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