I agree with this, but the only problem is not everyone says anything. There are how many members at OS that have Madden10 and I would hazard a guess that only a small percentage of them write on these boards. Also, just look at the amount of threads there are about the "bad" things with Madden as opposed to the "good" thing threads.
Generally if people are satisfied with a product they will not say anything, but the people that have problems are the ones that raise awareness of these problems. I mean, when you buy a new item, let's say and XBOX 360, if nothing went wrong with it, would you phone Microsoft and say"I just wanted to let you know that your system us perfect and I am extremely satisfied with my purchase." I doubt it, however, if there was something wrong with it, the first thing you would do is get on the phone and tell someone at microsoft, and probably OS
that you have problems.
All I'm saying is that looking at OS or any forums for that matter is going to give as biased an opinion as averaging reviews.