
OS Madden 10 Preview: NFC East

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Old 08-18-2009, 03:27 PM   #17
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Re: OS Madden 10 Preview: NFC East

But you just said you aren't necessarily talking about me... I'm not calling Romo a choke artist and think he's played pretty well during his time starting. I give him credit for his stats but can't ignore that he got them leaning on TO and then also ignore that Campbell was being called a probowler before half his offensive line went down to injury. This isn't about how good Romo is, it's about where Campbell compares and he's consistently underrated. I don't think he's great by any means but at this point he's comparable to Romo.

BTW, when people were calling Manning a choke artist he was breaking passing records, consistently leading his team to one of the top records in the NFL and only falling short of the SB. Romo's cowboys have barely made the playoffs and lost in the first round when they got there. Romo really has no more in common with Manning than Campbell, besides things like being in the same system for multiple years and having potentially 2 HOF players to throw to.
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Old 08-18-2009, 05:46 PM   #18
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Re: OS Madden 10 Preview: NFC East

Originally Posted by RayAllen20
my predictions are..

ny giants 11-5
cowboys 10-6
giants 9-7
redskins 6-10
Am I the first to notice the giants devoured the eagles then spawned a second giants team? :-)
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Old 08-18-2009, 05:59 PM   #19
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@ wwharton

I see your point. To compare them is certainly fair enough. I actually agree with you on the issue of JC being disadvantaged in terms of surrounding talent and support in general. I actually think that, after McNabb, all the QB's are relatively close. My only point was that it was a bit more than a convenient defense (as you implied towards the other poster) and fair for someone to give the edge to Romo thus far.

I think the issue of whether or not Campbell is underrated is separate...just as the issue of whether or not Romo is overrated. It's subjective. Ironically, most knowledgeable outside sources have been relatively high on JC, it's unfortunately his own team that has been wishy-washy on him (constantly shopping around, not showing patience/dedication towards his development, etc).

As for the Manning comparison, I thought I made clear I was only speaking in terms of labels at that juncture in their career. This was before records were being broken, etc. Manning was accused of not being able to "win the big one" since college. It was merely to illustrate that it's a bit silly to define a guy after a few seasons. I admit is was a loose comparison...that was by design. I'm one of the less literal people around here.

None of my thoughts on this is to say Romo's deserved of the constant praise he's recieved. I'm only pointing out that, generally speaking, some of the criticism he gets seems to be more rooted in countering his hype rather than out of honest evaluation. As I said, I wasn't attributing any of those thoughts to you...it was just part of my thought process on the general topic after I quoted your post.

This is all a side bar from the thread's point though, so sorry for getting sidetracked.

Last edited by SoxFan01605; 08-18-2009 at 06:02 PM.
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Old 08-18-2009, 07:21 PM   #20
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Re: @ wwharton

Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
I see your point. To compare them is certainly fair enough. I actually agree with you on the issue of JC being disadvantaged in terms of surrounding talent and support in general. I actually think that, after McNabb, all the QB's are relatively close. My only point was that it was a bit more than a convenient defense (as you implied towards the other poster) and fair for someone to give the edge to Romo thus far.

I think the issue of whether or not Campbell is underrated is separate...just as the issue of whether or not Romo is overrated. It's subjective. Ironically, most knowledgeable outside sources have been relatively high on JC, it's unfortunately his own team that has been wishy-washy on him (constantly shopping around, not showing patience/dedication towards his development, etc).

As for the Manning comparison, I thought I made clear I was only speaking in terms of labels at that juncture in their career. This was before records were being broken, etc. Manning was accused of not being able to "win the big one" since college. It was merely to illustrate that it's a bit silly to define a guy after a few seasons. I admit is was a loose comparison...that was by design. I'm one of the less literal people around here.

None of my thoughts on this is to say Romo's deserved of the constant praise he's recieved. I'm only pointing out that, generally speaking, some of the criticism he gets seems to be more rooted in countering his hype rather than out of honest evaluation. As I said, I wasn't attributing any of those thoughts to you...it was just part of my thought process on the general topic after I quoted your post.

This is all a side bar from the thread's point though, so sorry for getting sidetracked.
It sounds like the biggest issue you have with what I said was that it was a convenient defense. Basically, it came from Freelance (big time cowboy homer and started all of this by saying the Skins will go 4-12) so that was more a little shot at him than what I was basing my argument around. With that said, I'd disagree that many are giving JC the credit he deserves. Realistically, he hasn't put up numbers or wins to back up the claim he should be given more respect. But if you dig deeper in his situation since he's been in the nfl (as you know) it's not exactly what it seems.

I understand what you're saying about Manning but he doesn't belong in the conversation. To say he can't win the big game, referring to the SB is much different than a guy who can barely get his team in the playoffs and hasn't won a playoff game. Like Campbell, I don't think it's fair to judge Romo simply on those two facts, but while some are doing that, the people you're talking about that judged Manning would've still put him in the HOF at the end of his career.
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Old 08-18-2009, 07:38 PM   #21
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Re: OS Madden 10 Preview: NFC East

Originally Posted by MattieShoes
Am I the first to notice the giants devoured the eagles then spawned a second giants team? :-)
lol--- I noticed too

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Old 08-18-2009, 08:58 PM   #22
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Re: OS Madden 10 Preview: NFC East

If the Redskin's organization can find a way to take what Jason Campbell was doing for the first half of last season and make it last 16+ weeks, I would be a happy camper.

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Old 08-19-2009, 05:23 AM   #23
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Re: OS Madden 10 Preview: NFC East


The Redskins are going to the Super Bowl.
Free LSUFan2004 and GoDevilsASU!

Originally Posted by Cebby
So the ACC should work around FSU having the worst academic scandal in recent history? Maybe FSU should stop cheating, fighting, packing gats, and act like normal people.
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Old 08-19-2009, 03:46 PM   #24
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Re: OS Madden 10 Preview: NFC East

I'd love a Skins v Ravens SB! Lets get them scoring a point this week first though.
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