
NHL 2K10 Developer Insights: Gameplay Mechanics Part I & II

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Old 08-12-2009, 10:58 AM   #17
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Re: NHL2K10 Dev Insights

The way I read it is the "Ovi Dekes" (dekes on the goalie) can be controlled by Left Bumper + either a face button OR a right analog flick. So hitting X and pressing left on the right analog would do the same thing, for example. The 1 on 1 dekes are different in that it's Left Bumper + face buttons pull off some moves, and then the left bumper with the right analog pulled off different moves.

But the face buttons for the 1 on 1 dekes are seemed to be more rare moves you'd see, like spins. The A button allows you to kick the puck off your skates/deke through your legs.

Anyway, I loved this insight blog. It's great getting the insight from someone we know and trust in WWTC. It's so cool seeing someone who was just a hardcore fan of the game and is now actually there helping make the game. So you know some of that stuff hardcore fans have been wanting will make it into the game because guys like WWTC and Shadow are on the NHL 2k team.

I like the new way passing is done, mostly because of how WWTC explained it: you can now pass loose pucks! I think that'll be incredible when there's a loose puck in the goal mouth and maybe you don't think your guy has the angle for the shot even if the goalie is out of position. Add that extra pass and it's a slam dunk. Great to hear dumps are done better as well; they're very important, especially when playing a sim game, but often overlooked. Glad they got some love.

Finally, and what I loved the most, the discussion on sliders. Specifically, I was thrilled to hear that difficulty is based off the sliders instead of a difficulty setting and then sliders to adjust that. That's how NFL 2k5 did it, among other 2k Sports games, and I always thought that was the best way to go about it. Like WWTC said in the article, no "under the hood, mysterious" boosts. Also, great description for the sliders and I really hope that add that in the game too (like MLB 09 The Show). Too many times I've looked at a slider and said, what exactly does this do? Everyone seems to have a different opinion on what a slider does, but when it's explained, it cuts down on that (though not totally ). Plus, WWTC gives us a nice little tip regarding speed burst and how to set it so everyone can get about 20 seconds of juice.

Excellent blog. I'm hoping the next one (due out today?) will be just as informative. It deals with stick lifts, stumble shots, and incidental contact, which I think are GREAT additions to this year's games and will play a huge role in really making the game a simulation experience. Really looking forward to hearing the Dev Insight on these features.
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Originally Posted by Money99
And how does one levy a check that will result in only a slight concussion? Do they set their shoulder-pads to 'stun'?
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Old 08-12-2009, 11:07 AM   #18
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Re: NHL2K10 Dev Insights

I like everything I read in this blog...really good stuff. If the siders and dekes work as WWTC says they will, it will go a long way towards the realism of this game.

Thanks for the info!
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Old 08-12-2009, 11:14 AM   #19
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Re: NHL2K10 Dev Insights

slickdtc, so in NFL2K5, when you made adjustments to the sliders to make things more difficult, did the CPU get any boosts?

Would I have to worry about lesser players becoming superstars?
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Old 08-12-2009, 11:29 AM   #20
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Re: NHL2K10 Dev Insights

Originally Posted by Money99
slickdtc, so in NFL2K5, when you made adjustments to the sliders to make things more difficult, did the CPU get any boosts?

Would I have to worry about lesser players becoming superstars?
If they did, it was under the hood and you wouldn't be able to tell. And since WWTC said this:

Originally Posted by WWTC, from Dev Insight Blog
The biggest change is that the difficulty levels in the game are now simply slider presets. No more under-the-hood mystery changes when going from Pro to All-Star. No more CPU ratings boosts that you cannot see.
I have a feeling there won't be any funny business.

I was more talking about how NFL 2k5 had preset difficulties, but when you changed a slider, it went from that difficulty to "Custom". So the difficulties were based off the sliders. For example, on the middle difficulty, all the sliders were even. When you bumped it down, you'd have your human sliders filled 75% of the way, while the CPU had their sliders filled 25% of the way.
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Originally Posted by Money99
And how does one levy a check that will result in only a slight concussion? Do they set their shoulder-pads to 'stun'?
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Old 08-12-2009, 11:43 AM   #21
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Re: NHL2K10 Dev Insights

There are still going to be CPU skill boosts (speed, shooting, etc), it is just that you will be able to see (and presumably tweak) those boosts.

You're still going to see lesser players getting speed and other attribute boosts. 2k hockey typically uses speed and offensive boosts, while EA uses acceleration and turning, along with puck control.

Every sports game has some sort of artificial way to turn up the difficulty.
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Old 08-12-2009, 11:48 AM   #22
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Re: NHL2K10 Dev Insights

Originally Posted by slickdtc
If they did, it was under the hood and you wouldn't be able to tell. And since WWTC said this:

I have a feeling there won't be any funny business.

I was more talking about how NFL 2k5 had preset difficulties, but when you changed a slider, it went from that difficulty to "Custom". So the difficulties were based off the sliders. For example, on the middle difficulty, all the sliders were even. When you bumped it down, you'd have your human sliders filled 75% of the way, while the CPU had their sliders filled 25% of the way.
Originally Posted by WWTC, from Dev Insight Blog

The biggest change is that the difficulty levels in the game are now simply slider presets. No more under-the-hood mystery changes when going from Pro to All-Star. No more CPU ratings boosts that you cannot see.

So wait, CPU boosts aren't the case anymore or its just now the're not hidden boosts and you can see them? Thats pretty oddly worded. How difficult is it to just make the AI smarter or use some form of adaptive ai rather than artificial boosts?
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Old 08-12-2009, 12:12 PM   #23
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Re: NHL2K10 Dev Insights

Originally Posted by RealmK
Originally Posted by WWTC, from Dev Insight Blog

The biggest change is that the difficulty levels in the game are now simply slider presets. No more under-the-hood mystery changes when going from Pro to All-Star. No more CPU ratings boosts that you cannot see.

So wait, CPU boosts aren't the case anymore or its just now the're not hidden boosts and you can see them? Thats pretty oddly worded. How difficult is it to just make the AI smarter or use some form of adaptive ai rather than artificial boosts?
I'm interested to know the answer to that as well.

On "Rookie" level would the sliders be configured so that the CPU is slower, has less accuracy on shots and passes, and sloppy goalies?

I really hope there's an 'AI Intelligence' slider so we can dictate how smart the CPU will be.
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Old 08-12-2009, 12:21 PM   #24
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Re: NHL2K10 Dev Insights

Originally Posted by Money99
I'm interested to know the answer to that as well.

On "Rookie" level would the sliders be configured so that the CPU is slower, has less accuracy on shots and passes, and sloppy goalies?
If this is actually the case and the AI ends up being halfassed again and completely reliant on speed boosts and the like on higher levels rather than more intelligent positioning and decisions, I'm gonna be pretty pissed.
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