08-07-2009, 06:14 PM
OVR: 77
Join Date: Jul 2002
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NBA Live 10: "10 for '10" Article - Looking Ahead (NLSC)
NLSC will be running a series of NBA Live 10 articles they term, "10 for '10". This one looks ahead at what's to come.
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"Welcome back and thanks for checking out the final instalment in the 10 for 10 series. Having named the top ten things I'd like to see in terms of gameplay, Dynasty Mode, online play, presentation, the All-Star Weekend and various game features, I'm now looking ahead to the release of NBA Live 10 with some thoughts on the previews we've seen so far and how they relate to the items I spoke about in the first six 10 for 10 articles.
Ah, the perils of preparing the 10 for 10 series all at once and then rolling them out every couple of days so close to the release of the first NBA Live 10 previews! As you may have noticed, I had to include a couple of editor's notes on a few of the articles to acknowledge that certain items have in fact been confirmed for NBA Live 10. Not that I minded having to make those acknowledgements too much though, seeing as how it means that some of the exact things I want to see will indeed be featured in the game this year.
Before I get any further into that, I feel I have to talk about my level of excitement for NBA Live 10 as well as my bias. I'll cover the latter first: I cannot pretend that I do not have a certain bias towards the NBA Live series (here I am running an NBA Live fansite, after all) but I would like to think that I am not biased in a fanboyish manner. I do not think that every NBA Live release has been wonderful or flawless and it's of the upmost importance that we offer the NBA Live Dev Team honest, constructive feedback through the Wishlists, our interactions with them in forums and of course, at community events. Above all, I would like to think that my bias does not blind me to the bad things we've seen in the series." |