07-30-2009, 08:19 PM
I am a huge NFL 2K fan so you can imaaaaaaagine how I felt when EA nabbed up the NFL exclusivity license. After that move, I've had nothing but disdain for EA Sports and Madden. Having said that, I actually gave the demo for Madden 10 a spin, and I must admit....this is perhaps the closest that Madden has actually come to offering a TRUE simulation-type experience in a looooong time. It seems that Tiburon has abandoned the fast paced arcade syle in favor of a more realistic slow styled pacing. Don't get me wrong - it's not the phenomenal leap in quality (from traditional Madden styled gameplay) that NFL 2K5 was, but it seems that the developers have opted to mimick the NFL 2K feel instead, even down to the sideline cutscenes, while making apparent improvements in the animation and overall gameplay. However, I'm still not completely sold on the demo alone, as EA has a horrible habit of offering very limited demos of their games, making it hard to get a good overall assessment of the gameplay (It also didn't help being limited to playing on a snow covered field). Legitimately good reviews and a potential rental might change that, though. But if nothing else, I can honestly say that EA has FINALLY started taking steps toward making a quality sim for the current gen systems - a move that's now 5 years overdue.