
NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

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Old 07-17-2009, 02:42 PM   #289
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by umd
See my friend there are two sides to this logic - you've really nailed the making the game easier part with your condescending little rant. However, you seem to have left out the making the game more difficult side. Unfortunate, but not surprising considering you seem like yet another one of those "if you don't win every game you stink" kind of posters.

Carry on.
Okay, nice to see another Maryland fan.

Anyway, I guess none of you get it. Someone was right in the sense that not everyone plays the same. For one, I like to "coach" a team using the ratings provided by the game. To me, sliders say "screw you EA, and screw these ratings...I'm going to change the sliders to make my team unstoppable".

If you have sliders, then take away the ratings of the players. If you like the ratings provided by each player, then get rid of the sliders AND the difficulty level.

If I take a QB that is 60 THR and 62 THA, and I take COMPLETE CONTROL of the QB, I can make him look like Montana. That's BS. You can take CONTROL of any player on the field, regardless of what rating he has (except for SPD), and turn them into Barry Sanders, Jerry Rice, and Tom Brady. This to me in unrealistic, and adding sliders and a difficulty level just enhances it.

I'm saying, make the game play at face value. Use the ratings provided (which for the most part are fairly accurate), and if they're not accurate, adjust the ratings slightly.

Now, I guess this concept is hard for so many (1.5 million I believe it was?) to understand, but it causes too many variables, and perhaps is also causing other problems in the game. Simplify it, and focus on the details assigned to each player, team, and game.....especially for us "sim/coach" guys.

OR, make it possible to turn OFF the difficulty levels and sliders....if not for just a happy medium for those of US that like to "coach" our favorite team.
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Old 07-17-2009, 03:11 PM   #290
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by mcwups1
Anyway, I guess none of you get it. Someone was right in the sense that not everyone plays the same. For one, I like to "coach" a team using the ratings provided by the game. To me, sliders say "screw you EA, and screw these ratings...I'm going to change the sliders to make my team unstoppable".
You don't get it. Why do you assume people adjust sliders to make the game easier? Many times I use the sliders to boost up the cpu running game since they usually stink on default settings. Furthermore, sometimes a person might find All-American too easy but Heisman too hard. Should we assume each difficulty is fine-tuned perfectly for everyone? Often people adjust the AA level to make it harder from what I see.

Before you comment anymore in this thread, you need to get rid of the ridiculous notion that people only use sliders to cheat or make the game easier for themselves. This is a hardcore sports gaming site. It's not like that.
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Old 07-17-2009, 03:14 PM   #291
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

since when do users adjust sliders to make the game easier? if anything, most users make the game harder with sliders, and give the cpu boosts in places they don't have (like the running game, for example). in this game on default aa, the best running team in the game is not as good when the cpu uses them as they are when the user uses them. i just think you don't know why people adjust sliders.
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Old 07-17-2009, 03:17 PM   #292
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

plus even as a coach it sounds like youre assuming the game is going to play accurately in every aspect to real life just because the ratings are somewhat fair in your opinion. sliders can be used to make it harder, easier, or more realistic which could be either of the first two.
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Old 07-17-2009, 03:24 PM   #293
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

My apologies gents. I've never understood them to begin with, so to me, I wouldn't use them to get an advantage, or disadvantage.

I always assumed that the ratings were good enough when determining how a player SHOULD act in a game.

Remember, I'm a "sim-er". I don't believe in controlling a QB, RB, or WR at all in a game, because it would reflect MY reaction time, and my throw, run, or catch, making the ratings obsolete.

Don't take it personal. I just don't see the use for them, in a simulation type atmosphere. If you actually PLAY with the players, then I guess I can understand, but only if you're playing against a friend or something.

I just want the option to turn it off, and utilize the players ratings, instead of manipulating the game with difficulty levels or sliders.

If my O-Lineman has a STR of 90, PB of 89, and RB of 92, then I expect to be able to run behind him without much worry of being tackled. So, I call run plays to that side. If I use a slider or difficulty level, would that not affect his ratings?

If so, count me out...I don't want it.
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Old 07-17-2009, 03:44 PM   #294
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by mcwups1
My apologies gents. I've never understood them to begin with, so to me, I wouldn't use them to get an advantage, or disadvantage.

I always assumed that the ratings were good enough when determining how a player SHOULD act in a game.

Remember, I'm a "sim-er". I don't believe in controlling a QB, RB, or WR at all in a game, because it would reflect MY reaction time, and my throw, run, or catch, making the ratings obsolete.

Don't take it personal. I just don't see the use for them, in a simulation type atmosphere. If you actually PLAY with the players, then I guess I can understand, but only if you're playing against a friend or something.

I just want the option to turn it off, and utilize the players ratings, instead of manipulating the game with difficulty levels or sliders.

If my O-Lineman has a STR of 90, PB of 89, and RB of 92, then I expect to be able to run behind him without much worry of being tackled. So, I call run plays to that side. If I use a slider or difficulty level, would that not affect his ratings?

If so, count me out...I don't want it.
How about when your 90 O lineman gets blown up by a 60 DE play after play after play? Or your 60 O lineman holds a passblock against a 99 DE for 15+ seconds every play? Or your 3rd string QB and the AI's 3rd string QB complete 75% of their passes against 1st string top 10 defenses?

You assume ratings are good enough. You are wrong. Simple as that.
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Old 07-17-2009, 03:55 PM   #295
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

As is obvious from my profile, I've been a member of this forum for some time, though I rarely post. I'm one of those guys who has played video football since 1994, and I have enjoyed a lot of EA sports titles. That said, I have very serious problems with NCAA football 10, and this seemed like the best thread in which to air them -- especially because an EA representative started it.

I don't do XBox live/online gaming, so for me the rosters are permanently wrecked. When I first heard about this issue before release, I was stunned (how could this be missed in playtesting?), but I figured I could deal with the most important teams myself. The end of the fiasco known as "wide-open gameplay" would be enough for me.

Then, I heard about the sliders being broken again -- once more, permanently broken for me. What could I say -- I've loved college football since the 70s, and this was the only title in town, so, fine, I'll give it a shot. I bought the game on release day.

Then, I learn that Dynasty progression is out of whack, players appear 80 yards downfield at the snap, Bowling Green has a two-inch-tall DT, etc., etc. A few of the new problems I saw for myself in the first game I played.

What has happened to NCAA football? I remember NCAA 2005 for the PS2. There was a dropped pass glitch and a ton of people -- from very smart men like Bill Abner to adolescent cheesers -- proclaimed it "unplayable." At this point, I would love to have a current generation college football game with only one major glitch. As it stands, this series has very nearly lost me as a customer. Mostly disappointingly, I don't know of a single thing that has been done to rectify the situation for people like me.

Anyhow, sorry if this post comes off as negative, but I wanted to express my opinion.
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Old 07-17-2009, 03:57 PM   #296
Just some guy
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by NorthHusker
As is obvious from my profile, I've been a member of this forum for some time, though I rarely post. I'm one of those guys who has played video football since 1994, and I have enjoyed a lot of EA sports titles. That said, I have very serious problems with NCAA football 10, and this seemed like the best thread in which to air them -- especially because an EA representative started it.

I don't do XBox live/online gaming, so for me the rosters are permanently wrecked. When I first heard about this issue before release, I was stunned (how could this be missed in playtesting?), but I figured I could deal with the most important teams myself. The end of the fiasco known as "wide-open gameplay" would be enough for me.

Then, I heard about the sliders being broken again -- once more, permanently broken for me. What could I say -- I've loved college football since the 70s, and this was the only title in town, so, fine, I'll give it a shot. I bought the game on release day.

Then, I learn that Dynasty progression is out of whack, players appear 80 yards downfield at the snap, Bowling Green has a two-inch-tall DT, etc., etc. A few of the new problems I saw for myself in the first game I played.

What has happened to NCAA football? I remember NCAA 2005 for the PS2. There was a dropped pass glitch and a ton of people -- from very smart men like Bill Abner to adolescent cheesers -- proclaimed it "unplayable." At this point, I would love to have a current generation college football game with only one major glitch. As it stands, this series has very nearly lost me as a customer. Mostly disappointingly, I don't know of a single thing that has been done to rectify the situation for people like me.

Anyhow, sorry if this post comes off as negative, but I wanted to express my opinion.
and this thread was the place to do it, why?
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