
NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

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Old 07-15-2009, 06:49 PM   #281
bigjake62505's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by Outtamind
I'm new here, but I'll take a shot I guess.

The sliders are there to basically fix what is essentially wrong in the game on default. Main example would be interceptions. If you leave it on the default, you'll get waaaaaay more than is realistic, for both you and the CPU. Actually, I'd say its even moreso for you because if you play as the CB, you can snag 'em all day on default.

There's more, but on the whole the sliders are typically there to increase the challenge, not lessen it. Or, at the very least, fix a gameplay issue for those who need stats to be as realistic as possible. So actually, toddlers would want to leave it on default while adults would tune the game with sliders. Like a car I guess. As for difficulty levels.....well not everyone is a stick jockey, and not everyone is up to Heisman. Personally, I like AA. Heisman is frustrating to me, I guess because I suck. Who knows.

I'm not sure if you are really looking for an answer or just trying to create a stir but I hope I explained it well enough for you.
That is a very good shot. Yes the point of sliders is to tweak them to get the most realistic game possible, at least for sim guys. If EA and their ratings were perfect and the game was totally realistic there would be no need for OS or NCAA Stratigies. The world would stop spinning and the end would be here. Sliders are great for finding the perfect balance of realism and challenge not to cheat, at least for me. I want to have a tough season with a cupcake team, yet to happen even on heisman diff. If you think that NCAA dev team, or Madden have the most realistic ratings and difficulity levels then good for you, can you pass whatever it is you are smoking cause that is some good $h!t
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Old 07-15-2009, 06:55 PM   #282
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by mcwups1
Dead serious.

The players are given ratings for a reason. Using sliders negates those ratings to the users favor. If you suck at calling plays, it's okay, just change the sliders.

I guess I could understand a kindergartner, or toddler needing them, but not an adult.

Sliders manipulate the game. Theoretically, you could take a team like E. Michigan, and turn them into So Cal. I guess that's the "reasoning".

To me, it's a waste.

Oh, and another thing.....get rid of the difficulty levels. This is just as bad as the sliders.
Yeah that no sliders thing worked out really well for Madden last year... good times. There is just so much wrong with this statement I don't even know where to begin. ...
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Old 07-15-2009, 07:56 PM   #283
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by mcwups1
Dead serious.

The players are given ratings for a reason. Using sliders negates those ratings to the users favor. If you suck at calling plays, it's okay, just change the sliders.

I guess I could understand a kindergartner, or toddler needing them, but not an adult.

Sliders manipulate the game. Theoretically, you could take a team like E. Michigan, and turn them into So Cal. I guess that's the "reasoning".

To me, it's a waste.

Oh, and another thing.....get rid of the difficulty levels. This is just as bad as the sliders.
You're wrong, and here's why.

Sliders and difficulty levels exist for one reason and one reason only and that is because not everyone is the same. No two people play the same.

Difficulty levels are very general and then sliders fine tune from there.

By saying that there shouldn't be sliders or difficulty levels then you are basically saying that everyone (all 1.5 million+ of us) should be playing at the exact same level.

It only takes a few brain cells to realize how ridiculous that is.

Some people are better at running the ball than others. So, to get a realistic experience those that aren't so good can raise/lower a slider or two so they can get a realistic experience out of the game.

I fail to see what's so hard about this simple concept. Each individual person wants to play the game their way....difficulty levels + working sliders give us that ability for the most part.
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Old 07-15-2009, 08:32 PM   #284
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

So the disc contains a beta again? The full version will be released at the start of the college football season, but only for those that have their consoles on the net, right? FYI I'm online, but what about those that aren't? Oh, and I need a NEW copy of the game AND online access to use a feature that is advertised on the box?

Oh well, I'm sure you'll just blame poor sales on the economy and the game re-sale industry.
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Old 07-15-2009, 08:45 PM   #285
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

If sliders can't be fixed %100, I wish they would just eliminate the facemask and holding penalties - there really is no need for these type of penalties to be included in a video football game. The facemask issue is making this game next to unplayable. Why is there holding penalty at all? We don't control OFF lineman, so get rid of it.
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Old 07-15-2009, 09:09 PM   #286
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by Mad 69
If sliders can't be fixed %100, I wish they would just eliminate the facemask and holding penalties - there really is no need for these type of penalties to be included in a video football game. The facemask issue is making this game next to unplayable. Why is there holding penalty at all? We don't control OFF lineman, so get rid of it.

Yeah that's like creating a basketball game and not including fouls. What sense does that make? If it happens in real life, it SHOULD be in the game.
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Old 07-15-2009, 09:12 PM   #287
umd's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by mcwups1
Dead serious.

The players are given ratings for a reason. Using sliders negates those ratings to the users favor. If you suck at calling plays, it's okay, just change the sliders.

I guess I could understand a kindergartner, or toddler needing them, but not an adult.

Sliders manipulate the game. Theoretically, you could take a team like E. Michigan, and turn them into So Cal. I guess that's the "reasoning".

To me, it's a waste.

Oh, and another thing.....get rid of the difficulty levels. This is just as bad as the sliders.
See my friend there are two sides to this logic - you've really nailed the making the game easier part with your condescending little rant. However, you seem to have left out the making the game more difficult side. Unfortunate, but not surprising considering you seem like yet another one of those "if you don't win every game you stink" kind of posters.

Carry on.
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Old 07-15-2009, 10:12 PM   #288
mmorg's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 - Current Plans

Originally Posted by Mad 69
If sliders can't be fixed %100, I wish they would just eliminate the facemask and holding penalties - there really is no need for these type of penalties to be included in a video football game. The facemask issue is making this game next to unplayable. Why is there holding penalty at all? We don't control OFF lineman, so get rid of it.
Coaches can't control their offensive linemen either?
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