
Black College Football - The Xperience: What's Behind the Name?

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Old 07-11-2009, 03:19 PM   #73
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Listen. It is sad that we have to justify such well written article. Pike (not just picking on you) but I think that it would be best to speak on a situation that you have live through not just what you have heard or what you may think. I too live and grew up within 10mins from UAPB. I went to school there and my wife graduated from UAPB. what you and other may fail to realize is the term "Historical" which contributes to the fact on why the schools exist. You should know that UAPB has quite a few whites that go to their school. ( by you living so close to the school ) so you know that the institution does not segregate or promotes segregation. Also you are standing firm with your OLE MISS reference. but do you know one of the reasons why the school is holding on to it's Nickname. It is b/c they were one of the last schools to admit blacks into their schools, as well as to the civil war reference. I dont think that people should have a problem with the term HBCU when it was describing why it is what it is, especaily when you still have lies in history books saying that Columbus discovered America. How can you discover somewhere that people already lived.
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Old 07-11-2009, 03:24 PM   #74
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Re: Black College Football - The Xperience: What's Behind the Name?

Originally Posted by rockchisler
Pike doesnt understand, I'm done, if he was a educated man he would listen and learn..Plus talking about not answering questions, he never said what college he went to....hmmmm
LOL i love it. Some one disagrees with you on something that is very contreversial and because of this you decide he is uneducated. Way to add to the topic instead of pick a fight your a real trooper!!
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Old 07-11-2009, 03:34 PM   #75
Rimfro's Arena
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I think it is great that there is a game that celebrates the impact that "historically black colleges" have had on developing young minds as well as world class atheletes, but instead of people jumping at the chance to play a much needed alternative to the EA regime of video football, the developers have only segregated what should have been their core audience. Football fans.

Instead this title exists primarily to cater to one group, which is not racist because it does not proclaim racial superiority, but it does segregate parts of an audience that are chomping at the bit for a new football experience, which is rather unfortunate because we need competition in this particular genre. If they calleded it something like "The Heritage of Black Football" or "The Historical Black College Football Experience" there would be less controversy, but the title "Black College Football" is only going to make some feel like the game is not intended for the general, football adoring, public. I hear a lot of you say it is a "niche" title, but my response is why should it be? It should be an experience ANY football fan can enjoy and by even calling it "niche" you are only saying that it is in-fact designed with one audience in mind.

I hope the game does well so we will see more competition in the football videogame market, but with the controversy and a lack of focus "on the field", I'm not banking on it.
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Old 07-11-2009, 03:36 PM   #76
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Trick02, Pared just stated that we are here to comment on the article and not the other people. Please let's all stay on topic.
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Old 07-11-2009, 03:42 PM   #77
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Re: Black College Football - The Xperience: What's Behind the Name?

Originally Posted by pike
No idea what you are saying there. So basically, you can't answer my question. Fair enough.

So, if Ole Miss designates itself as 'Historically White', you are cool with that? I wouldn't be.

People usually don't create a special name to describe something they consider normal.

As an example, in a world made up of blind people there would be no Schools for the blind. They would just be called schools.
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Old 07-11-2009, 04:15 PM   #78
Dynamite's Arena
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Re: Black College Football - The Xperience: What's Behind the Name?

This is quite possibly the most infuriating thread in the history of OS for me, because it's been filled with strawman arguments, needless bashing, and some shockingly ignorant viewpoints, all over a game's title.

The key issue should be: why exactly were these two conferences omitted from NCAA?

I'm always wary of someone who pulls the "there can't be White Entertainment Television" and points to BET as an exclusively black thing, firstly because that channel is about as accurate a portrayal of blacks as Speedy Gonzales is to Chihuahua, Mexico. In a word, it's not an accurate portrayal, the causes and concerns there are not even remotely near what the whole of the black community is concerned about...because there can't be just one channel for that and it's narrow minded to declare something of the sort.

And since until recently no one has said it, the idea that a school designate itself "historically white" would be redundant, as de facto segregation (meaning not enforced by law, to those who don't know) was the norm well into the 1960s. For those who are counting, that's over 100 years AFTER the Civil War, and well into "modern" or contemporary time. If there was no need for HBCUs then quite frankly there would have been none. As far as the title goes, based on the student bodies at the HBCUs, yes, the title is outdated, the days of having an exclusively black student body are gone. The title reflects the necessity of the school's opening, not the current complexion of the student body. It's not in any way segregated by force or fact.

Black College Football is a reflection of the Historically Black Colleges that are represented in the game and the unique features of games played in the SWAC, MIAC, a few from the MEAC, and independent HBCUs. That is all the title is saying, not all of this about reverse racism and excluding whites.
Our purchasing power is being eroded. So especially now, the goods must be held to a standard. We end up happier as consumers, and the companies get a clear message: "We won't tolerate sub-par goods." It's a shame, no one cares to speak with their wallet.
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Old 07-11-2009, 05:03 PM   #79
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Re: Black College Football - The Xperience: What's Behind the Name?

You guys realize all of you fell for one of the oldest marketing tricks in the book, right? lol. Put a controversial title on any media and it gets way attention than it deserves. The name is just that, a name. So many that would have never even known about this game, know its out there because of this "controversy." C'mon guys. Just give it a rest. Its a videogame and should be treated as such.

And if you don't think the PR guys knew this would happen to this game, you are in denial. Look at how much publicity it has garnered.
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Old 07-11-2009, 05:11 PM   #80
jmallymav's Arena
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i would probably play this game
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