
Black College Football - The Xperience: What's Behind the Name?

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Old 07-11-2009, 03:03 AM   #41
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Re: Black College Football - The Xperience: What's Behind the Name?

And for the record:

I deplore racism in any form. Whether it is from the KKK idiots, rednecks who do not seem to know better, or people like Rev. Wright or the Black Panthers.

Racism is racism, no matter who the target is.

Just want that to be crystal clear.
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Old 07-11-2009, 03:20 AM   #42
Mercy Extended. John 3:16
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do yo thing black man.
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Old 07-11-2009, 03:35 AM   #43
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We already have Historically White College Football. It's called NCAA 10.

HBCUs may not technically segregate, but then neither does the Philadelphia High School for Girls. But what kind of looks are you going to get if your a guy and it says you graduated from Girls High? The Philadelphia Central High school for Boys had to change it's name (to just CHS) when girls were allowed in. So if you run a HBCU and you allow all races, then stop calling it a HBCU.

It's sad, but a lot of the above guys are right, it IS racist because the opposite scenario would be racist. I can't create Ivory Magazine. I can't start the WET. I can't found the NAAWP. I can't even sue because affirmative action allows a less qualified minority get ahead of me because of race. And I can't wear a "Yes We Can" or "My President is White" T-Shirt if teh next president is a white guy.

Oh, and this isn't the first game in the series. You could get the PC game last year if you sent away with some UPCs from Famous Amos cookies.
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Old 07-11-2009, 03:44 AM   #44
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Re: Black College Football - The Xperience: What's Behind the Name?

Originally Posted by pike
Give me a break.

I don't think I'm the one with the closed mind here. I'm saying that, in this day and age, you don't need schools being designated as a Black College. It's unnecessary, period.

As for awwww poor feelings......no feelings here. I'm only pointing out the irony of a group of people who fought to end segregation, only to basically segregate themselves by silly terms like this. I think you are the one getting your feelings hurt here.

Lost? I think it's obvious I know exactly where I am here.

As for Ole Miss....lol, glad you brought that up. Had a good, black friend of mine end up playing football for the Rebels several years ago. When he came back from his recruiting trip that fall, I would say, judging by the pictures, that he had NO problem with segregation.

But, it is obvious what your agenda is. Something like:

"White people owe me money, because their great-great-great-great-great grandfathers had slaves"---an actual argument made by blacks that has been in the news not that long ago. (Even though it is a historical fact that most white people in the south did not have the means to own slaves, and that in Africa, many tribes utilized the slave trade to get rich or eliminate rival tribes. In fact, the argument could easily be made that slavery would not have happened without the assistance of blacks in Africa.)

"We've been victims of racism our whole lives, we live our whole lives as minorities."----typical mantra of people like Sharpton, Wright, and you. Nevermind that we now have a black president, affirmative action (which has in some cases given black students opportunities they didn't earn. Thinking of the 60 minutes episode in which white students were denied entry into the University of Michigan despite better qualifications than the black students. Further reference: http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/affirm.html

As for living as a minority your whole life....


I hate to bust your impassioned argument with cold fact, but whites are the minority worldwide, and soon will be here in the US as well. If you have an issue living as a minority, as tacky as this will sound, there are plenty of places you could live comfortably as a part of the majority. A fact that I am sure you will construe in some unfortunate way.
Whites are the Minority worldwide, ill give you that But I don't care about over seas, but you have all the power, and I never said that about whites owe me money, Dude what planet are you from?????? You are starting a argument about something that was not said...And its NOT designated as black colleges its Historically Black colleges. You are not as smart as you think my dude..Also Your friend who went to Ole Miss several years ago...Of course did not have issues with segregation since it ended a few decades ago. I was talking about back in the 60's..I can tell you didn't go to college just based on your conversation in here, you are so uninformed but talk real big...

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Last edited by rockchisler; 07-11-2009 at 04:01 AM.
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Old 07-11-2009, 03:46 AM   #45
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Re: Black College Football - The Xperience: What's Behind the Name?

Originally Posted by stefangrey
We already have Historically White College Football. It's called NCAA 10.

HBCUs may not technically segregate, but then neither does the Philadelphia High School for Girls. But what kind of looks are you going to get if your a guy and it says you graduated from Girls High? The Philadelphia Central High school for Boys had to change it's name (to just CHS) when girls were allowed in. So if you run a HBCU and you allow all races, then stop calling it a HBCU.

It's sad, but a lot of the above guys are right, it IS racist because the opposite scenario would be racist. I can't create Ivory Magazine. I can't start the WET. I can't found the NAAWP. I can't even sue because affirmative action allows a less qualified minority get ahead of me because of race. And I can't wear a "Yes We Can" or "My President is White" T-Shirt if teh next president is a white guy.

Oh, and this isn't the first game in the series. You could get the PC game last year if you sent away with some UPCs from Famous Amos cookies.
Wow Really????? If you have nothing good to say don't say anything.

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Last edited by rockchisler; 07-11-2009 at 04:04 AM.
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Old 07-11-2009, 04:07 AM   #46
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Re: Black College Football - The Xperience: What's Behind the Name?

I find it upsetting that you called well-documented hundreds of years of turmoil as victimizing, and then write it off as if everything is righted with Obama and Affirmative Action, pike.
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Old 07-11-2009, 04:10 AM   #47
o 99 PROBL3MS o's Arena
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Pike, you aren't making any sense in this tthread and its obvious what your agenda is by your off-topic analogies. No one here has said anything about Al Sharpton or Wright. Its funny how you say you grew up 30 miles from UAPB. Well I grew up 2 miles from UAPB nd your recollection of that area is way off base......I would possibly even venture as far as to say you have never even been on that campus.

You aren't busted anything with "cold fact". What does whites being a "minority" worldwide have to do with HBCU's and Black College Football????? Please tell me. Your agenda is clear as day. You can link your little article about the isolated incident at UM but do African Americans not have 70 years worth of similar (far more pitiful) examples.

You also can't compare the everyday life of an African-American to that of a football recruiting visit. Trust me...I know. I had 5 visits to both traditional colleges and HBCUs. Stop trying to turn this thread into something that it isn't. Well, I guess it is too late since you have already done so. Shame on you......I hope this game does well. Apparently your underlying motive leads me to believe you don't.
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Old 07-11-2009, 04:13 AM   #48
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Three points:

Well written article, OS. Very well written.

If you've never attended an HBCU and had the Black College Expierence, you'll never comprehend why we choose to keep the "HB" in front, so no use in me trying to explain.

In some earlier posts I saw someone bring up BET...please, please, PLEASE never bring up that joke of a channel. It does a very poor job of representing African-Americans, and needs to be taken off the air.
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