06-16-2009, 08:36 PM
Quote: |
Originally Posted by Canadeion |
Since EA has well over $3,000 of my money from the past 18 years, I think I'm allowed to complain when they ask for our input and our questions, then don't answer them.
It's called customer appreciation. In my opinion, it's been a long time coming that EA actually starts bringing the customers into the process. Everyone who says we are 'lucky they even talk to us' needs a reality check. Nobody from EA will EVER say that we're lucky they talk to us, or that we have no right to complain. Because they know damn well that we do have the right to complain, as paying customers.
EA is not a charity... they charge us money. It is a company. And any company that charges customers for a product or service must be open to consumer feedback if they want to remain successful. And that is probably the reason they have opened the doors to us this year, because they knew that their bread and butter franchise (Madden) was turning into garbage, and in order to keep people paying money for it, they'd have to be more open to us. And it is working, but with that comes a responsibility for them to satisfy our questions and concerns, otherwise it defeats the purpose of having an open door policy with their customers.
I do appreciate the efforts they are making, but they aren't doing it for US, they are doing it for THEM... it's to try and save a dying franchise, and anyone who thinks differently is intellectually dishonest.
Ian and the crew seem like they have good intentions, and I'm happy about that... but if they are going to do it, they have to do it right... and answering bare bones, crap questions isn't doing anyone any favors. They are trying to MARKET and SELL a game, that they claim is SOOOO much better, but they have yet to really prove anything...
And EA customers need to stop acting like EA is doing us a FAVOR by fixing a problematic game that we all PAID for last year.... and the year before.... and the year before that.... and before that.... and the years before that.
Also, I have been with my cable company for 2 years... they gave me a free PVR.
I have been with EA for almost 20 years. They have given me.... uhhh..... nothing that I haven't paid for.
im witcha man, madden has been a really bad game since the next gen started (except for madden 09, it was atleast playable). and its taken them this long to finally make a decent next gen game. its not Ian and the new teams fault, they are really changing things for madden in a big way, its just life when the new president has to take the heat for last one who messed everything up, people are tired of a game that has potential and the means to be a great game but is consistantly underachieving, or in football terms a bust.