
Madden NFL 10 Videos: Ravens (CPU) vs. Titans (Ian) Full Gameplay in HD

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Old 06-13-2009, 09:38 PM   #553
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Videos: Ravens (CPU) vs. Titans (Ian) Full Gameplay in HD

Originally Posted by ruffdhc
all of you that say this was a great game, REALLY? i could fire up the madden 09 via PS3 and get the same game. the post game suck, halftime suck and post game suck. yes they did improve some of the games items but really they fail to improve the overall game exp. commetary could say more than we already know. talk about the players more. i think ea just need comp. it like they heard what people were saying but didnt listen. what do all of you think?
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Old 06-13-2009, 09:40 PM   #554
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Videos: Ravens (CPU) vs. Titans (Ian) Full Gameplay in HD

Originally Posted by ruffdhc
all of you that say this was a great game, REALLY? i could fire up the madden 09 via PS3 and get the same game. the post game suck, halftime suck and post game suck. yes they did improve some of the games items but really they fail to improve the overall game exp. commetary could say more than we already know. talk about the players more. i think ea just need comp. it like they heard what people were saying but didnt listen. what do all of you think?
Uhh no.

The game has improved a lot compared to madden 09.

I really wonder how many of you guys actually played madden 09 since to me (and many other) madden 09 to madden 10 is night and day.
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Old 06-13-2009, 09:42 PM   #555
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Videos: Ravens (CPU) vs. Titans (Ian) Full Gameplay in HD

Originally Posted by TheWatcher
So currently the definite issues with presentation on the field are:

*Lack of auto-replays... there needs to be a lot more.

*Lack of stat overlays... even after 4 quarters, there just weren't even nearly enough.
Isn't there a slider for this?


*I'm concerned about the challenge situation, as I've yet to see one even in situations where they would need to be (that goaline TD that had to be confered on by the refs). I'm starting to get worried that there may be no challenge function in the game or something (lol)... but that would be a disaster...
I want to know if there's a new challenge system this year. No one has said anything about it.

I want to know!!!!! lol
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Old 06-13-2009, 09:42 PM   #556
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Videos: Ravens (CPU) vs. Titans (Ian) Full Gameplay in HD

Originally Posted by sgibs7
Do you buy madden to PLAY or to watch?

If your buying it for thw latter I suggest you realize the product your purchasing. Buy head coach if tour looking to simply Watch. Madden is based on game play..afte that is its primary purpose right?

Actually, we all buy for both since we can't play with our eyes closed... well, actually we could but that would be hard to do, and it would kinda defeat the premise of the video part of the word "videogame"...
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Old 06-13-2009, 09:45 PM   #557
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Videos: Ravens (CPU) vs. Titans (Ian) Full Gameplay in HD

Originally Posted by ruffdhc
all of you that say this was a great game, REALLY? i could fire up the madden 09 via PS3 and get the same game. the post game suck, halftime suck and post game suck. yes they did improve some of the games items but really they fail to improve the overall game exp. commetary could say more than we already know. talk about the players more. i think ea just need comp. it like they heard what people were saying but didnt listen. what do all of you think?
Wow, a double sucking post game.....it must REALLY suck
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Old 06-13-2009, 09:47 PM   #558
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Videos: Ravens (CPU) vs. Titans (Ian) Full Gameplay in HD

Originally Posted by Bgamer90
Isn't there a slider for this?
Yes. But, the default as far as I'm aware is set to normal. I don't think the small number of replays and banners that popped up could be considered normal by any stretch.

Originally Posted by Bgamer90
I want to know if there's a new challenge system this year. No one has said anything about it.

I want to know!!!!! lol
I just want to see a challenge actually happen so I can be sure there still is one, lol. I'm sure there is, but there have been too many plays now that should've gotten a challenge but didn't.
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Old 06-13-2009, 10:03 PM   #559
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Re: Ravens (CPU) vs. Titans (Ian) full gameplay in HD

Originally Posted by LBzrule
Back on the grind this morning for about an hour or so. The issues I documented in the video and sent to adem were 1) ILB play; 2) OLB play; 3) Pass rush; 4) Play recognition; 5) Lack of Safety run support. If you look at this video closely you will see all of these. For instance #5, on one of the run plays in the first video, Ed Reed backpedals until Chris Johnson is 3 yards pass the line of scrimmage. Ray Lewis does a lot of quirky things in the video. For players with 99 play recognition, I'd expect Reed and Lewis to be all over these runs. Play recognition is not kicking in. Lewis does a great deal of crashing on tosses when he should be scrapping.

Also, I think Tavarres Gooden did not get his ratings increase from the CD build because he can't tackle Chris Johnson. Good had two great plays where he read and crashed the gap only to get trucked by Chris Johnson in the backfield. Physics has to come into play here. Gooden is coming downhill full speed; Johnson has just received the ball, so he cannot have too much force behind him.

Finally OLB's, I count twice in the entire game where the OLB's played the outside run like they were supposed to. Once by Suggs and once by Jarrett Johnson. ON these two plays they did not wait for the blockers to come to them, they attacked the blockers up the field got off the block and tackled the back as he tried to get outside. But on the same plays the Backside ILB had some bad things going on. On every snap besides those two, Ravens and Titans, the OLB's literally stood motionless and waited for the blockers to come to them and hence no edge was sealed. The run was not forced back inside.

I think this is just tuning stuff hopefully. I'm going to read Ian's thread on the pass rush find now. I'm happy to hear something has been found. It's a long read so that might mean it's something big.
Yep I saw it all! I have seen it over and over in all the videos from E3 and now... I'm a BIG DEFENSIVE guy! I would rather the EA team work on 75% defense and 25% offense because thats what IMO is needed to make this game more realistic!!! They need to put the same focus on D as they do O! I have wanted a seperate Right stick control for D-lineman for years! You could never pick them and expect results so you are limited to 5 guys to pick from on Defense because the corners have been unplayable as well...

Teams and defenses like Ravens, & Bears need to be at a whole nother level then the rest of the league. The Giants and Vikings line need to be differentiated from other d-lines and be able to change a game by pressure up front like they do in real life! I do think Ian's new find is going to be game changing and exactly what we are looking for though! Great job LBZ and Ian on this!!! You made this happen and thank you Ian for listening. IMO though we might have to SLIGHTLY tone down that rush a bit? It's great but maybe just a bit unrealistic. It really depends if Ian took those 12 snaps in a row or just edited to those 12 plays out of 25 or so. You with me on this? It was nice to see Suggs and Ngata actually be a presence finally!!! Could we finally have our select few defenses actually be dominating and win a title ala 2000 Ravens? Can't wait to see!

Thanks for all your input and your breaking the game down to a T and IMO right on analysis!!!
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Old 06-13-2009, 10:38 PM   #560
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Re: Ravens (CPU) vs. Titans (Ian) full gameplay in HD

So finally got around to watching this, here’s my thoughts:

· Absolutely love the crowd volume. Great improvement.
· Linebackers look to be fairly slow in attacking the outside runs. They’re inside for too long instead of rushing out with the running back and/or fullback to cut off the pursuit. This is leading to the outside runs having the advantage to the offense.
· 2:54 mark (Video 1). The Titans LG was heading towards blocking the ROLB. Makes sense since the play is a pitch outside, however during his path he’s runs right up to the attacking inside linebacker, and doesn’t do anything to him. A little pop from the blocker to disrupt his path of the linebacker a little would be a nice animation.
· Engage battles need to be rougher. The contact between the linemen don’t seem to have enough raw power in them.
· 3:52 mark (video 1). This is an example of good defensive pursuit on the outside run. The fault here is that the Ravens RG was pulling towards the outside to block a defender, when he was in the path of the main threat defender however, he didn’t engage with the player (whom made the initial tackle afterwards) and pull off to block a player in the inside. Illogical decision. I’ve noticed this on other outside runs plays as well. The linemen seems to make out cut up inside instead of continuing to angle off towards the outside to engage the defender. This leading to runs for losses because of missed blocks.
· Tom Hammond isn’t active enough in the play-by-play. He isn’t really saying anything pre-snap, he normally doesn’t say much on pass plays,
· Really liked the QB dive there on the goalline sneak.
· Great Pro-Tak Gang Man Animation at the 8:42 (Video 1) mark. About 5 players it look got in that one.
· I notice more sound bites from the crowd and/or the players on the field. Sounds great.
· At the 4:39 (video 2), I didn’t like how the linebacker could just run in untouched on the draw. The center did basically nothing and could have picked him up while the RG picked up the nosetackle (which it did).
· The one handed pick by Foxworth at 5:02 (video 2) was sick! I don’t want that happen too often though. Those should be asking for dropped picks if they are hard passes.
· 6:37 (video 2), great player response visual to the holding call.
· 0:40 (video 3), did not like how low the crowd noise was when Johnson was running in for the score, and then got the TD. They didn’t even get even louder when he actually in. Far too quiet of a reaction to a play of that nature in any game, let alone a playoff game. Same thing happen with the holding call that called back the Ravens TD in the last video.
· There’s a fair amount of penalties. Didn’t feel over random though. Look like they came up at proper times.
· From your QB sneak attempts, it seems that some pro tak connection with the linemen will be needed in the future Madden versions, along with the pileups. Right now he dives into linemen feet and it looks odd. (and doesn’t get a yard if he could fight for it)

Overall, like what I saw. Presentation is improved a tenfold from last year, looks much more TV style. The crowd adds to the interactivity as well. Nothing aches against my vibe for the game in terms of gameplay, so solid overall. AI issues I saw though I won’t take huge account on till I get to see the game on All-Madden level and see if it’s improved (or cheating a little).
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