
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

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Old 06-10-2009, 12:37 PM   #89
Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

The Live Weather is sweet, but it seems sort of random. It will go from completey sunny or just partly cloudy one hole, to totally overcast the next, then back to sunny the following. It's cool, but sort of off.
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Old 06-10-2009, 12:40 PM   #90
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

Originally Posted by mexmarkjen
I played this beast as well (with Jim Furyk, as my golfer "DerGar" is just nowhere near good enough yet to compete on his own). I only play Tour Pro like most of you guys; I shot 78, +6 with Jimmy and finished in 77th place. I hit the ball very well, but my putting was not good - and I am using the meter (for now).

Liking it early on, but my minor complaints would be:
1. Furyk's swing is not even close to his real swing
2. It was pouring rain at Torrey; can't the golfers and crowd be dressed in rain gear?

Back to building my guy; how in the heck is Onlooker putting without the meter so early on? Wow.

My gamertag is Xcommish
The best thing to do is jump right in. Like Onlooker, I turned the putting meter off as soon as I got it. Honestly, if you played tour pro last year, the putting really isn't that much different without it. You should be able to catch on pretty quickly.
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Old 06-10-2009, 12:55 PM   #91
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

Just rented the 360 version. The last TW console game I owned and played was TW 06 for the 360 (I play the PC version). Now, given this is the fifth year on next-gen consoles, can someone please explain (justify?) why on earth EA STILL hasn't incorporated a tempo-sensitive swing ala Links 2004?

I'm truly baffled by this. This is supposed to by a golf simulation. The simple fact is, the ability to raise the club over one's head and hold it there indefinitely without losing power/accuracy, is arcade nonsense. The equivelent would be a video football game where one could drop back with their QB and scan the field for a receiver indefinitely without risk of getting sacked. And a football game like that would be considered laughable.

Anyway and as for the rest of it: the game strikes me as being developed for kids. What's with all the locked content, my god? And typical of EA and the restrictions they place on the user, I'm forced to carry a driver -- what's up with that? Also, the lack of authentic PGA atmosphere and presentation (don't these developers ever watch actual PGA tourneys on TV?), along with the cartooney player faces/models and the uber-bright color palette, all reek of an attempt to appeal to the gamer crowd as opposed to people who actually follow the PGA and who play golf themselves (and who live on earth and in world of muted, realistic tones and colors, lol).

I've been playing cyber golf for close to twenty years, and have been golfing and watching PGA golf on TV for four-plus decades. This game is neither representative of the PGA, or the skill and mechanics involved in hitting a golf ball correctly. It's a child's toy, is what it is.
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Old 06-10-2009, 01:05 PM   #92
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

Originally Posted by kindella2
Havent played an online tourney but i am hooked so far...trying to get my skills up so i can dominate on the tour so the tournament challenge is where im at. But so far i love it, gotta some thing unlocked but still working.
the one thing i hate is that you have to buy the course when XBox has it free.
I am also doing that and having some trouble doing so far. that one where you have to get up and down in 9 or less may cause me to drink lol, I can get to 6 through 3 then the 4th hole I always have trouble with.
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Old 06-10-2009, 02:07 PM   #93
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

Originally Posted by baa7
Just rented the 360 version. The last TW console game I owned and played was TW 06 for the 360 (I play the PC version). Now, given this is the fifth year on next-gen consoles, can someone please explain (justify?) why on earth EA STILL hasn't incorporated a tempo-sensitive swing ala Links 2004?

I'm truly baffled by this. This is supposed to by a golf simulation. The simple fact is, the ability to raise the club over one's head and hold it there indefinitely without losing power/accuracy, is arcade nonsense. The equivelent would be a video football game where one could drop back with their QB and scan the field for a receiver indefinitely without risk of getting sacked. And a football game like that would be considered laughable.

Anyway and as for the rest of it: the game strikes me as being developed for kids. What's with all the locked content, my god? And typical of EA and the restrictions they place on the user, I'm forced to carry a driver -- what's up with that? Also, the lack of authentic PGA atmosphere and presentation (don't these developers ever watch actual PGA tourneys on TV?), along with the cartooney player faces/models and the uber-bright color palette, all reek of an attempt to appeal to the gamer crowd as opposed to people who actually follow the PGA and who play golf themselves (and who live on earth and in world of muted, realistic tones and colors, lol).

I've been playing cyber golf for close to twenty years, and have been golfing and watching PGA golf on TV for four-plus decades. This game is neither representative of the PGA, or the skill and mechanics involved in hitting a golf ball correctly. It's a child's toy, is what it is.
good post that gives one of the first negative views of the game. I totally agree on the tempo sensitive swing part. My big problem with 08, 09 etc. was that against my better judgment I bought into the hype pumped out and was fired up to get the game year after year thinking things would be different. Problem was - year after year, after you get over the initial excitement of booting up a new game and you really peeled back the onion, it was still the same old same old with the core mechanics and game play. This is an issue that a lot of sports games run into IMO. Year after year developers say they come up with new "improvements and enhancements" to the games, when in reality it's just a bunch of gimmicky cosmetic and game play mode changes.

My issue with Tiger (as mentioned before) is that I want 65 to be an accomplishment. I know this is not everyone's cup of tea, but I think TW in the past has more than catered to the casual golfer. This is exactly why I hope fellow OS'ers will be honest and come back and post over the next few weeks to give REAL feedback after they have played and gotten some time with the game. I know now that many are reporting scores in the 80's and 90's on Tour Pro difficulty, but I want to hear what you are shooting once you improve your golfer. If 40's, 50's per round are the norm in both offline and online modes then it makes the game a very easy pass for me no matter how much I want to buy it.
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Old 06-10-2009, 02:20 PM   #94
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

Originally Posted by baa7
Just rented the 360 version. The last TW console game I owned and played was TW 06 for the 360 (I play the PC version). Now, given this is the fifth year on next-gen consoles, can someone please explain (justify?) why on earth EA STILL hasn't incorporated a tempo-sensitive swing ala Links 2004?

I'm truly baffled by this. This is supposed to by a golf simulation. The simple fact is, the ability to raise the club over one's head and hold it there indefinitely without losing power/accuracy, is arcade nonsense. The equivelent would be a video football game where one could drop back with their QB and scan the field for a receiver indefinitely without risk of getting sacked. And a football game like that would be considered laughable.

Anyway and as for the rest of it: the game strikes me as being developed for kids. What's with all the locked content, my god? And typical of EA and the restrictions they place on the user, I'm forced to carry a driver -- what's up with that? Also, the lack of authentic PGA atmosphere and presentation (don't these developers ever watch actual PGA tourneys on TV?), along with the cartooney player faces/models and the uber-bright color palette, all reek of an attempt to appeal to the gamer crowd as opposed to people who actually follow the PGA and who play golf themselves (and who live on earth and in world of muted, realistic tones and colors, lol).

I've been playing cyber golf for close to twenty years, and have been golfing and watching PGA golf on TV for four-plus decades. This game is neither representative of the PGA, or the skill and mechanics involved in hitting a golf ball correctly. It's a child's toy, is what it is.
Thanks for the impressions, i was considering giving it a shot mainly for the online tourneys. With all the games coming out here recently it's hard for me to drop another $65 for a game that's much better on PC. Plus you have a course creator and a incredible amount of quality user created courses, just no online. This is probably by far the best sports game EA has ever made on PC, i just don't get dumbing it down for console.
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Old 06-10-2009, 02:27 PM   #95
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

Originally Posted by Pro Bowler
This is probably by far the best sports game EA has ever made on PC, i just don't get dumbing it down for console.
It's clear the target audience is the "young crowd." And no doubt that's where the money is, so it's understandable from that POV. Fortunately as you said, the PC version (TW 08) is a terrific game and totally customizable, and I don't have to fork out money for this game in order to get my golf jollies.

Check out my PGA CPU Opponents file on CourseDownloads.com

Last edited by baa7; 06-10-2009 at 02:30 PM.
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Old 06-10-2009, 02:41 PM   #96
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Re: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Impressions (PS3, 360)

Originally Posted by mikemj23
My issue with Tiger (as mentioned before) is that I want 65 to be an accomplishment.
I hear you, bro. I've been playing TW 08 on the CPU for two years, and I can count on one hand the number of rounds I've broken 70. (Well, maybe two hands, but you get my drift.) No doubt this game would be somewhat fun to play online or whatever. But I brought the game home and fired it up, took one of the default pros, put the game on Tour Mode, and starting shooting. I think it was the third hole before I missed a fairway or green. I'm guessing scores in the 60's and 50's (and 40's??) will be the norm with this game.
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