
BONUS Madden NFL 10 Blog: USAF Thunderbirds

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Old 05-26-2009, 02:44 PM   #193
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Re: BONUS Madden NFL 10 Blog: USAF Thunderbirds

Originally Posted by adfletch71
this is nothing new. 2K5 fans had this. Glad Ian is studying 2K5.
LOL it ain't a matter of Ian studying 2k5. It's just a matter of Ian is getting tired of people comparing 2k5 with madden. Ian finally snaped on community day when one of guys pull out a copy of 2k5 and challange Ian to do better then 25k. So that is what Ian is doing. He is shuting up 25k fans finally this year by adding all this stuff like flyovers and national athems and presentions and so on. I believe Ian first year alone he has out did 2k5. So hoefully now the 2k5 fans can finally chill out.
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Old 05-26-2009, 02:57 PM   #194
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Re: BONUS Madden NFL 10 Blog: USAF Thunderbirds

Originally Posted by adfletch71
Its all good roadman, just tired of the madden sheep always talking trash. If u say something that 2k5 has already had in there game, madden sheep get there panties in a bunch. Ill I want is the best representation of football..whether it EA or 2K. It just a shame its taking this long to get there...feel me?
And I explained why Madden fans get uptight when people point out that 2k5 had this or that in the game. It's said here at least once everyday over the past several years.

Yeah, I am with you on the last statement, but there isn't anything you or I can do to change that until something comes out that is as good as or better than 2k. You don't have to point it out in every post, though.

Also, tried to point out in my last post indirectly, (now directly) that calling people Madden Sheep has the potential to start flame wars, don't you agree?
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Old 05-26-2009, 03:19 PM   #195
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Re: BONUS Madden NFL 10 Blog: USAF Thunderbirds

Originally Posted by Pantherbeast
LOL it ain't a matter of Ian studying 2k5. It's just a matter of Ian is getting tired of people comparing 2k5 with madden. Ian finally snaped on community day when one of guys pull out a copy of 2k5 and challange Ian to do better then 25k. So that is what Ian is doing. He is shuting up 25k fans finally this year by adding all this stuff like flyovers and national athems and presentions and so on. I believe Ian first year alone he has out did 2k5. So hoefully now the 2k5 fans can finally chill out.
Not so fast. Ian has loosely stated that he understands the love that 2k5 gets, it is not like the perception of it's superior game play when compared to all madden versions since 2k5 is unfounded. Ian appears to be a football fan, that works for ea, that gets it. Gets what? That sim football players want a sim game and that madden can provide that for them, something that ea has not been willing to do for the last 5 years.

Those that constantly praised nextgen/current gen madden (from 2006-2009) have been their own worst enemies, while those of us that were and are 2k fanboys (of which I am one) were considered hating. So it becomes down right disrespectful to try to impress us or to expect us to forget all those debates about what 2k brought to the table that ea did not. The reality is that 2k set the standard five years ago (APF was not the nfl) and to this day has not been surpassed. That is a fact. And in my personal opinion, I think that all of those ea suits that killed 2k football should burn in hell!!(my samuel L jackson impression), but I digress.

Ian seems to be capturing the essence of what 2k had, and that is a NFL football experience. I wouldn't say that he is trying to shut us up (us being the 2k fans) rather, I would say that he is showing an understanding and respect for what all fans of the nfl should desire, a competent representation of the nfl in a video game(a standard that the madden faithful have woefully neglected the past 5 years), for that he is to be applauded.
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Old 05-26-2009, 03:20 PM   #196
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Re: BONUS Madden NFL 10 Blog: USAF Thunderbirds

Originally Posted by Valdarez
I really hate advertising in Madden. It's been over done in that last generations, in ways that don't line up with the game. The presentation of a snickers bar at the coin flip for example. I pretty much hate ANY product that's shown there now. I haven't had a snickers bar since 2007. I digress though...

If Madden is truly upping the ante with regards to presentation, it might be neat if they had old super bowl commercials in there between the half in offline mode.

If they added the ability to update their content, they could add new spots, ahead of next year's Super Bowl, as a way to 'test' the ads before their Super Bowl debut, using Madden as a way to see if gamers watch the entire ad or click through it to get back to the game.

Take this idea to Peter Moore guys. I'm sure he'll love it. He's all about the online advertising revenue potential of the game.
See, I disagree. I used to love how the guys would redo the stadium mods for MVP and had real signage. I know they were unlicensed, but they added so much more authenticity. If EA would replace the Knobby Tires signs with as much real-life stuff as possible, I'd love it. I don't like generic stuff detracting from the experience. But I do kinda agree about the Coke Zero coin toss. It should be more subtle, like signage. Or maybe have multiple sponsers that would switch up bringing you the game...?
Note to Tiburon Marketing:

A great product sells itself, no "back of the box" features required! (See Fifa...)

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Old 05-26-2009, 03:24 PM   #197
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Re: BONUS Madden NFL 10 Blog: USAF Thunderbirds

Lol @ the coke zero coin toss. Like there wouldn't be a coin toss if it wasn't for coke. I agree that is pretty lame. The other advertisements don't bother me tho. It seems like they update them every week or something.

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Old 05-26-2009, 03:31 PM   #198
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Re: BONUS Madden NFL 10 Blog: USAF Thunderbirds

Originally Posted by adfletch71
Its all good roadman, just tired of the madden sheep always talking trash. If u say something that 2k5 has already had in there game, madden sheep get there panties in a bunch. Ill I want is the best representation of football..whether it EA or 2K. It just a shame its taking this long to get there...feel me?

Huh? Madden sheep? Come on man. That right there shows agenda and bias. Most of the "sheep" you are referring to are guys who have played both Madden and 2k's football games. And we're just like you in wanting to just have a great game for this year. Because that's all that really matters. 2k5, APF and Madden09 all have one thing in common, they are history, the past, and outdated. They don't have ProTak and the other tech advances that '10 will. They might have done some great things for their time but, as Ian has shown, they are not the future of football gaming. Now I'm not gonna set the game up as being perfected football bliss. Everyone here knows that the game is in rebuilding mode. But anyone who can, with a straight face, say that this game isn't the Most Improved Player in sports gaming history in one cycle, is just bitter and looking for the game to be a letdown. And hoping that somehow in some Divine intervention that the NFL will come to their senses and rethink the exclusive agreement. Time to let that go and get on board with helping with the task at hand. Or head on over to the BB boards and cheer for the new "Little Engine that Could......."
Note to Tiburon Marketing:

A great product sells itself, no "back of the box" features required! (See Fifa...)

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Old 05-26-2009, 03:34 PM   #199
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Re: BONUS Madden NFL 10 Blog: USAF Thunderbirds

Originally Posted by BrianFifaFan
Huh? Madden sheep? Come on man. That right there shows agenda and bias. Most of the "sheep" you are referring to are guys who have played both Madden and 2k's football games. And we're just like you in wanting to just have a great game for this year. Because that's all that really matters. 2k5, APF and Madden09 all have one thing in common, they are history, the past, and outdated. They don't have ProTak and the other tech advances that '10 will. They might have done some great things for their time but, as Ian has shown, they are not the future of football gaming. Now I'm not gonna set the game up as being perfected football bliss. Everyone here knows that the game is in rebuilding mode. But anyone who can, with a straight face, say that this game isn't the Most Improved Player in sports gaming history in one cycle, is just bitter and looking for the game to be a letdown. And hoping that somehow in some Divine intervention that the NFL will come to their senses and rethink the exclusive agreement. Time to let that go and get on board with helping with the task at hand. Or head on over to the BB boards and cheer for the new "Little Engine that Could......."
Thank you Brian, you said it much better than I did.
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Old 05-26-2009, 03:38 PM   #200
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Re: BONUS Madden NFL 10 Blog: USAF Thunderbirds

roadman, do u agree that we as 2K5 fans get tired of "Go and play your 5 year old game and go back to the past" Well u right I do go and play my 5 year old game, and guess what..it still kicks maddens azz. So with that said, im looking forward to madden this year. Ian is catering to a more sim style game, and that's what's needed. That's why I said study 2K5.. it was a sim and not a arcade style game like madden. So since Ian is doing that, im not complaining. Just that when things like jets flying over, refs on the field and chaingangs, its nothing to be impressed over as a 2K fan. We have that already, so it has to be something new to impress us. PRO-TAK is one that got my attention, 2K never had that. So ups to Ian and his crew.
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