
Madden NFL 10 Trailer

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Old 04-27-2009, 12:52 PM   #641
myownsun's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Trailer

Originally Posted by sroz39
I think people tend to forget how long it took The Show developers to make the game what it is today and likewise the 2K NFL series went through some "down" years before the (flawed) greatness that 2K5 was.
God i need a ps3
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Old 04-27-2009, 01:00 PM   #642
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Trailer

The gameplay video of Madden10 on the Jimmy Fallon show looked way better than this trailer to me. It looked so fluid and smooth it gave me flashbacks of NFL2K5, also a nice touch was Jimmy Fallon on the excersise bike, which was on NFL2K5 also. I'm not really going to pay attention to this trailer since I've seen the Madden10 video on the Jimmy Fallon show and looks twice as good as this.
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Old 04-27-2009, 11:18 PM   #643
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Trailer

There are a few things that I've noticed from the two previews that I've seen thus far, and though some people have said that animations and such will be worked on as we speak, I'm just going to go ahead and make an assumption, that these things will not, in anyway be fixed before the game is shipped and we'll have to wait for patches on a brand new game that hasn't even shipped yet... Here's the breakdown of what I saw:

GT Video:

1. It would appear that the "moon ball" is till alive and well in this version of the game. I draw this assumption based on two things. The first being the first pass the Ben Roth throws... The ball goes straight into the air with not so much as a full throwing motion. I'm also bassing this on the last play we see in the video where the ball appears to be comming from the top deck in the stadium...

2. The running backs are still way too strong, as evidenced by everything we see the running backs doing in this video... We're they to say that this is a highlight reel video and that these thigns didn't happen all the time, I MIGHT swallow that, but due to past experiences, I'm leading another way all togther.

3. WRs still appear to catch everything thrown at them... Again, were this called a highlight video, I may... Blah blah blah... See above.

Jimmy Fallon video:

1. Confirms that #1 and #3 of the previous videos are not simply our of sort or assumptions, but likely to be more accurate then original expectations had hoped.

2. QB throwing on the move appears to remain in tack wich will result in the Dolphins being the online team of choice not only for the wild cat, but Mr. White as well... Like he was in NCAA last year.

3. The pocket protection doesn't look all that impressive. OR that much differerent then before... Sure the animations appear to be different, but over all product doesn't really show anything that wasn't there before, save for filling in the gaps that were missing visually before... Animations don't add to soemthing that's broken, it just makes it look nicer, even if it's still broken, like Bondo on a dented car...

Now before people go off an instantly call me a *****, as Ian suggested anyone that critiques the previews would be, I have a few point to ponder... Now I've read comments that said that these clips were played on rookie, on an unfinished version of the game. That it was something put together by marketing and didn't show the depth that those here wanted to see... The only problem I have with this kind of statement is that:

1. Who's going to make a point of being the first to see these videos? (Die hard fans) This isn't rocket science people, ask yourself, what would YOU put into the video? And you aren't even a professional at marketing.

2. Who were they attempting to market these clips to if not us? (Casual gamers?) The message here I guess would be that the game will still greatly be geared TOO the casual gamer.

3. With these being some of the most anticipated videos on the game yet, why wouldn't you take the time to show off all of the new/important stuff in the game? (Unless this was as good as the game got without patches) It would be the equivelent of showing us what the new GM cars can do, only to have one catch fire and explode on national TV and before the Bailout commity members "well it isn't finished" kind of falls short of expectations... And quite frankly isn't a good way to gain favour from people looking at getting your game, and supporting your product...

All of these combined with the statements made at the start of the GT video, made by the EA manager, leads me to believe that despite the casual "it's not finished" and "animations are being worked on as we speak", we are now back at where we were before, and that's putting band aids on broken engines... And before you all go on saying that I'm hating again, ask yourselves: Is there still time for motion cap stuff to be done? If there is, is there realisticaly time to add those things into the game if animations means effecting the engine in anyway? If the game was reworked from the ground up, yet again, WHY are these problems from previous games STILL in the game after having been IDENTIFIED HOW MANY times by everyone that's ever played the game?

I'm opting out of getting this game until I rent it... Thus far, I disgusted at what I've seen... The blogs show a bunch of gliter and glam, but when it's all put together, it looks less like the Playboy model we were promissed, and more like some middle aged man in drag...
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Old 04-27-2009, 11:56 PM   #644
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Trailer

That was absolutely terrible. They should be ashamed releasing a product like that in 2009, nearly 2010

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Old 05-12-2009, 12:23 PM   #645
OVR: 16
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Trailer

Check it out....Gang tackle,Fight for fumble, Big ben waving for flag...I will be doing more gifs as the videos come along... Just learned how today :}

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Old 05-12-2009, 04:09 PM   #646
OVR: 12
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Trailer

One strange thing I did notice in the video is the actions of the players not involved in the gang tackle. Looks interesting though. I'd like to see more gang tackles and not just the stand-me-up type of tackles seen in the video.
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