
Madden NFL 10 Trailer

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Old 04-24-2009, 10:27 AM   #537
TooSmart's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Trailer

Originally Posted by wsu_gb23

why do the quarterbacks look like they were just kneed in the back of the leg before throwing? The knee does not bend that way when throwing a ball...try it once.
+1 this has to be fixed. the game looks promising but these throw animations are extremely ugly. also when they run, why do the player's knees go up so high? there is way too much knee bending in the run and throw animations. looks outside the box fellas.
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Old 04-24-2009, 10:27 AM   #538
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Trailer

Originally Posted by lnin0
Breaking tackles is cool but seems way overdone. I hope this years game does not turn into a contest to see who can mash buttons faster. I can see it getting out of hand quick and being the run away game breaker. And then in its defense I can see "its not cheese if I break out of a three man gang tackle by mashing turbo"
Serious question, what would a trailer be if it didn't show broken tackles. I'm sure it was just for the cinematic effect, not representing what you will see 3 plays out of 4.
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Old 04-24-2009, 10:28 AM   #539
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Trailer

Originally Posted by lnin0
Breaking tackles is cool but seems way overdone. I hope this years game does not turn into a contest to see who can mash buttons faster. I can see it getting out of hand quick and being the run away game breaker. And then in its defense I can see "its not cheese if I break out of a three man gang tackle by mashing turbo"
Trailers are never on anything but rookie or pro. You can break out of 1000 tackles on these two difficulties.
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Old 04-24-2009, 10:33 AM   #540
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Trailer

Hmmmmm....nothing that gets me too excited in the trailer. I'll be waiting a week or two after everyone gets it (and the hype has calmed down) before dropping 60$.

I honestly have no idea why the running animations look so unnatural and inorganic...and have for so long? I know this is an early build, but I also know there's no way they're going to recapture them now.

We'll see....
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Old 04-24-2009, 10:35 AM   #541
drae2's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Trailer

Well, you can tell it's better than 09 already, that's for sure. But I will say that I'm some what dissapointed. Maybe the hype around this was just too much, and made some people anticipate more than what was actually delivered. And yes, people are going to compare the 2K games to this and IMO rightly so. You have to remember EA wanted this genre all to themselves, so they left themselves open to be criticized. With that being said, I'm not going to be critical of them because you can see the Ian and his crew are/have made strides, and this is only April, and it's only a trailer. I think all of us should just be patient, and stop panicking because the letters on the jersey stretch too long. This game doesn't drop for another 4 MONTHS. Now come August and the game dosen't live up to the hype (the David Ortiz daze), then I can understand the uproar, but it's just too damn early for all the negativity. The way some people act about this, you would think their first born male was on the line.
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Old 04-24-2009, 10:39 AM   #542
dal_hawk's Arena
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I like a lot of stuff I see.

Agree that the QB animations still look awkward and pretty much same as last year.

I think the running animations have got progressively more natural through each 360/ps3 update. When watching Fitz run down the pass I didn't think it looked too bad. Maybe looked weirder when Parker? was coming out of the broken tackles.
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Old 04-24-2009, 10:45 AM   #543
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Re: Madden 10 Trailer impressions

Originally Posted by NFLHITMAN

Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA

Just wanted to drop in and say hello from my hotel in NYC. Long day today - up early and demo'ed Madden 10 to a TON of press people from 10 to 4. It was good to meet a lot of folks I hadn't really talked to much before like Brian Ekberg from Gamespot, PastaPadre, and Chris from NCAA Strategies (and many many more people that I will have to check back in my contact list to remember their names). The game showed pretty well (I believe) - we are holding a ton of stuff back until E3 so I felt really hamstrung with what we could show today, but just the PRO-TAK tech alone really wowed a ton of people...so that was encouraging. After an event like this it's a good reminder to all the tuning we still have to do as a few things were still 'cringe-worthy' (as I call them), but all in all I think the reactions were quite positive even we were showing what I believe was an extremely limited demo.

Speaking of PRO-TAK, it is going to be on display in the video on GTTV tonight, so I can't wait for you guys to see it. I am dead for tonight and have a ton of stuff booked tomorrow so I don't know if I'll be on after the video displays, but I look forward to you all picking apart everything as usual and finding the good and bad. You'll see some stuff that you don't like I'm sure (I know I did), but I really hope you get a bit of a surprise when you see PRO-TAK on full display. Looking forward to the impressions...

Peace out - see you in a few days.

So let me list what I thought was good and bad......

The good.......

  • Gang Tackling
  • OL/DL Interaction is good but not great
  • On field Refs
The Bad.........

  • It seems like the center for both teams was in no mans land every time.
  • That was either a poor trailer by GT or the graphics were not that great at all.
  • Throwing Motion was robotic
  • Player movement was robotic and stiff as a board.
  • Player movement was same as Madden 09 IMO
  • Defensive Backs like the double team on Fitz was not even looking at him.
  • There was no pocket formed at all from what I seen.
  • The same branching tackle animation in Madden 10 as was in 09. When you see a finesse back like Willie Parker move a pile and break out of 2 players doubling up on a tackle is pathetic. No wonder Ian got 300+ yards with Brandon Jacobs when he played.
  • Seemed like the refs was getting knocked down every play. You hardly ever see this in the NFL.
  • The towels were not animated to sway as the player moves.
  • The player models looked horrible with there arms, helmets, face mask, and more.
Think about what you just saw and ask yourself this question....

If I was going to make a game and put a trailer of that game on a national exclusive would I want the best my new game has to offer in that trailer? The answer for everyone would be yes.

Now answer this.....

If that is the best that Madden 10 has to offer than how can you be happy with the product?

Please take the time to compare that video with a game who has already perfected it. I want Madden 10 to be GREAT so I can have fun again so please don't take this as a ***** post.

Do I like the video of Madden 10? No, But I would love to see a better game trailer soon!

Madden 10.........

Now lets compare to the APF videos I made for Ian to look at....

How a QB Drop can look in a Football Video game....

QB Droback, Run & Chuck in APF and how the Shoulders need to be square, Feet Planted, and when throwing deep how he must wind up to make the pass....

OL / DL Interaction the way it should be or better.....

How the hell are we still comparing what is essentially a modified version of NFL2k5 to Madden 10????...and more importantly Madden 10 still IMO looks inferior when the raw comparison is highlighted in key areas like the QB, OL/DL and DB/WR interactions. How is this still happening???

I've said this all along...Until EA goes back to scratch and the basics starting with the QB position we will not see the level of change that is needed. Based off the Madden 10 debut video I would not buy the game...Good thing I don't put too much stock into early media or my mind would already be made up...But when you see APF and the little subtleties of how they have captured the realism of the QB position, OL, DB/WR interaction it is really DEPRESSING when you have to look at Madden 10 and wonder where all of that is and why aren't they (Ian and Crew) using APF as the model...Its not even like they have to reinvent the wheel a great example is already here...

I don't and won't get it...

Last edited by dat swag; 04-24-2009 at 10:48 AM.
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Old 04-24-2009, 10:52 AM   #544
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Re: Madden 10 Trailer impressions

Can't wait until Ian or Phil responds....
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