
What Happened to PC Sports Gaming?

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Old 04-20-2009, 01:01 AM   #17
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I got a quad-core processor, 9800gt, and 4gigs of ram and it only cost me $250.00. And it destroys the PS3 and Xbox 360. So the price for a high-end computer is about the same as a console. And my pc doesn't burn up the consoles do.

Also, with OnLive coming out, EA could put there sport games exclusively on there. And with OnLive, you can have a 10 year old computer and still play games like crysis of FC2 on ultra settings with NO LAG at all.

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Old 04-20-2009, 01:55 PM   #18
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Re: What Happened to PC Sports Gaming?

After buying a few older PC games recently and having to jump through hoops to get them to function properly on my PC (which is more powerful than it needs to be for 3-4 year old games) I've remembered why I started to shy away from PC games in the first place.

PC gamers love to tell you that they love the customization and tweakability but really they're the biggest graphics whores on the planet and to satiate them new games constantly push the limits of what hardware can do. And since there are so many different types of configurations a lot of stuff goes wrong along the way. I've been pounding this drum for a while but the question for every more realistic and details graphics leads to more bad games than good games.
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Old 04-20-2009, 03:20 PM   #19
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This is a shameless plug, but our game, MLB Dugout Heroes is a full-featured PC baseball game that was given a good review on this site:


So far we have had good success in getting former UBO players - I'd like to invite anyone that wants a PC baseball game to download it and try it out. It is an item based game, so you don't need to spend anything if you don't want to.
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Old 04-20-2009, 05:16 PM   #20
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Re: What Happened to PC Sports Gaming?

Originally Posted by dbchang
This is a shameless plug, but our game, MLB Dugout Heroes is a full-featured PC baseball game that was given a good review on this site:


So far we have had good success in getting former UBO players - I'd like to invite anyone that wants a PC baseball game to download it and try it out. It is an item based game, so you don't need to spend anything if you don't want to.
Cool, will give it a look, thanks.
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Old 04-20-2009, 11:55 PM   #21
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There are several key things that I think have affected PC sports titles as a whole:

The first is, the price point of software. Developers know that they can make more money charging $60+ over a longer period of time, while a PC title enters the market at a lower price and drops faster, as ChampN252 noted. Also, the PC community demands more out of developers than console gamers, such as steady patches with detailed explanations of what has been fixed and added content for no extra charge, unless it's a full expansion.

The second thing in my opinion is pure unadultered misinformation. As some of the previous posters have noted, they believe that they must upgrade their systems constantly to be able to run the latest games. Now, this might hold true if you bought your PC a few years ago, but as processor speeds have basically capped out and high speed dual/quad core setups with more than 2 Gigs of ram have become commonplace, it is not hard to find a cheap system that can basically run anything. Video cards you say? You can find a GeForce 8800 GT for basically a $100 bucks more or less, and that will run anything currently out there, even Crysis. ATI has it's own line of cheap cards that run almost every game at over 60 frames per second. These cards will last you quite a few years, unless you insist to max out settings on every game in the future, which is a highly unrealistic given that usually developers make these options available for the people who have the most up to date, ridiculously expensive systems. If you want to run NBA 2k9 (and probably 10) at 200 frames per second, then perhaps these are for you.

My point is that PC gaming is not as expensive as people make it out to be nowadays, unless you want the latest thing constantly. FYI, unless you have a lot of money available to you at all times, this is impossible. PC hardware is constantly evolving, and games usually are not up to date with the latest hardware. Hell, there are still very few games that take advantage of multicore processors, and those have been around for a while now. With the cheap, more common setups currently available, the games still run beautifully and look way better than their console counterparts. That is, if the developers actually put any effort and don't actually make a crappier version just to make a quick buck (example, the PC FIFA series).

Also, there is a HUGE market out there for these games, as the PC community is more world wide than consoles by a mile. When powerful developers (such as EA) try to localize their games all around the world, people will purchase them. That is, if they are worth a lick, which they're not. At least as PC sports gaming goes, that is.

Last edited by demencia_total; 04-21-2009 at 02:37 AM. Reason: Typos...
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Old 04-21-2009, 12:11 AM   #22
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Re: What Happened to PC Sports Gaming?

Actually, publishers can make more money off of PC games since they don't have to pay royalties like they do to MS/Sony/Nintendo.

The simplest explanation for what has happened to PC sports gaming is this:

PC sales slow while console sales increase
Resources allocated away from PC
Retailers begin reducing the # of PC titles carried
Sales slow even more
More resources taken from PC
Retailers reduce again
Sales slow again
Titles canceled
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Old 04-21-2009, 12:24 AM   #23
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Any article that is ever written about PC gaming on a "main stream" website always brings out the people who are just completely ignorant to PC gaming, and I just wish they would shut their mouths. But obviously it'll never happen.

1) PC's cost nowhere CLOSE to as much as so many of you make it out to be. Add in the fact that ALL OF YOU already own a PC, where as you have to buy a console separately, and hey what do you know. That extra money you put into the console you could've put into your PC instead and had a solid gaming PC.

2) I play my PC in my living room, on my 46" LCD HDTV at 1920 x 1080 resolution from the comfort of my couch. And I can use a controller in any damn game I please. The "comfort" level with PC's for me is equal to consoles. It's not my, or the genre's fault if you're all stuck in the 80's/90's huddled up on a computer desk leaning into a monitor. Evolve already.

But I know I know, there's way too much rational thought here for people to acknowledge it, so go ahead and continue with your uneducated, ancient opinions of PC gaming. I'll leave you to it.
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Old 04-21-2009, 12:25 AM   #24
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demencia_total's Arena
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Originally Posted by DHoos
Actually, publishers can make more money off of PC games since they don't have to pay royalties like they do to MS/Sony/Nintendo.
Good point. On the plus also, PC games usually take less money to develop since all programmers are familiar with the hardware, whereas with consoles, they encounter unknowns and obstacles which end up costing them more.

Last edited by demencia_total; 04-21-2009 at 12:28 AM.
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