
Why I'm Done With NBA Basketball This Year: NBA Live 09

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Old 04-11-2009, 07:53 PM   #73
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Re: Why I'm Done With NBA Basketball This Year: NBA Live 09

Originally Posted by antony24
NBA Live 365 sucks. They made Dwight Howard unstoppable, making everything as long as you are inside the 3pt line, and rashard lewis makes it anywhere on the court. they need to fix this big time. in the nba you can't just get the inbound pass and chuck it down court to the center every time and get an easy lay in or dunk because the other players will come over and stop it, in this game however you can just throw it to anyone and run around people to the hoop. it's terrible.

it's an exploit that happens in 2k as well

Fix: Don't do it.

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Old 04-11-2009, 09:01 PM   #74
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Re: Why I'm Done With NBA Basketball This Year: NBA Live 09

Originally Posted by jaosming
it's an exploit that happens in 2k as well

Fix: Don't do it.

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it happens online in every game i've played
It's dumb. You can't even really do full court press because the game pushes you out of the passing lane after a basket. The on the ball D suffers cause the man you're guarding can suck another player into their animation leaving somebody else wide open. Don't get me started on the fundamentals of the game i.e. shooting and rebounding. I thought I would Live a shot after 2K8 was just awful. Both 2K9 and Live were below expectations.
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Old 04-12-2009, 06:14 AM   #75
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Re: Why I'm Done With NBA Basketball This Year: NBA Live 09

Originally Posted by sandman0823
Listen, some people may call me crazy for saying this but i feel that live is slightly better than 2k this year. i have been playing 2k9 since its release in october to only just master the game after i've been playing day in and day out for the past 8 months now. i had to adjust the sliders to do so. i love the game to only find that i was caught up in the hype and allure of what everyone felt was the better bball game this year. i just recently picked up live because i was not complete with 2k i was missing something. live is very rough around the edges i have even seen an actual double dribble in the game but for some reason i enjoy it more than 2k. i feel live is a better sim than 2k. 2k feels very arcade like this year and i think alot of folks love this game becasue it is to cheese in 2k which is why the traffic is so high in the 2k insider forum. cats wants boosts for players they use when playing online that is unrealistic to me. live got it right, everything was based on stats and true tendacies not some geek sitting at home acting as the basketball god determining who deserves boosts or not. ea is definitely moving in the right direction and with the hire of the cat from 2k i think they will take over next years bball war.
Ok so I have been a NBA Live fan my whole life! Seriously since bulls vs blazers days(which is the beginning I believe, bulls vs lakers? anyway) I ran into the IR lock problem with my particular file for Live 09 and I said screw it. I was frustrated that someone like Kobe got hurt and would miss the entire year(healthy!). I bought 2k for the first time. I REALLY like it. I hated getting used to the isomotion bs but the dynasty/association mode is MUCH MUCH MUCH better. Not to mention the fact that if the cpu's players got hurt they would not stay on the IR indefinatly. It made me disscover what 2k fans have been into for years. So now please inform me. They have fixed this stupid IR glitch that was in place for the on line cheesers? And they have a new guy on board from 2k? I REALLY hope this guy fixes the dynasty because it blows compared to 2k, quite frankly. I would rather play the EA version of any sports game but as far as basketball goes this year, 2k was the lesser of 2 evils and I am thouroughly enjoying it. But now I'm hitting a wall after starting over several times with my Spurs association. Now quite honestly I'm really looking forward to Madden 10, and hopefully EA and NBA live can make my loyalty worth it.
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Old 04-12-2009, 10:35 AM   #76
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Re: Why I'm Done With NBA Basketball This Year: NBA Live 09

I hear you bigdfan. I was really enjoying my dynasty but I was wondering why my guys weren't getting hurt. So I came in here hoping it wasn't a bug like that none of my guys get hurt well I found out something much worse and that is of course that guys don't come back from IR. So I am playing with injuries off now but I'm missing quite a few stars. I just don't know how they could miss that
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Old 04-12-2009, 09:55 PM   #77
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Re: Why I'm Done With NBA Basketball This Year: NBA Live 09

Is this a PS3 bug or something, because I've had numerous players on my team get hurt and come back and get placed back into lineup and I have 360. What am I missing here? Because I'm obviously not getting this same issue.
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Old 04-13-2009, 02:09 AM   #78
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Re: Why I'm Done With NBA Basketball This Year: NBA Live 09

Originally Posted by Behindshadows
Is this a PS3 bug or something, because I've had numerous players on my team get hurt and come back and get placed back into lineup and I have 360. What am I missing here? Because I'm obviously not getting this same issue.
Not human/user controlled teams, the cpu teams. I always run with the Spurs, for example, Kobe goes down with a bad twisted ankle for 2 weeks and the cpu Lakers move him to the IR and move some bench warmer up off of IR. Then when he would heal he would stay there, unless the Lakers experience several more injuries which would "push" Kobe back into the starting line up. I'm sure others have experienced it also, check the other teams stats and check games played for instance. I can't remember who it was one time when I simmed to see if it was true and I think Amare had played 15 games at the end of the regular season with something dumb like a twisted ankle. I got fed up and bought 2k.
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Old 05-28-2009, 09:46 PM   #79
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Re: Why I'm Done With NBA Basketball This Year: NBA Live 09

Originally Posted by bigdfan76
Not human/user controlled teams, the cpu teams. I always run with the Spurs, for example, Kobe goes down with a bad twisted ankle for 2 weeks and the cpu Lakers move him to the IR and move some bench warmer up off of IR. Then when he would heal he would stay there, unless the Lakers experience several more injuries which would "push" Kobe back into the starting line up. I'm sure others have experienced it also, check the other teams stats and check games played for instance. I can't remember who it was one time when I simmed to see if it was true and I think Amare had played 15 games at the end of the regular season with something dumb like a twisted ankle. I got fed up and bought 2k.
oh ok! I gotcha, I noticed on the injury list sometimes it will still show them as being out, but you are scheduled to play their team. They will be in the lineup as normal. Weird. Yeah this will definitely have to be addressed and fixed in 10!
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Old 05-29-2009, 03:05 PM   #80
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Re: Why I'm Done With NBA Basketball This Year: NBA Live 09

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
shadows the rebounding is broken there is no covering that up bro also the locomotion is bad man real bad. this game has a lot going for it but to overlook what is bad in the name of uplifting the series helps no one. The animations and bad locomotion bad passing. Horrible rim physics, suction defense and scrawny player models in addition to the severly limited animations all together after playing for a few months can make this game unplayable. not that it is a bad game. if you want to like it there is certainly enough there to do that but there just isn't enough there currently to make the game as good as you seem to claim.

Remember I actually like live 09 for the potential it shows but that doesn't mean its great in its current state. I do think live 10 will be exceptional but a year away from genius.
Great post Da Czar
EA and 2k have the unfortunate task of trying to balance on a tightrope of fun and sim while trying not to fall 10,000 feet to their death. Instead of a safety net waiting down below there will just be angry customers quick to move out of the way and talk of their failure.
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