
MLB 2K9 Post-Patch Impressions (360 & PS3 merged)

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Old 04-07-2009, 01:40 PM   #433
buzzguy's Arena
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K9 Official Patch 2 Available, Impressions Here (360 Only)

I've been following this thread since the patch came out, and still I can't decide if the game is worth buying or not.
I wonder what MS' thoughts are regarding the baseball delimma on their system? It's been sending customers over to the competition for about 2 years already!
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Old 04-07-2009, 01:50 PM   #434
jeffy777's Arena
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K9 Official Patch 2 Available, Impressions Here (360 Only)

Originally Posted by goh
AI hitters even worse! Swinging at even MORE terrible pitches. Only resulted in even more hits,a lot more grounders/flyballs and a lot less strikeouts.
Probably seems worse to you because you aren't being accurate with your pitching gestures (right stick motions). If you aren't accurate, then the AI will be much more likely to hack at your pitches because they interpret them as "bad" pitches. Try dropping down the Gesture slider and you should see a big difference, then turn it back up when you get better with the gestures.
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Old 04-07-2009, 02:11 PM   #435
jacory12's Arena
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K9 Official Patch 2 Available, Impressions Here (360 Only)

Yeah exactly I am getting like 3 Ks looking a game now. I am nailing the gestures good now and I LOVE this game more.
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Old 04-07-2009, 02:27 PM   #436
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Still not thrilled with the fielding. That hesitation between a batted ball and when you become aware of which fielder the cpu has given you is beyond aggravating.
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Old 04-07-2009, 03:14 PM   #437
StormJH1's Arena
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K9 Official Patch 2 Available, Impressions Here (360 Only)

Originally Posted by zpq12
LOL. So basically you're just mad you can't have it your way. You knew damn well how the batting was going to be. Why buy the game? You decided to call the outfielding a glitch because what, you dropped one ball. I'm not saying some people haven't had a problem, but I have had absolutely zero issues in 20+ games. Your argument on that point sucks.

On a related note. Is there a patch fix list somewhere?
Okay. First, I don't really care what the patch fix list says if it's telling me it fixed things wrong with the game that I can clearly see aren't fixed. Plus, if you read between the lines on that list, it didn't say "Fixed this, fixed that", it said things like "Greatly reduced the frequency of..." or "Tweaked..". In other words, "It might be better, but yeah, we don't know how to fix that with a patch. Sorry."

I am not the only one who still has problems with flyballs. The problem with impressions threads is that everyone runs out and plays the game for like 30 minutes and posts about it...and that makes up like 15 pages of posts. But you don't know a glitch is there until you see it. Nobody ever said the outfielders were dropping EVERY ball--my point is that it isn't any better. And besides, there are so many little things wrong with fielding that you couldn't even address it with a simple glitch fix anyway.

And a decent number of people here aren't even trying to field flyballs, they're simply letting the CPU do it because they know it will drop behind them if they touch the controller. That's not a fix; that's a work-around. Enjoy your game, but I'm out before this thing loses too much trade-in value.
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Old 04-07-2009, 03:20 PM   #438
teambayern's Arena
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K9 Official Patch 2 Available, Impressions Here (360 Only)

Fielding is not great, but come on, anybody with a healthy knowledge of cause and effect can avoid dropping fly balls 99% percent of the time. Get used to the problem and adapt. I haven't dropped a single pop fly since the patch and I'm not the only one.

You cant keep saying "Oh, but it should work this way, i shouldn't have to do it like that" over and over again, complaining about it. Either stop playing or make the simple switch of preloading a throw when you make those catches.
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Old 04-07-2009, 03:24 PM   #439
zpq12's Arena
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K9 Official Patch 2 Available, Impressions Here (360 Only)

Originally Posted by StormJH1
Okay. First, I don't really care what the patch fix list says if it's telling me it fixed things wrong with the game that I can clearly see aren't fixed. Plus, if you read between the lines on that list, it didn't say "Fixed this, fixed that", it said things like "Greatly reduced the frequency of..." or "Tweaked..". In other words, "It might be better, but yeah, we don't know how to fix that with a patch. Sorry."

I am not the only one who still has problems with flyballs. The problem with impressions threads is that everyone runs out and plays the game for like 30 minutes and posts about it...and that makes up like 15 pages of posts. But you don't know a glitch is there until you see it. Nobody ever said the outfielders were dropping EVERY ball--my point is that it isn't any better. And besides, there are so many little things wrong with fielding that you couldn't even address it with a simple glitch fix anyway.

And a decent number of people here aren't even trying to field flyballs, they're simply letting the CPU do it because they know it will drop behind them if they touch the controller. That's not a fix; that's a work-around. Enjoy your game, but I'm out before this thing loses too much trade-in value.
Oh good. Hopefully that means you'll quit whining then.

Originally Posted by teambayern
Fielding is not great, but come on, anybody with a healthy knowledge of cause and effect can avoid dropping fly balls 99% percent of the time. Get used to the problem and adapt. I haven't dropped a single pop fly since the patch and I'm not the only one.

You cant keep saying "Oh, but it should work this way, i shouldn't have to do it like that" over and over again, complaining about it. Either stop playing or make the simple switch of preloading a throw when you make those catches.
The kid sucks. I've never had a problem with fly balls. One time before the patch, which was because I was still clueless as to how to play the game.
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Old 04-07-2009, 03:40 PM   #440
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Re: Major League Baseball 2K9 Official Patch 2 Available, Impressions Here (360 Only)

Originally Posted by zpq12
Oh good. Hopefully that means you'll quit whining then.

The kid sucks. I've never had a problem with fly balls. One time before the patch, which was because I was still clueless as to how to play the game.
My problem with the fly balls isn't catching them. I catch 99% of them and the 1% I miss can usually be traced back to something I did. I just wish it would score the 1% as an error. The in game commentary usually gets it right but the box score rarely does.
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