
Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Momentum

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Old 03-17-2009, 05:11 PM   #209
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Momentum

Originally Posted by NYG34
Please take off the caps lock button. Do you see anyone else using caps lock in this forum?

Thank you.

Also, welcome to OS.

You will need to practice a bit of patience. The developers told us a few months ago that they were giving out small announcements that would lead to bigger announcements from draft day till summer.

Oh, and ESPN won't make it in. No one knows for certain, but it sounds like ESPN and the NFL network would conflict with each other.
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Old 03-17-2009, 05:21 PM   #210
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Momentum

Originally Posted by roadman
The developers told us a few months ago that they were giving out small announcements that would lead to bigger announcements from draft day till summer.
You might want to throw this in your sig. It'll save you the trouble of having to say it every day !!
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Old 03-17-2009, 05:30 PM   #211
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Momentum

Originally Posted by rgiles36
You might want to throw this in your sig. It'll save you the trouble of having to say it every day !!
Good point , RG.

Just trying to help.
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Old 03-17-2009, 05:55 PM   #212
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Momentum

Originally Posted by S1ARk5
Well I hope you guys are right in saying it is still too early. I do hope we get bigger announcement as the game gets close to release. I want to hear how the gameplay itself is being fixed and what they will do about team AI playing like their real life counterpart.....

Again sorry for being pessimistic and I hope I am proven wrong.

I totally appreciate that you, as have all of us, been burned in the past by unnaceptable versions of Madden on next gen.

But you've got to stop this negativity.

To address your concerns in this post.


We will get bigger announcements as the game progresses toward release, there is no doubt about it. Ian has not even touched on Oline/Dline or franchise yet. Even the graphics have yet to be shown.


How you can say that the gameplay has not been touched on yet is beyond me. What have the previous blogs shown already? Gamespeed, ratings, procedural awareness, specific QB ratings, momentum, acceleration, decelaration, WR/DB interaction, fixing the FB dive, QB sneak. These are all gameplay fixes/enhancements/alterations.


Ian has already said that it is one of his personal missions to fix AI anomalies with regard to playcalling/decisions and Donny has stated that it is his goal to get teams playing like their real life counterparts through ratings alone.

Come on bro' keep the faith!!
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Old 03-17-2009, 07:08 PM   #213
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Momentum

thank god, planting in a Madden game deccelerating and accelerating are words i like to hear, good job Ian hopefully momentum is used right and big hits don't look cheesy anymore, and theres more than 4 animations for big hits...i would like to see the hit stick become a button because people overuse it all the time and takes away from the experience because its easy to use, but having a button would require timing. use the thumstick for regular tackleing, like in All-Pro, cut tackle, mid tackle and high tackle.
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Old 03-17-2009, 07:11 PM   #214
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Momentum

Originally Posted by S1ARk5
I think the problem is that Ian and Co are focusin on the wrong aspect of momentum. When i saw momentum I thought I was going to read about recievers keeping their body in play while going for a pass that has been over thrown, or a big back keeping the momentum of the pile going forward for extra yards, or more realisitic tackles with momentum playing a factor, but what do we see?

Oh a runner taking a few more steps going to the sidelines..LOL... cmon on man, I am not buying what EA is selling so far... all these little improvements if you want to call it that, would be great if the rest of the game was great but give me a break man, this will have no real impact on the gameplay....
You my friend just don't get it do you. Let's get something clear, Ian is giving us the SMALL, I repeat the SMALL improvements to the game right now. The big announcements aren't coming until after the draft. Would you rather Ian just say the hell with keeping the community up to speed with the LITTLE things, and just wait til May to start giving out information on the game? Ian clearly stated that the momentum thing is a work in progress. He didn't say what you see is what you get. Ian was just giving us a early look at how different the actual movement of the players from 10 will be compared to 09. This blog wasn't about the actual running styles of the players or whether the phyics of players were correct. It was about players having to actually slow down to make a cut or turn. I understand where some of the people are coming from when they criticize the blog in a postive and non judgmental way. But people like you need to stay off these boards until the game is release if you don't think the "LITTLE" things that's being worked on isn't going to change the overall gameplay of this game. Yes the aninimation looks a little sloppy, but did you read the part where Ian said this was the busiest work day of the year and he still took a hour out his day to put this blog together? People complaining about the blog feeling rushed or this really isn't a BIG deal or whatever. Well, techinally you're right it isn't a BIG deal it's just one of the LITTLE things that's going to help madden become more sim. If some people aren't smart enough to realize this, then maybe posting on these forums isn't for you, because me personally, I have been laughing at some of the simple minded stuff that have been posted in this thread. Keep doing your thing Ian, because no matter how good you make madden 10, somebody, someplace, somewhere is going to hate. Let the haters hate!
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Old 03-17-2009, 07:46 PM   #215
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Momentum

Originally Posted by thejake
I tend to think that he is getting these wider turns by kind of rotating the stick around the circle. I'm thinking that if you jam the stick from up to right real quickly, that will probably trigger a cut animation where you still turn 90 degrees but lose some speed. Just a guess.
Exactly. What's all the fuss about? The demonstration is to show momentum running, not cuts. The running in the Madden 10 example looks pretty natural and accurate to me. The control is still there, it's just more realistic. And, Ian did say that high accuracy on foot movement means less responsiveness.

Originally Posted by S1ARk5
Man I am really not trying to bash Ian and the rest of the guys at work on Madden but really I saw hardly any major difference between the two animatiosn 09 & 10. This is why I still think EA does not get it, really these new animations will make no difference in making madden a more realsitic game and the game we wall want to recreate what we see on sunday. I mean both animations are just HORRID in my humble opinion.

I think the whole problem with the Madden team is that they do not realize Madden NEEDS a complete overhaul in the running machanics to even have these "new" animations matter.

This is what Im supposed to get excited about? boy it is going to another long summer for football gaming. Lets hope NCAA actually comes through.
You obiviously weren't paying attenttion.
The first example of turn rates with the PS2 06 version vs the 08 and 09 versions show the better, more natural movement from 06-which the 08 and 09 versions got away from, and the movement became more and more robotic.
The Madden 10 turn rate example shows the movement being changed more back to the 06 style-which was the last great madden game btw. Except the Madden 10 example looks more tuned and perfected.
It's a huge gameplay change-to more natural movement and player momentum. No one likes the robotic movement in Madden from recent years. Well, it's being fixed. Pay attention.

Last edited by LAKE4742; 03-17-2009 at 07:57 PM.
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Old 03-17-2009, 08:04 PM   #216
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Player Momentum

Originally Posted by The Sim God
get rid of turbo and have the left stick be the speed

you hold it a little, you dont run as fast. hold the stick all the way down = youre at top speed

the way it is now running as fast as you can isnt the fastest you can go, you have TURBOOOOOOO!!!!

no nfl player has 'turbo' when they are running
they have 'break away speed' and maybe that should be a new attribute

but PLEASE do away with the turbo button. its totally unrealistic
There needs to be some way of separating non-full speed and full-speed. If you think that RB's are full speed in the backfield, then you are sadly mistaken.
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