
Madden NFL 10 Blog - Improvements to QB Position

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Old 02-24-2009, 06:34 PM   #177
BezO's Arena
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by splff3000
Sorry to get off topic fellas, but how can you say take out vision cone and then let's get back to straight up sim football. The vision cone is/was sim football. You may not have liked the way it looked on the field, but it was no gimmick.
There was nothing sim about the cone. All you had to do was hold the trigger and double-tap which ever pass button. At best it cost you an extra .3 seconds. I never felt it emulated a QB locating his receiver. And it was ugly.
Shout out to The Watcher! Where you at bruh?
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Old 02-24-2009, 07:04 PM   #178
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by roadman
Here's the thing, though, and you've already addressed this.

It isn't anything EA/Ian/Phil and this forum haven't heard on a daily basis in other threads.

There isn't anything the current new leadership can do with the past and neither can we.

So far, Ian and the new team has been listening to bring the sim into Madden, don't you agree?
Listening yes, I'll give them that. It actually seems that EA has become more open to the community now, whereas 2k has kinda back-tracked in that regard. So, I'll give them their due respect for that. However actually taking enough action to make Madden more sim is debatable, I'll just say that 09 wasn't and I'll hold judgement on 10 until a demo is released.
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Old 02-24-2009, 07:14 PM   #179
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA

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Old 02-24-2009, 07:16 PM   #180
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by Lakers 24/7
Listening yes, I'll give them that. It actually seems that EA has become more open to the community now, whereas 2k has kinda back-tracked in that regard. So, I'll give them their due respect for that. However actually taking enough action to make Madden more sim is debatable, I'll just say that 09 wasn't and I'll hold judgement on 10 until a demo is released.
Agreed, it is debatable because 10 isn't out, yet. You have every right to hold judgment until then.

I'm not sure everything everyone wants will be in 10 because will all want different things. Personally, for me, game play, AI, and presentation needs beefed up, without going into much detail. I'm sure it's different for others.
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Old 02-24-2009, 07:19 PM   #181
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog - Improvements to QB Position

This is probably a stupid question but I felt compelled to ask:

Is the throwing on the run going to correlate into the other ratings during the attempted throw, or is it going to override it in any way?

I'm just a little nervous (only because the blog didn't specify, I doubt this team would overlook it) but say Romo or Cutler rolls out and is trying a 50yd bomb, is the game going to read the ThOnRUN rating only or take that number and bring the deep ball into the equation as well.
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Old 02-24-2009, 07:28 PM   #182
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by adembroski
I liked the vision cone a lot, but yeah, it doesn't, in and of itself, decide whether Madden is "sim" or not. The same effect can be simulated in a number of ways, which we've had endless discussion about.

The biggest problem with the sim argument is that we want to, for the most part, retain control. In most cases, more control = less sim, and vica virca. By putting the function of the vision cone (to make smart, experienced QBs commensurately better than their lesser counterparts) under the hood, you make the game "more sim" by taking control away from the player.

The nice thing about the vision cone is that it struck a good balance between sim and control. However, it was probably too much control as it made the player's job more difficult, and often frustrating. Much as I liked it, I'd rather see something less intrusive.
I agree. I didn't like the look of the field with it in the short time I tried it. I'd prefer trying another method to tackle the same thing. The problem isn't just the QB though. Every player we use on offense and defense renders awareness useless. It's the nature of video game football.
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Old 02-24-2009, 07:59 PM   #183
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
I agree. I didn't like the look of the field with it in the short time I tried it. I'd prefer trying another method to tackle the same thing. The problem isn't just the QB though. Every player we use on offense and defense renders awareness useless. It's the nature of video game football.
There are ways they can make awareness more important for controlled players though. Reaction time is one simple way. Also with some of the animations. If a player is controlling a DB or receiver and hits the catch button then if the guy can see the ball he should know where it is and reach for it. If he can't see it he should still put his hands up and make an attempt but it should be without really knowing where the ball is and reduce the chances of getting his hands on the ball.

For tackles I don't really see where you could try to tackle a guy you can't see but the block shedding/avoiding thing come in to play.

As for reading plays and choosing the hole to plug it is tough to do this other than the reaction time but when it comes to getting blocked if the awareness determines your guy sees the block coming it could increase the chances of shedding it and decrease the chances of getting blindsided and completely leveled.

As for running the ball making moves guys with high awareness should naturally be more able to sense hits and keep from getting leveled like with the getting blocked thing. Also this could lead to less fumbles since although you still might get tackled you won't be blindsided by it. Also, for instance say you are running in the open with one defender in front of you and one coming from the side if your awareness causes your player to see the second defender coming then when you make your move he can try to adjust his steps to not run into the other guy. This would not necessarily mean success, agility should have something to do with the ability to actually adjust.

As for a blocker it can add to adjusting to moves made by the defense, avoiding penalties, etc.

As a quarterback the best way is the vision cone. It can also used for going in to evasive type moves. Also since there aren't any composure/leadership type ratings it could work for them too.

Also it can work to do a lot with CPU controlled players but these are ways it should effect user controlled players
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Old 02-24-2009, 08:05 PM   #184
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog - Improvements to QB Position

Great Job EA guys!

I recall a post last year talking about this. Good to see you are listening to us!
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