
Madden NFL 10 Blog - Improvements to QB Position

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Old 02-24-2009, 05:12 PM   #169
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by STLRams
Please don't have that QB vision/flashlight thing that was on one of the former Madden games on by default. I hated how that looked during gameplay, it looked like a gimmick. I understand the reason behind it, but lets get back to playing straight up sim football. No weapons, icons, flashlights, attached to players, have the game look like you are watching a real NFL game.
I agree the icons should be toned down a bit. Most of us know which players can do what. However, the Vision Cone/light doesn't detract from the look or feel of the game.

Since you expressed you understand the reason for the Vision Cone, why do you describe it as a gimmick? It is effective if you are good at using it and it also prevents user's from throwing blindly. It is also realistic because the QB has to see who he is throwing to and the light allows you to look defenders off and use precision passing.
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Old 02-24-2009, 05:18 PM   #170
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by STLRams
Please don't have that QB vision/flashlight thing that was on one of the former Madden games on by default. I hated how that looked during gameplay, it looked like a gimmick. I understand the reason behind it, but lets get back to playing straight up sim football. No weapons, icons, flashlights, attached to players, have the game look like you are watching a real NFL game.
Sorry to get off topic fellas, but how can you say take out vision cone and then let's get back to straight up sim football. The vision cone is/was sim football. You may not have liked the way it looked on the field, but it was no gimmick.
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Old 02-24-2009, 05:21 PM   #171
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by splff3000
Sorry to get off topic fellas, but how can you say take out vision cone and then let's get back to straight up sim football. The vision cone is/was sim football. You may not have liked the way it looked on the field, but it was no gimmick.
Not off topic at all! This has everything to do with QB improvements. Good to read someone else shares my perspective.
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Old 02-24-2009, 05:23 PM   #172
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by NYyankz225
I have a question about the accuracy section. Don't know if this was mentioned....

Based on your new algorithm...It seems like there's no way that a ball can be thrown behind the receiver. I think having an inaccurate qb throw right behind a receiver running an out and into the waiting safeties arms would be good too.

I'm no programmer (or artist obviously ) but this is how it should look imo. I understand the smaller the area the less odds of the ball being thrown around that area which is why you went for the new shape. But the same should be done in a smaller fashion for the opposite side.

Just my opinion. Don't know if it's feasible or maybe I'm just misunderstanding your chart.

EXCELLENT work overall though Ian .
In my opinion you're reading the chart wrong, the WR circle is not the target, the dashed circle is the perfect throw. So there is a small chance of throwing behind the receiver and the chance to throw wide, high or low grows as it goes out. In essence pretty much spot on for an out pattern IMO.
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Old 02-24-2009, 05:26 PM   #173
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by splff3000
Sorry to get off topic fellas, but how can you say take out vision cone and then let's get back to straight up sim football. The vision cone is/was sim football. You may not have liked the way it looked on the field, but it was no gimmick.
Even if the vision cone was/is sim, he can still say get rid of it, because a game can be sim without it. And if a game can be sim without it, what need would there be for it except as some add on, that's an option at best and irrelevant at worst.

Last edited by LBzrule; 02-24-2009 at 05:29 PM.
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Old 02-24-2009, 05:58 PM   #174
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Absolutely awesome.

If we can get some new throws added in as a result of the new ratings (i.e. touch passes, instead of just bullets and lobs), this will be amazing. Cover 2 will become a very viable defense package against those QBs that flat out can't stretch out the safeties deep.

And I love the fact that someone who gets sacked while throwing will throw interceptions, incompletions etc again. I hated having a guy wrapped around the QB and the QB is able to get off a laser perfect pass.

In the end, I hope this technology leads to passing that is slightly harder (yet, with a good touch pass, will allow you to beat defenses). When you're no longer able to complete a 10 yard pass, given 3 chances every time, people will start running the ball again.
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Old 02-24-2009, 06:10 PM   #175
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by LBzrule
Even if the vision cone was/is sim, he can still say get rid of it, because a game can be sim without it. And if a game can be sim without it, what need would there be for it except as some add on, that's an option at best and irrelevant at worst.
I liked the vision cone a lot, but yeah, it doesn't, in and of itself, decide whether Madden is "sim" or not. The same effect can be simulated in a number of ways, which we've had endless discussion about.

The biggest problem with the sim argument is that we want to, for the most part, retain control. In most cases, more control = less sim, and vica virca. By putting the function of the vision cone (to make smart, experienced QBs commensurately better than their lesser counterparts) under the hood, you make the game "more sim" by taking control away from the player.

The nice thing about the vision cone is that it struck a good balance between sim and control. However, it was probably too much control as it made the player's job more difficult, and often frustrating. Much as I liked it, I'd rather see something less intrusive.
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Old 02-24-2009, 06:18 PM   #176
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Yes im very excited
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