
NCAA Football 10 Info

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Old 02-12-2009, 06:36 PM   #129
OMT's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Info

Originally Posted by youALREADYknow
Again... read the thread in the Madden section. It is from a person with knowledge of the gameplay development.
Yes, the Madden thread is the better place to discuss the effects on gameplay.
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Old 02-13-2009, 05:59 PM   #130
heavy_hitter's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Info

Originally Posted by youALREADYknow
Again... read the thread in the Madden section. It is from a person with knowledge of the gameplay development.

It know where says in that first post of that thread the AI will be changed. Not one place. Please post a link of where Ian says "PA will change AI." You can't do it because it isn't there. If you can find it, I will eat crow.
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Old 02-13-2009, 06:10 PM   #131
youALREADYknow's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Info

Originally Posted by heavy_hitter
It know where says in that first post of that thread the AI will be changed. Not one place. Please post a link of where Ian says "PA will change AI." You can't do it because it isn't there. If you can find it, I will eat crow.
It was suggested multiple times by Ian in that thread, not in the first post. There is more in that thread to suggest that the AI will in fact be changed in SOME areas to take advantage of PA than the idea spread through this thread that it is just a cosmetic stand-alone change.

Having said that, my livelihood doesn't depend on the validity of his suggestive posts, so you'll have to wait just like us all to find out how much this is going to actually matter in the game. Like I said in this thread, I have serious doubts about how well this will be implemented given the track record.
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Old 02-14-2009, 01:30 AM   #132
NikB13's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Info

Thanx for the info. Any news is a plus, if a little thing helps the game feel more realistic, than im all for it.
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Old 02-14-2009, 03:24 AM   #133
m00d's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Info

I'm not holding my breath for anything from EA which makes the game more realistic.
IMO EA could care less about realism, they only care about sales and what increases sales.
This is how it should be as EA is in the business of making money, and with the monopoly they now have customer loyalty and satisfaction aren't prominent concerns. Lets face it, rather then beat the competition with a better product EA used it's superior resources to squash the competition with the exclusive NCAA rights.

I'm not blasting EA as the 'bad guys', heck its the same with all businesses. Look at Call of Duty, what a joke. In Team Death Match one scores 10 points for every kill while giving up 10 points to the opposition each time one is killed. However the final scores do not reward strategic game play, game play that actually helps one's team. The top scorer may have 40 kills and 50 deaths, which means he actually cost his team 100 points. The bottom guy may have 3 kills and 1 death, which means he scored 20 points for his team. So why would COD have such a stupid backasswards way of scoring? Because if they scored the game correctly the masses would complain and sales would drop. With all the game types available online couldn't thet give us one called 'True Score'. Where the guy with the best kill to death ratio was the top scorer? Ain't never gonna happen...

Or Fight Night, one of the best games ever IMO. I still play this game locally against buddies all the time and eagerly look forward to round 4. But I know as well as I'm sitting here there will be some gimmick that the masses will use while throwing out all things true to the sweet science. When we play locally we do not use haymakers. Why wouldn't EA have a online mode called "Strategic" where there were no haymakers? Because all the punks that practice their one haymaker punch for hours on end then jump online to bore the tears out of sim boxers would be unhappy.

I've been running our OD since July and I know that 9 out of 10 new members will quit within the first couple of games. Why? Because our sliders are insanely hard and they will loose a game, then they quit. So if this is how people (game buyers) are then it's no wonder EA and all other game developers create games where the user can feel superior all the time. Realism is not what the masses want, and it never ever will be, at least not in our life time.

My friends list has grown rather large from all the guys who have joined and quickly quit our dynasty. When I'm watching the dashboard I still see most of them playing this game, so they indeed enjoy the game. But what I see is amazing. The vast majority of the time I see them play a offline dynasty game I see total complete blowouts, in favor of the user of course. I wonder to myself why they continue to do this? Nothing wrong with this as it's a video game, but I can't have fun beating the crap out of every team. But most guys can, and that in a nutshell is why we will never have a realistic game, because realism would bring difficulty, and hardly anyone wants that.

You've all seen proof of what I'm saying many times. Just jump online and join a quick game, I'll bet you my last dollar you will be facing Florida, Texas, Ohio St, etc. You know the drill... Guys only want to win and win at all cost. Realism? That's the furthest thing from their mind. EA knows this and they design and market their product accordingly, what else should we expect?

All I ask of EA is to give us a slider for every player attribute. Then this minuscule group of realism junkies who frequent this forum will have a shot at having the game we truly desire. I realize we are but a drop in the ocean of potential buyers, and that most gamers don't even know what the sliders are for. But throw us this one cookie EA, then we can create the experience we desire without effecting your sales.

EA, if you really want to be generous how about adding a Heisman online ranking system?
Or a custom match where one can select a top and bottom level for overall team talent.
Or bring back even teams for ranked games. Why did you take that out? I guess it pissed off the Gator users since it took away their advantage, poor fellows.

Wonder why they don't do these things guys? It's the same reason COD scores the worst team player above the best team player in team death match. This is the world we live in...

It's not a mistake or bad programming which makes the defenders on kick returns turn and run with the return man. This is how EA wanted it. They wanted people to return KO/Punts at will. It's no accident that offensive speed dwarfs defensive speed, that's the way they wanted it. It's no accident that one can take a Sun Belt team to the national title. It's no accident that one can recruit as well as USC with the same sun belt team. It's no accident one can get a invite to the SEC with that same sun belt team in only 3 years of play. Why would EA want to do these things? Because that's the way the masses want it. So it's silly to think EA will ever decide to not give the masses what they want.

So again EA just give us a slider for every player attribute and while your at it please allow the sliders a OD chooses to use apply to human v human games as well as human v cpu games.

I'll end by saying the addition of Online Dynasties was the best thing I've ever seen happen to any game. Huge thumbs up here EA. Absolutely incredible!

Didn't mean to be a Debbie Downer... Just had to vent as I've been working on our OD sliders again the last few days... I just want to tools needed to fix things....

Camper Tube
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Old 02-14-2009, 08:42 AM   #134
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Info

Originally Posted by m00d
I'm not holding my breath for anything from EA which makes the game more realistic.
IMO EA could care less about realism, they only care about sales and what increases sales.
This is how it should be as EA is in the business of making money, and with the monopoly they now have customer loyalty and satisfaction aren't prominent concerns. Lets face it, rather then beat the competition with a better product EA used it's superior resources to squash the competition with the exclusive NCAA rights.

I'm not blasting EA as the 'bad guys', heck its the same with all businesses. Look at Call of Duty, what a joke. In Team Death Match one scores 10 points for every kill while giving up 10 points to the opposition each time one is killed. However the final scores do not reward strategic game play, game play that actually helps one's team. The top scorer may have 40 kills and 50 deaths, which means he actually cost his team 100 points. The bottom guy may have 3 kills and 1 death, which means he scored 20 points for his team. So why would COD have such a stupid backasswards way of scoring? Because if they scored the game correctly the masses would complain and sales would drop. With all the game types available online couldn't thet give us one called 'True Score'. Where the guy with the best kill to death ratio was the top scorer? Ain't never gonna happen...

Or Fight Night, one of the best games ever IMO. I still play this game locally against buddies all the time and eagerly look forward to round 4. But I know as well as I'm sitting here there will be some gimmick that the masses will use while throwing out all things true to the sweet science. When we play locally we do not use haymakers. Why wouldn't EA have a online mode called "Strategic" where there were no haymakers? Because all the punks that practice their one haymaker punch for hours on end then jump online to bore the tears out of sim boxers would be unhappy.

I've been running our OD since July and I know that 9 out of 10 new members will quit within the first couple of games. Why? Because our sliders are insanely hard and they will loose a game, then they quit. So if this is how people (game buyers) are then it's no wonder EA and all other game developers create games where the user can feel superior all the time. Realism is not what the masses want, and it never ever will be, at least not in our life time.

My friends list has grown rather large from all the guys who have joined and quickly quit our dynasty. When I'm watching the dashboard I still see most of them playing this game, so they indeed enjoy the game. But what I see is amazing. The vast majority of the time I see them play a offline dynasty game I see total complete blowouts, in favor of the user of course. I wonder to myself why they continue to do this? Nothing wrong with this as it's a video game, but I can't have fun beating the crap out of every team. But most guys can, and that in a nutshell is why we will never have a realistic game, because realism would bring difficulty, and hardly anyone wants that.

You've all seen proof of what I'm saying many times. Just jump online and join a quick game, I'll bet you my last dollar you will be facing Florida, Texas, Ohio St, etc. You know the drill... Guys only want to win and win at all cost. Realism? That's the furthest thing from their mind. EA knows this and they design and market their product accordingly, what else should we expect?

All I ask of EA is to give us a slider for every player attribute. Then this minuscule group of realism junkies who frequent this forum will have a shot at having the game we truly desire. I realize we are but a drop in the ocean of potential buyers, and that most gamers don't even know what the sliders are for. But throw us this one cookie EA, then we can create the experience we desire without effecting your sales.

EA, if you really want to be generous how about adding a Heisman online ranking system?
Or a custom match where one can select a top and bottom level for overall team talent.
Or bring back even teams for ranked games. Why did you take that out? I guess it pissed off the Gator users since it took away their advantage, poor fellows.

Wonder why they don't do these things guys? It's the same reason COD scores the worst team player above the best team player in team death match. This is the world we live in...

It's not a mistake or bad programming which makes the defenders on kick returns turn and run with the return man. This is how EA wanted it. They wanted people to return KO/Punts at will. It's no accident that offensive speed dwarfs defensive speed, that's the way they wanted it. It's no accident that one can take a Sun Belt team to the national title. It's no accident that one can recruit as well as USC with the same sun belt team. It's no accident one can get a invite to the SEC with that same sun belt team in only 3 years of play. Why would EA want to do these things? Because that's the way the masses want it. So it's silly to think EA will ever decide to not give the masses what they want.

So again EA just give us a slider for every player attribute and while your at it please allow the sliders a OD chooses to use apply to human v human games as well as human v cpu games.

I'll end by saying the addition of Online Dynasties was the best thing I've ever seen happen to any game. Huge thumbs up here EA. Absolutely incredible!

Didn't mean to be a Debbie Downer... Just had to vent as I've been working on our OD sliders again the last few days... I just want to tools needed to fix things....

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Old 02-14-2009, 01:26 PM   #135
MtneerManiac's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Info

All you did was give them a "cheat sheet" of excuses they can use when asked why the game plays bad. lol
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Old 02-15-2009, 03:38 PM   #136
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As long as there are using ideas from other games take player dna from nba live 09! So player stick 2 there tendencies. Qb like South Florida Matt Grothe, and Vatech Tyrod Taylor or runners who never take off in the game. Iikewise pocketpasser should stay in the pocket more often then not! Better tendencies should equal better execution! And with Procedural Awareness it should be great but its gotta work both ways and it should lead 2 more arid passes that hit the ground untouched by either sides
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