
OS NBA 2K9 Matchup: Kobe vs. Lebron

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Old 02-04-2009, 02:12 PM   #9
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Well, unlike you, for now I will definitely pick LeBron. You wrote this article after Kobe's 61 impression but that probably was his best game in his entire career (for scoring efficiency, I think it was better than his 81 points effort, he got 61 with only 30 shots, and he needed 46 shots to get 81 points).
And honestly, those kobe fans says kobe can do whatever at will at this stage is non-sense. If he can scored 61 points night in and night out if he wants, I see no reason why he couldn't lead the Lakers to Champion last year? Don't blame his crew again, Lakers without Bynum still got the best and deepest supporting cast than almost anyone in the league. Kobe is certainly obsessed with winning, I will give you that, but is his mentality and ability capable to do that for his team? My answer is NO. On the other hand, I think LeBron is the type that if he wants, he can easily surpass everyone including Kobe in every basketball catalogue. He knows how to win, and he knows how to lead his team to win. He trust his teammates and he knows his teammates very well. He can score with ease if he wants, but as he often puts, his ideal stats is 20-10-10. He is not obsessed with scoring at all, yet he still averaged almost 28 ppg. His shot choices are also much better than Kobe's. (His career FG% is better than the highest FG% for Kobe in any season). Yes it is scary when you saw how Kobe dropped 61 points the other night, but don't forget he also got many 11FGM/30FGA games instead of 19FGM/FGA. In fact, one stats says LeBron only got 4 games out of 5xx games in his career that he missed 20 or more shots. Meanwhile, Kobe got 84 of such game in his 1xxx career games. Kobe is a great individual player, but he can only win when there is another 1 or 2 allstar play with him. On the contrary, LeBron pretty much can do all by himself so far. That for me, is truely amazing.
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Old 02-04-2009, 04:25 PM   #10
bowdown2shadi's Arena
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Re: OS NBA 2K9 Matchup: Kobe vs. Lebron

DON'T compare Kobe to Jordan. For those who have not seen this already -

And don't compare LeBron to Jordan, LeBron made his FIRST game winning jumpshot about a month ago. Until LeBron gets a automatic jumpshot, don't put him in the same sentence as Jordan. Yup, its like that.
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Old 02-05-2009, 12:40 AM   #11
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I chose Kobe too, he is way more clutch than LeBron. And if I was to rate him with Jordan being a 10, Kobe is a 9. Kobe has the ability to decide what he wants when he wants it. And he plays defense too. LeBron needs to up the defense and then we have a debate.
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Old 02-05-2009, 12:04 PM   #12
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Re: OS NBA 2K9 Matchup: Kobe vs. Lebron

Originally Posted by bigboii30
I chose Kobe too, he is way more clutch than LeBron. And if I was to rate him with Jordan being a 10, Kobe is a 9. Kobe has the ability to decide what he wants when he wants it. And he plays defense too. LeBron needs to up the defense and then we have a debate.
bron plays better defense than kobe
kobe's defense is criminally overated
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Old 02-05-2009, 04:35 PM   #13
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Re: OS NBA 2K9 Matchup: Kobe vs. Lebron

Originally Posted by Scrooge
bron plays better defense than kobe
kobe's defense is criminally overated
i would have called u a fool last year for making this statement but 4 whatever reason something has clicked in lebron's james this year and he's still making vast improvements by the game on the defensive end...if u think abt it he has the tools to be the greatest defender that ever lived because he is the only player in the league who realistically has the ability to play all 5 positions and is faster and quicker than alot of point guards and stronger than alot of centers in the league...its just that he has to concentrate on strengthening all things at once and its happening at a frightening pace this year!!! his blocks are starting to get out of control to the point where they are more exciting to me than his offense...that block he had on the chris bosh dunk attempt was crazy because it tells u a number of things, first of all bosh wouldn't have tried that if he wasn't getting away with that move or something similar to that on lebron during olympics practice. So that means that we are seing first hand this year a killer instinct develop in lebron by making a block he wouldn't have tried to make 4 months ago...he's now a more feared shot blocker than josh smith!!
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Old 02-05-2009, 04:38 PM   #14
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Re: OS NBA 2K9 Matchup: Kobe vs. Lebron

and the thing is kobe's defense isn't overrated its just that a switch has gone off in lebron's head and he will be as great as he allows himself to be...he is the one player that has no limits as to how good he can be...and he's already better than kobe overall with an average jumper at best, hell tony parker has a better jumper than he does lol
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Old 02-08-2009, 10:35 PM   #15
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everyone knows that kobe's shooting is what makes kobe better than lebron right now.
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Old 02-09-2009, 05:53 PM   #16
bowdown2shadi's Arena
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Re: OS NBA 2K9 Matchup: Kobe vs. Lebron

Originally Posted by ballaspence9493
everyone knows that kobe's shooting is what makes kobe better than lebron right now.
Of course. Once LeBron develops an automatic jumpshot, he will be better than Kobe.
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