12-18-2008, 03:12 PM
Re: When a Patch is Just Too Late to Save a Game
Halo 3 did some sort of public beta for the online portion of the game. Seems like you could figure out some type of limited beta system that maybe only used two teams and one stadium, but would at least allow people to play around with the general gameplay.
My thoughts on your patch system are that you guys simply are inefficient with what you do. You release minimalist patches, when you really could quite easily do a lot more.
I'm coming from online play, but this year the following things were not addressed in the patch, and there's really no reason for them not to be. I'm not talking about adding new graphic displays or anything super complex like that. I'm talking about tweaks to the gameplay engine:
- DL get pushed to ground way too often. I'm not saying they need to "win" more often, but a huge part of the problem with your pass rush is that 2 or 3 guys get knocked to the ground, so then when somebody does beat their guy, extra blockers come over and pick him up. Surely there's a way that you guys can tweak this so that the animations that are resulting in DL ending up on the ground play out less often.
- Man to man coverage is useless. It's simply terrible. Surely there is some way that you guys could have relatively easily tweaked man coverage to not be so horrible.
- Field Goals can be kicked from way too far out. I can easily make 55 yard kicks with average kickers. Seriously, this can't be hard to tweak.
- QBs are ridiculously accurate, even on the run and way behind the LOS. There are a whole host of ways that you could easily address this, many of which have been implemented on Madden.
- Playbooks are simply incomplete. I talked with Anthony White at community day, and I understand that he has a lot on his plate pre-release with Madden coming out a month later, but there's really no reason at all that you guys could follow up with some type of downloadable content later in the year that had updated playbooks. Hell, even if you just take plays and formations that are used in Madden, it would expand the NCAA playbooks a ton.
Your standard appears to be "only fix in a patch if it's absolutely necessary, fix all other things the next year." You need to abandon that approach. Your standard ought to be "if we can reasonably fix this with a patch, then we ought to do so." Patch it in when the problem is identified, and then fix it permanently for the next year.
And look, you guys sat on feedback for a month and a half and did nothing with it, which is why your gameplay patch took over a month after release to hit. I'm not saying that you had to finalize it based on the feedback that you had, but many of the problems that we pointed out were things that everybody (even the developers who we were talking to) agreed was a problem. So there's no reason that somebody shouldn't have been working on getting all of those things patched during the lag between when the disc goes gold and when it ships. That way, you have a starting place to address more than just the most glaring problems when you start receiving feedback from the community.