
Major League Baseball 2K9 Tim Lincecum Interview

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Old 11-25-2008, 12:17 PM   #1
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Major League Baseball 2K9 Tim Lincecum Interview

ESPN has posted an interview with Tim Lincecum, cover athlete for Major League Baseball 2K9.

"Last year, MLB 2K8 confused gamers with a pitching system casual fans saw as overly complex. MLB 2K9 changes all that as the developers of the game are really looking to simplify the pitching experience while at the same time bringing more realism to the mound. Lincecum has his own thoughts of what he'd like to see in the game.

"Pitching is one of those things where a video game can only capture so much of what is really happening," he says. "Personality is something that would take gaming to a whole new level. If they could capture the attitudes of pitchers and get them how they are out on the field, capture that persona, that's what I want to see."
Platform: Xbox 360 / PS3
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Old 11-25-2008, 12:31 PM   #2
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Re: ESPN: Lincecum interview/new pitching info

As far as the video games go, if they had some sort of mini-game for pitchers to see if they could keep their emotions in check, that would be pretty awesome.

Goodness. Please no.
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Old 11-25-2008, 12:37 PM   #3
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Re: ESPN: Lincecum interview/new pitching info

How unimportant is the cover guy of any game, ugh.

If they are changing the pitching mechanics I just hope they get it right. If it means making it simpler and making the sliders what really tunes the game (AI and USER), then I'm all for it.
Just as long as it works.
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Old 11-25-2008, 12:47 PM   #4
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Re: ESPN: Lincecum interview/new pitching info

Originally Posted by jim416
How unimportant is the cover guy of any game, ugh.

If they are changing the pitching mechanics I just hope they get it right. If it means making it simpler and making the sliders what really tunes the game (AI and USER), then I'm all for it.
Just as long as it works.
That's the key. Simple yet deep.

Simple enough to use, but deep enough to manipulate as we please for realistic results.

These mini-games, gimmicks, extras are just too much. We should throw with as few button presses as possible and let ratings come into play.

It would be nice if sliders let us decide how much we wanted ratings to affect the overall location/result of the pitch.
"It may well be that we spectators, who are not divinely gifted as athletes, are the only ones able to truly see, articulate and animate the experience of the gift we are denied. And that those who receive and act out the gift of athletic genius must, perforce, be blind and dumb about it -- and not because blindness and dumbness are the price of the gift, but because they are its essence." - David Foster Wallace

"You'll not find more penny-wise/pound-foolish behavior than in Major League Baseball." - Rob Neyer
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Old 11-26-2008, 09:52 AM   #5
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Re: ESPN: Lincecum interview/new pitching info

I like the 2k8 pitching controls. they should just get rid of the magical every pitch missed turns iinto a fastball down the middle meatball thing. I hope they don't go the route of NHL2K9 which removed the prostick control that was in 2k8 to answer to the bitching about more simple controls.
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Old 11-26-2008, 10:23 AM   #6
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Re: ESPN: Lincecum interview/new pitching info

its going going GONE! im with YankeePride on this one
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Old 11-26-2008, 10:58 AM   #7
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Re: ESPN: Lincecum interview/new pitching info

Originally Posted by BigH2k5
I like the 2k8 pitching controls. they should just get rid of the magical every pitch missed turns iinto a fastball down the middle meatball thing. I hope they don't go the route of NHL2K9 which removed the prostick control that was in 2k8 to answer to the bitching about more simple controls.
yeah, simple doesn't mean better.
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Old 11-26-2008, 12:03 PM   #8
Trevytrev11's Arena
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Re: ESPN: Lincecum interview/new pitching info

Originally Posted by YankeePride
That's the key. Simple yet deep.

Simple enough to use, but deep enough to manipulate as we please for realistic results.

These mini-games, gimmicks, extras are just too much. We should throw with as few button presses as possible and let ratings come into play.

It would be nice if sliders let us decide how much we wanted ratings to affect the overall location/result of the pitch.
I hope they can find a way to implement both systems for yours and my sake, because personally, I like to be in control of the outcome. I enjoy realistic results, but to me they should be achieved through a good system and not just ratings...otherwise, why even use the controller...why even have the ability dictate what pitch should be thrown if the stats dictate otherwise?

I agree that the results have to be realistic, but I think that can be achieved in one of two ways:
1) The game uses stats and ratings and controls the outcome. (Ex: I press the a button, the pitcher executes whatever pitch his ratings and stats tell him to throw and the outcome is basically a random calculation of those stats).
2) The game has a system in place in which, when used properly at the right difficulty level, the outcomes are realisitc. (Ex: I control everything as best I can, I choose the pitch I feel is right for the situation based on how my guy is throwing, and if I execute everything perfect, I hit my spot, if I'm off a little, the pitch will be off a little).

My main problem with #1 is it just takes the feel out of the game. Scouting reports, stats and ratings are fine for a game plan, but they don't work nearly as well from pitch to pitch. Ex: If a guys late on a 0-1 fastball, and now you have an 0-2 count, you should probably stick with the heat, but the overall ratings may say curveball...In real life, you'd be doing the hitter a huge favor by giving him something he can catch up to.

The whole reason I play video games is to be involved in the game as much as possible, not to sit back and let the computer make all the choices. I like to decide the pitch type and location and then execute the pitch. I like to swing the bat, run the bases and make the plays in the field. Otherwise, your just playing Strat-O-Matic baseball with pretty pitctures.

Last edited by Trevytrev11; 11-26-2008 at 12:07 PM.
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