
It's Time for a New Next-Gen Football Franchise

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Old 09-29-2008, 12:50 AM   #1
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RaychelSnr's Arena
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It's Time for a New Next-Gen Football Franchise

Despite the successes of Madden and NCAA Football this season, our very own rookie writing phenomenon Steven Bartlett checks in today to explain that they just aren't enough. In fact, Bartlett argues it is time for a new next-gen football franchise.

"It seems like there have been a lot of sports titles on next-gen consoles, but not many have actually lived up to standards of being "next gen" to me. That doesn't seem to make sense does it? The Xbox 360 and PS3 are capable of pumping out extraordinary games; we've seen them in various genres outside the sports world. It’s time we get these games right -- after all, $60 for a piece of software better last a while, right?"
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Old 09-29-2008, 01:03 AM   #2
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As usual, another great artile here on OS. Hopefully, folks from EA etc. browse this site for some of the actual insight from gamers on what we want/like/dislike etc. reagrding sports gaming.
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Old 09-29-2008, 02:48 AM   #3
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Pleaseeeeeeeeeee let SOMEBODY important read this
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Old 09-29-2008, 02:59 AM   #4
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Re: It's Time for a New Next-Gen Football Franchise

it is time for something to happen but i just don't think they will with the way EA owns the rights to both NCAA and the NFL.

At least with the mlb the 2k company lets 989 sports to use the rights to the MLB so they can dish out there own game for the ps3 people.

well who knows what will happen in the future
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Old 09-29-2008, 06:02 AM   #5
speedkills's Arena
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Re: It's Time for a New Next-Gen Football Franchise

EA has the rights to the AFL, so it would make sense to build off the Madden engine
By "engine" what exactly are you referring to? What does "engine" mean to you?

lol j/k I couldn't resist.

If there's going to be a truly next-gen football franchise to match the quality of other next gen standard setters (COD 4, GOW, HALO 3 etc.) then please give another developer a shot. No offense but if one developer is the reason next gen football is lackluster to begin with why go with more of the same?

/ .02
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Old 09-29-2008, 10:00 AM   #6
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Great article! You certainly made some good points that ought to be applied to almost all the other major sports genres. But when you think about it, why should EA make ANY changes?

After all, the gaming industry is a BUSINESS and you chumps keep buying iteration after iteration of the same game with minor changes at $60 a pop. In fact, it appears there's even more chumps this year since I recall Peter Moore bragging about major sales numbers on the Madden series.

It's ridiculous how sports games have development cycles of one year. Polished titles like COD4 took 2 years, while even not so polished games such as Too Human took 10. With so many nuances in sports, from player animations to team strategies, how much of an improvement can really be made in a year? Heck, Starcraft's beta testing lasts longer than their development cycles. These sports series should, at most, be released every other year and then constantly updated while they develop a TRUE sequel, not a repackaged patch.

The worst part in all this is when sports games hype up their annual sequel by adding some poorly implemented feature and slapping on a fancy name i.e. Quick Strike of NBA Live 08. After some extended play, most gamers will find these new features are rarely well-balanced. When you finally realize how many bugs are in the game and how poorly it simulates the actual sport, you know you've just paid $60 to be a BETA TESTER for next year's game. I find it insulting and so should you.

But as I stated before, I understand sports games are a business and licensing can be expensive. I would not be opposed to paying a subscription for these updates in between sequels if game companies were to follow this model.
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Old 09-29-2008, 01:20 PM   #7
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I am going to put a new football franchise higher on my prayer list. EA has no incentive to improve Madden and they have shown levels of laziness that are both scary and infuriating. Worse, they are now a textbook example of why monopolies are typically bad for the consumer.

If any developer is reading this - please bring us a new football franchise. Something professional. I'll even volunteer to contribute ideas.

Please...someone...free us from EA...please.
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Old 09-29-2008, 02:49 PM   #8
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This would be great to see an AFL game but EA sports has all the rights and I doubt they will put much energy into another football game.

Its just a crying shame that there is no diversity in pro football because EA has a license/monopoly on it. I long for the days of 2K football or NFL Fever....but they are both dead without licensing. Cry to EA sports....but I doubt they will care.
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