This is a terrific article, thanks for writing it. I appreciate articles that recognize that while the critical mass of hardcore gamers is that group of teenage and college-age males for which time is a surplus but (real) responsbility at a relative minimum...the average age of gamers is something like 29, and there are a lot of dedicated and knowledgeable gamers who have to balance that activity with work and family.
I will consider your suggestions and read the comments as well. But I just feel like I'm fighting a losing battle to save a hobby that I truly enjoy. And it kinda depresses me. Got married on May 31, 2008 (congrats to you, by the way), and it's great, but the woman just fundamentally does not believe that we should be in the same house but in separate rooms doing totally isolated things. This only really becomes an issue with gaming (and maybe watching sports). I point out to her all the time that I could be one of those guys who still goes over to buddies' houses or out to bars and drinks while she's home alone, and that at least with THIS hobby, I'm at home with her! But it doesn't seem to matter.
The WORST part of it is that our HDTV is in the bedroom, which means ZERO gaming when she goes to bed, which is generally 11pm. If I were able to just play uninterrupted after she goes to sleep (such as in the man-caves referenced above), I would do that almost exclusively, and the "attention" thing might not even be an issue. But she doesn't seem to want me playing then either.
Anyway, good article. Keep fighting the good fight. Better go before the wife figures out that I post messages on a video game chatboard....Or that there's a $50 annual fee for XBox Live...she might be starting to get wise to that one