
FIFA 09 Demo Available, Impressions Here

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Old 09-14-2008, 09:18 AM   #169
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Re: FIFA 09 Demo Available, Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Vince
Have you played PES on the Wii?

The passing gives you so many options. It's really a true lead/area passing.

It's hard as **** though.
Nope. I'm a graphics ho' and like having 72 buttons to press. And I'd look real stupid flailing my arms around in my living room for the neighbors to see. LOL. Yeah Fifa PC has a mouse configuration where you can point and aim which seems like a knockoff of PES's scheme. Just not interactive enough for me. Plus, I'm a Pro Cam kinda guy. It wouldn't work with the point and pass model......
Note to Tiburon Marketing:

A great product sells itself, no "back of the box" features required! (See Fifa...)

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Old 09-14-2008, 11:35 AM   #170
therizing02's Arena
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Re: FIFA 09 Demo Available, Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Vince
Have you played PES on the Wii?

The passing gives you so many options. It's really a true lead/area passing.

It's hard as **** though.
FIFA 09 on the Wii has the same passing model. You're right, it's very difficult.
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Old 09-14-2008, 12:23 PM   #171
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Re: FIFA 09 Demo Available, Impressions Here

Originally Posted by P2K
CPU gets the ball in the middle near the penalty area and gets pressured...what does he do? He dribbles the ball ALLLLLLLLLLLL the way over to the flanks and finds a way to cross it!

FIFA 08 again.
Yeesh... That was a truly horrible bit of game programming in last year's game, and it hasn't been fixed? Looks like I'll be renting this title first.
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Old 09-14-2008, 12:27 PM   #172
Moses Shuttlesworth's Arena
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Re: FIFA 09 Demo Available, Impressions Here

Originally Posted by baa7
Yeesh... That was a truly horrible bit of game programming in last year's game, and it hasn't been fixed? Looks like I'll be renting this title first.
Idk if that will cause me to rent the game as opposed to buying it, but it puzzles me how they haven't fixed it yet,
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Old 09-14-2008, 12:43 PM   #173
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Guys, I'm trying to pull off dummies by using the RB button, but it seems it only responds to the command 20% of the time, even when the receiving player is facing the ball while it's coming to him. Does anyone else have that problem. It's a great addition to the gameplay when it does work.

A few pages back someone said they could not change the camera zoom or height in the demo, you can by changing the "default" camera setting to "custom" and then playing with the sliders.
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Old 09-14-2008, 04:24 PM   #174
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Re: FIFA 09 Demo Available, Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Moses Shuttlesworth
Idk if that will cause me to rent the game as opposed to buying it, but it puzzles me how they haven't fixed it yet,
The problem, is that bit of horrible, idiotic programming happens a huge percentage every time the CPU brings the ball up and into the User's end of the pitch. Couple that with the game speed issues (too fast) that I'm seeing in the vids and reading about here, and the game for me has gone from a must-buy to a will-rent-first.
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Old 09-14-2008, 04:39 PM   #175
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Re: FIFA 09 Demo Available, Impressions Here

The more I play the demo, the less I like it.

I'm still see the same ol' "CPU will dribble forever until pressured and will pass as a last resort" dealy. And because of this, I'm stealing the ball WAY too much because the CPU just does not like passing the ball around.

There's no building up of an attack from the CPU. It's the same "dribble, dribble, dribble-pass as a last resort-make perfect pass to someone down the flank so he can cross it" crap. With the a little more than occasional pop it up the middle play.

Listen, it's not God awful. But still...
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Old 09-14-2008, 05:30 PM   #176
EXboxur's Arena
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Icon1 Re: FIFA 09 Demo Available, Impressions Here

Things I noticed in the demo while playing on World Class (360):

* Ball hook and slice. Players seem to have a good idea of which part of their foot to strike the ball with. Kuranyi, for example, was to the right side of the goal, just outside the box and I struck the ball looking to go to the left (far) post. Well, Kuranyi struck the ball with his right foot, as that is where the ball was at the time, but he used the outside of his foot and the ball sliced wonderfully, just missing the left post. (I'm not talking about free kicks here.)

* Players movement into space and calling for ball. Having said that, players should still make diagonal runs or bend them a bit.

* Defenders react better.

* D-pad tactics are great.

* Refs and linesman. Finally!

* Keepers move quickly to distribute the ball.

* Dummy pass button.

* Collisions.

* Game speed is too fast, even on the Slow setting. Not quite PES, but, errrr. (Yes, I know it can be adjusted and I KNOW it's not the final version, but I'm giving you my opinion.) I want some build up in MY play AND CPU play. The fact that the demo is only 2x2min does create a sense of urgency to move the ball upfield in a hurry too. EA messed up making the demo so short. It should've at least been 3x3 or 4x4 with option to turn penalites off.

* Midfield gets too ping-pongey.

* Lower star teams play like 5 star teams. (I'm looking at YOU Toronto).

* Players take too long to get passes off their feet. When you couple this with faster reacting defenders, you are left with about 0.0sec to pass the ball.

* Players take too long to control ball.

* Ball speed is too fast when shooting. Many times it looks as if my players are kicking those $1 rubber balls you get from Wal-Mart or the grocery store in those big bins. You know, the ones you throw at your little cousins head for a laugh.

* Ball is a bit floaty.

* Through balls. Assisted through balls are often placed poorly and manual through balls are either weighted too heavily or too lightly to be worthwhile. Euro 2008 had good (maybe too good) through balls.

* Passing direction seems a bit off at times. And I don't mean the pass isn't spot on. What I mean is (using the Tele cam), I'll intend to pass to a player who is at say 4 or 5 o'clock and the pass goes to a player at 3 o'clock. This doesn't ALWAYS happen, but happens just enough to be noticeable.

* Player switching is at times unresponsive or gives me a player who is pursuing the player on the ball as opposed to a player who is in a better position to cut off the player with the ball.

* Lots of balls hitting the post for me and not the CPU. Maybe I am just getting unlucky or maybe it's a case of magnet post. (I use semi for shooting just so you know.)

* Difficult moves like rainbow flick are still too easy to pull off, while step-overs are too difficult to pull off, especially from the Tele cam view.

* AI keepers distribute the ball pretty poorly, sometimes rolling the ball to a defender directly in front of them when a forward is right next to him.

* Glitchy delayed yellow card system. (This is perhaps a demo thing, but several CPU players received yellow cards when they didn't foul me or anybody else on my team. I saw the thread about this already and posted there. I know refs hold off on giving out cards so as not to disrupt play, but this is definitely a glitch related to that).

* Keepers punt the ball downfield into the backs of players several yards in front of them. I know it happens IRL, but if we are going to have these sorts of errors in the game, then we should also have players completely miss striking easy volleys, stepping on the ball and tripping when attempting to do tricks, or slipping when taking penalties (like Becks), etc.


I know it's only a demo so I'll definitely hold off from passing final judgement on the game.
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