09-12-2008, 12:43 PM
Against The Crowd!
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Re: NHL 2K9 Review
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Originally Posted by amedawg00 |
Nice Review. As a casual fan of hockey, yet fully aware of 2K's mission statement of creating sim products, i was weary of 2K9 having too much of a learning curve to actually enjoy it (see MLB 2k8, NHL 2K8, and even NBA 2K8). However, after playing, 2K once again had me immersed in the game like no other game since NBA 2K8. This company just knows how to balance sim elements and the fun factor, while capturing the intensity of hockey like no other. Anyone playing with the Broadcast/Side camera cannot honestly tell me that it isnt the best representation of seeing a hockey game on TV you will ever see. The gameplay is extremely fluid and the controls are very intuitive. Visual Concepts appreciates the "Little Things", and has once again displayed their acumen for animations that make it feel as if each and every game is unique while never seeming to be repetitive. I can finally abandon Madden, as I was just going through the motions of playing a game that just wasnt fun simply for the sake of playing a football game with the updated rosters of my Buffalo Bills. Initially, I felt that NHL 2K would hold me over until NBA 2K9, but I will be playing both for the foreseeable future. I almost let the hype of BAP in the other game affect my judgement of which to purchase, but the online 6v6 in 2K9 will more than suffice, and I dont have to worry about constant disconnects and lag. Thank god for competetion in the NHL series that offers the fans a choice. ARE YOU LISTENING commisioner Goodell?!?!, Exclusivity will breed mediocrity, and turn off your fans! (I know, you could give a rats ***, its all about the benjamins)..Sigh.....
Great post and you are so right. 2k/VC knows what they are doing when it comes to sports video games. They are the kings of making games that simulate sports to a tee. Can't wait to see what they do with baseball. 2K9 is brilliant.